Chapter 330

Enrique finished the exam, and until then, our Violets passed the time waiting in front of the academy.

We couldn’t know exactly when the exam would end, but it seemed it would wrap up soon.

While the overall curriculum at every academy tends to be similar, there are bound to be distinctive features.

“Sure seems like this academy holds the exams a bit later, doesn’t it?”


Unlike other academies where multiple tests and interviews start as early as April or late May after application submission, Vesperia Academy’s exam happened somewhat later.

This is because Vesperia Academy is exceptionally strict and picky when it comes to selecting applicants.

“I was solving a test question when suddenly, someone grabbed my shoulder and pointed towards the exit, telling me to leave. Why?”

“I heard the interviewer took one look at a candidate and immediately sent them back saying they didn’t like the person. Isn’t that insane?”

“The academy reduces the review process by ruthlessly eliminating applicants they don’t fancy.”

Thus, even if they take the test a bit later, there shouldn’t be any issue when the new semester starts in September.

Just listening to reviews about the interviews or exams from here and there made it clear that Vesperia Academy’s evaluation standards are incredibly strict.

It seems like they apply ridiculously high standards, rejecting applicants without hesitation and selecting from those who remain.

“So that’s why it takes so long for evaluations.”

That also meant they had a great deal of pride.

Except for the training program Magnavis runs to develop talent on its own, Vesperia Academy was known as the best among the schools that specialize in teaching magic.

“It’s going to be fine!”

Thinking about it, Enrique had a surprising streak of brilliance.

To wield magic requires a deep understanding of the laws of nature and mathematical abilities.

“But still, they can’t match our Violets!”

“Exactly, we are the true geniuses!”

As our discussion about the unparalleled genius of our Violets continued endlessly, the others either carried on with their tasks or took a break.

First, we had to keep an eye on the production work and the endless battles at Karnak Base.

“The 12th bunker has collapsed! Construction Violets, prepare for action!”

“I knocked out a suspicious soldier trying to extort money in the alley. I hope I won’t be caught!”

“Don’t worry, they’re dumb!”

Occasionally, we talked about incidents happening outside the Rustroom Archipelago and carefully checked the process of replenishing weaponry and ammunition.

“Hey, these bullets are too stiff to fit into the cartridge. Is the press machine old or what?”

“Press harder!”

Recently, we had bought manual machines to gradually replenish bullets and iron marbles.

Though it was on a smaller scale compared to the clan’s bulk purchasing in box units, it was just right for producing hard-to-find, expensive special ammunition.

With music or videos playing in the background while we immersed ourselves in our work, time flew by.

Before we knew it, several hours had passed. Lifting my head, I noticed soft, wavy orange hair in the distance.

“How was it?”

A confident smile was on Enrique’s face.

“I think I passed!”

Well, I guess the result speaks for itself.


Around this time, when early summer was approaching, the academy city was wrapping up its recruitment of new talent.

Analysts at the Rumyx Foundation referred to this time, when the flow of people to and from Rustroom was at its peak, as the season of purification.

Primarily because it was around this time that hidden talents and businesses often came to light.

On the surface, the streets appeared peaceful, but beneath that, dangerous ideas were wriggling.

Technologies that infringe on patent rights, bizarre relics or ideas, and talents with unique abilities. All these risk factors threatened the order of the academy city.

This was as dangerous as a child with a grenade.

It is the duty of adults to control children, so knowledge and skills must go to those who are qualified.

Thus, today too, agents from the Intellectual Property Sequestration Enforcement Department dealt with yet another dangerous technology.



No, I’d say it was more accurate to say they rescued him.

Under the foundation’s warm care, the young CEO of Laskrin Corporation was liberated from the heavy burden of innovation, paying for it with their spine.

“Your company has been confirmed to have illegally used the Rumyx Foundation’s patents LN-4214-BNC and LN-9312-NCC related to quantum integrated circuits and superconducting lines, in violation of foundation regulations RR-53. Therefore, they will be sealed.”

The chairman, lying face down on the floor, lifted his head.

In this situation where both the backbone of the company and his own were being broken, deep tears welled in his eyes.

Surely tears of joy at having his genius recognized.

“What… what nonsense is this? This project has been in the works since our university days! What patent infringement?! This is absurd!”

“No objections will be accepted. This is a burden you cannot manage. It’s a threat, so we will handle it for you. Nimosis Protocol, activate.”


Boom, in an instant, all the company’s data vanished.

The staff plagued by the heavy burden of knowledge cried out in relief.

“Ah, ahhh! I can’t remember! Why?!”

Sadly, the Sequestration Enforcement agents still had plenty of work to do.

“Your company stands accused of illegal relic weapon manufacturing using the mass-energy equivalence principle in violation of the Tea Time Agreement. We will recover it immediately. Resistance is futile.”

“What are you talking about? Do you think this is a nuclear weapon? This is a relic for energy production. It’s like a generator. If it truly violated the agreement, we wouldn’t even be able to roll it out. Our clan discovered it first—Urgh!”

The leader of the Esprit clan couldn’t finish his sentence.

The electromagnetic acceleration bolt precisely struck his brain’s cortex, liberating him from his agony.

The small hole poured out concerns and worries over relic management.

Another hunter, abandoning his duty of relic preservation, found solace in the warm embrace of the foundation.

“Captain! No! Arghhh!”

“Relic secured. Initiating sealing procedures.”


After physically calming those yearning desperately for the departing relics, the agents from the Sequestration Enforcement Department stepped forward for the most important task.

That was the duty they must perform as adults.

To save a single aspiring hunter, whose future was unclear.

“Enrollment is terminated. Your ability, primarily consisting of magical power release, has not been restrained. We will begin the sealing process. Follow us. We will safely protect your talent.”

“What… what do you mean? Let go! No! Mom! Dad! Help me!”

The sound of joyous gasps was abruptly cut off. The girl entered the stasis pod.

The stasis pod was loaded into a vehicle on its way to the command center.

Another wandering lamb entrusted to the foundation’s cradle; how heartwarming a sight it was.

Thus, the academy city grew a little safer under the efforts of wise adults.

Thanks to the Rumyx Foundation’s endless dedication, the sky over Rustroom remained clear today.

At least, that’s how it was recorded in the foundation’s reports.

While diligently performing weed removal duties, an agent adjusted their sunglasses and diverted their gaze.

A low, high-frequency sound echoed from the wrist area.

This sound was the bell guiding the hand of duty that the Rumyx Foundation must extend.


This signal usually rang when a new subject requiring protection was added to the data list.

The agents took a look at their terminal.

On the screen appeared a list of new suspicious technologies and inventions, noteworthy business figures and academic personnel, as well as information on young awakened ones that required special management.

“Hey, aren’t these the awakened ones from the laboratory we stopped tracking last time?”

“Confirmed. It seems to be that place.”

[Upload complete – Missing persons list from Sellafield Laboratory.]

The agents scrutinized the information. It was truly a sad situation.

Girls who had been entrusted to the laboratory, abandoned by their parents at such a young age; it was nothing short of tragic.

Among them, the girl at the forefront was one who possessed uncontrollable power.

At such a young age, being inherently a source of high radiation while also equipped with unprecedented high-power magic was indeed unprecedented.

Who could care for this cursed child, abandoned by her parents?

Only the foundation.

“Once this matter is over, we’ll start the search immediately… For now, let’s check the enrollment list.”


While the agents of the Sequestration Enforcement Department grumbled, they readied themselves to move once again.

Just like their reputation, fatigue accumulated due to successive confrontations with companies that refused to heed the foundation’s directives, using patent rights as a pretext.

There was no time to rest.

The forbidden knowledge was like Schrödinger’s cat, both everywhere and nowhere.

The Rumyx Foundation seals uncertainty with force.

The agent recalled the foundation’s motto.

“O you, intellectuals; bear the burden of the sage. Cover the threats of fear with persistent patience, and beware of laziness and the foolishness of strangers…”

They had no particular thoughts. It was just a proposition deeply embedded in their head since training days.

Wherever the foundation’s influence reached, dangerous talents were managed safely.

Unstable powers were peacefully suppressed.

This was the burden of the foundation.

The Intellectual Property Sequestration Enforcement Department now shifted their attention to the rescue of wandering delinquent youths.


Unfortunately, the foundation’s watchful eyes over young awakened ones did not extend to the south.

The streets echoed with the roar of motorcycles.



Warriors from Restraid, whose love for knowledge and culture was slightly better than the Violets, were solely preoccupied with violence and brotherhood.

The behaviors of ignorant adults who didn’t know how to care for children led to the birth of violent biker student groups.

*Bang! Ratatat!*

“Argh! I clearly blocked it with a barrier!”

That was truly a tragic affair for the robbers trying to loot trucks.

Young men, eager to spend money on youthful diversions and passions by selling experimental equipment, were trampled by the merciless bikers.

“Die, you thieves!”

“This is our equipment!”

Masked girls on scooters mercilessly oppressed the mundane economic activities with their battering rams.

In the midst of the tragedy that was the collapse of free economy, motorcycles with displacement far beyond scooters charged like lightning.

Their target was the robbers in front.

The perpetrators were aghast.

The front of the bike was flamboyantly engulfed in flames.

“Wha-what?! Arghhh!”


The physical force of the vehicle impacted even an awakened one to some extent.

However, the shock exceeded what the robbers had imagined.

Flying away like bowling pins, the robbers realized in pain.

‘Damn! Did they apply magical power to the vehicle?’

More precisely, ferocious flames were raging from the fairing and front fender that covered the front part of the motorcycle.

The robber narrowly completed a half turn using muscle and joint magic, successfully landing.

“What the hell is this crazy girl doing… who the hell—”


As the robber tried to see who was the maniac lighting their bike on fire and charging, they felt a terrible heat constraining their body.

“Wha-wahhh! Arghhh!”

Even with magic, they couldn’t break free from the chains.

The chains were bizarrely resilient and the bright crimson flames flickered menacingly with each strand.

The flames consumed the man’s body like shark teeth, bringing him agony.

“Wait! I surrender! Please save me! Help!”

In the blurred vision of the screaming robber, a slender girl emerged.

“I’m sorry! I won’t do it again! I swear! I’m burning! I’m burning!”

“Seriously… why the hell are you stealing my friends’ stuff? Hold on, I’ll let you go, but I have a lot of questions. Stay still…”

Kalia retrieved the steel chain with her left arm.

Manipulating magic, she stared in shock at the robber who was still on fire.

“Wait? I released my unique ability? Why is this happening? Just wait!”

The burning robber cried out.

“Don’t kill me! Arghhh! Please save me!”

“No! I released my ability! Why is this happening?”

A Violet approaching with a fire extinguisher giggled.

“Kalia, you did release your ability! It’s just that his clothes are on fire.”

After the fire was extinguished and the soot-covered robber received a potion, Violet fell deep in thought.

Perhaps it was due to the recent growth of unique abilities, or perhaps due to various creative self-improvement attempts, Kalia had grown substantially.

The fact that she stepped forward to help this time was also likely due to her confidence in her abilities.

But then, while I anticipated the use of chains from Vittorio Arcade, I never expected her to weaponize a motorcycle.

“Didn’t this originally not happen in the main story?”


Suddenly, 6821 let out a laugh.

Four years from now, the future maniacal arsonist biker girl would boisterously crush humans with motorcycles, but at this moment she was merely whining at a soot-covered robber.

“Uh, umm… Yeah, sorry. I was trying to put the fire out…”

“Ehh! Please save me! Just please! Miss!”

“Wait, Miss?!”


“Shut up!”

Peeved at the whimpering robber who had narrowly escaped roasting, Violet smacked the robber’s head with a battering ram.

On top of that, a notoriously cranky spinstress in her ear was weakening their patience.

-Did you recover the equipment? That stuff needs to go to Pereira! Do you have any idea how much it costs? It’s well over several million credits! You idiot! Not gonna answer?

“Yeah, ma’am. We recovered it. We’ll head over there next, so hang up!”

-I told you I’m not an ma’am! How many times do I have to say it…”

Who knew that dealing with robbers who stole research equipment would lead to such hassle?

Violet tied up the robbers with ropes on the high road, then recovered the truck and headed to the rendezvous point.

The sight of Bernike waiting with her hood up at the intersection caught their eye.

“Ma’am, you seem to be on vacation quite often these days.”

Violet’s crimson eyes shifted subtly, resembling those of a parent looking at an Air Force soldier on leave.

Was it really okay to come out this frequently from a secret laboratory? It felt quite odd.

“Don’t let appearances fool you. I’m a special existence. I rank just below the final decision-maker at that laboratory. No one, aside from that bald commander, can interfere with me. So be thankful that I’m looking after you. And don’t call me something without precision like before…”

Violet cut her off.

“Got it, so you came to check on our V-animals?”

“V-animals? Such an ignorant name!”

While opening the cargo compartment and inspecting the equipment, Bernike continuously grumbled.

“Ugh! Look at this; it has a scratch. I should’ve checked before leaving. How the hell did those robbers handle the vehicle? Well, at least it’s still operational. Thank goodness.”

Once the organization was done for, Bernike closed the cargo compartment and wiped her forehead.

To Violet’s eyes, there didn’t seem to be any major issues with the equipment.

“Well, I can’t stay long since something crucial is ongoing. I barely got free of the agents claiming to be doing protective work; I have to check on those beasts and head back immediately.”

“Should I show you now?”

Just as the words left her mouth, a rat popped its head out of Kalia’s pocket, waving its paws.


“It says it’s Lemon.”

“Oh, it really does seem connected. I need to check the observation data.”

Bernike’s yellow eyes gleamed with interest as she caught sight of Lemon.

Bending over to observe the rat, Lemon, having been in Kalia’s pocket, tilted its head and sniffed.


“Hmm, I can’t tell just by looking.”

Just as Bernike stepped back, suddenly Lemon began to thrash around and squealed urgently.

“Squak! Squak!”

“Is it being dramatic, just like its owner? What’s the problem?”

“‘Something strange is on the lady!’”

Bernike’s expression turned serious.

“She’s telling me, so it must be important.”

Without hesitation, Lemon climbed up to Bernike and reached for the strange black object.

What it presented, its little paws raised high, was a struggling black object.

“Ew! A cockroach! Lemon! Get rid of that! It’s gross!”

Kalia’s eyebrows shot up.

“Wait? Did it just help Professor with a pest? Did you smell something?”

“That’s right!”

The clarity in the rat’s nod made Kalia sigh in admiration. Violet continued to interpret its speech.

“So it wasn’t just any bug? What kind of smell?”

“Look! Boss! This bug is strange!”

As Kalia digested Violet’s words, Bernike kneeled, seeming to have realized something.

Without hesitation, she grabbed the cockroach that Lemon had hold of.

“Eww, how can you touch that gross thing…”

“Shut up. You idiot.”

All three glances fell momentarily upon the cockroach’s head.

From the head to the back—the part corresponding to its chest—an uncountable number of yellow wires were intricately placed on the cleaner than hair.

A small electronic chip gleamed in the center.

“This is a microchip for controlling insects.”

“What do you mean? Don’t we control the beasts?”

“No, you empathize with those lab rats. As for the locust controller, students learn that kind of exercise in undergraduate; this one is even more advanced… No way.”

With a grimace, Bernike discarded the bug to the ground and stamped on it mightily.

“No way, a tracking device?”

“Your instinct is sharp. We need to get away from here. Move it!”

The three hurriedly loaded up the truck and got out of there.

While everyone nervously looked around, it was only the rat that kept chattering.

“Hey boss! Did I do a good job?”