Chapter 32

Gracia couldn’t help but doubt her own eyes.

Standing before her with an indifferent expression was a boy.

Specifically, it was the bizarre form of Edgar’s mana capacity that she had never seen before.

‘It’s as if the mana capacity was calculated with a ruler. How can a human body possess such a mana capacity…?’

What reflected in Gracia’s eyes was Edgar’s mana capacity.

It was like 37 mana capacities evenly distributed as if measured with a ruler.

In other words, exactly 50% of the mana capacity was in the chest area, while the remaining 36 mana capacities were evenly split into 1.38% each of that remaining 50%.

Having seen countless people’s mana capacities, this was the very first time she encountered such a case.

‘Compared to ordinary students, the quantity of mana capacities is immensely greater.’

That was not the only surprising part.

The sheer number of 37 mana capacities.

Even she barely possessed 20 mana capacities at most.

Yet this common-born boy had so many mana capacities evenly spread across his body, suggesting he could execute much finer movements.

‘Even the amount of mana he possesses is… significantly more.’

And that wasn’t all.

The black-haired boy possessed nearly the same amount of mana as Enya.

Not only was the number of mana capacities unusual, but so too was the amount of mana itself.

However, there was one question lingering: how could a boy with such nonsensical mana capacities and mana undergo an acquired awakening like no one else in history?

What could have led to such a massive quantity of mana and mana capacities… and what method could have enabled their awakening?

To uncover that secret, she would inevitably have to confront the royal family and Professor Elena.

The boy was under the protection of both the Great Mage and the Princess.

“You are… a very unique case. I’ve never seen a mana capacity distributed this evenly before.”

Having grasped Edgar’s mana capacities, Gracia calmly expressed her thoughts.

Then, with a serious look, she continued, “However… there’s really no distinguishing feature. The mana is so evenly spread out.”

But when asked if having so many mana capacities was a good thing, the answer was no.

Having a total of 37 mana capacities meant that the mana was far too finely divided.

“The number of mana capacities in your body is 37… excluding the chest’s mana capacity, all have uniform mana capacities. It’s optimized for balanced combat, but you won’t be able to execute a unique finishing move. Frankly, from a knight’s perspective, it’s the worst possible form.”

Thus, in Gracia’s judgment, Edgar’s case was the worst case.

Having a large mana capacity in the chest wasn’t particularly useful.

At best, it simply meant it was easier to distribute mana throughout the body.

“…Your ability to control mana is excellent. You can distribute mana evenly throughout your body without any loss. However… it’s going to be tough to highlight distinct traits as a knight. If the mana capacities were concentrated in your right hand, you could perform a decisive blow; if in your legs, a quick slash; if in your head, you could utilize sword techniques like Illreya… but in your case, none of those applies.”

Gracia felt a twinge of regret.

Despite having awakened mana through acquired means and managing to control it so well, the innate physicality was simply unfit, leaving clear limitations as a knight.

She patted Edgar’s shoulder and said, “But don’t be too disappointed. The answer lies in finding it for yourself. By next week, be sure to come up with training methods and techniques to compensate for your weaknesses. It might be the toughest homework you’ve ever had.”

With those words, Gracia sent Edgar back.

However, Edgar’s expression as he left showed no signs of disappointment or defeat.

Rather, it was a proud expression, even holding a hint of a smile.

‘Don’t worry, Gracia. I’ve already found the answer.’



The much-anticipated Thursday had finally arrived.

The grueling schedule of classes from Monday to Wednesday, from 9 AM to 10 PM, had come to an end.

Although this week wasn’t as tight as usual.

Given that it was the first class, they only briefly outlined the curriculum in a simple orientation format.

The only professor who conducted a fully packed class was Gracia.

“By the way, it seems most of the NPCs followed along.”

After attending all the classes by Wednesday, I noticed that several NPCs had been mirroring my timetable.

It was no trivial matter to have coinciding subjects among 53 different courses.

The probability of that happening consecutively was 1/53 several times, making it clear they followed my timetable intentionally.

“Well, that’s that, but finally!”

I decided to think about it later.

What was most important to me now was developing the reinforcement suit!

Finally, the long-awaited Thursday had arrived, and it was time to devote myself to developing the enhancement suit during the free time from Thursday to Sunday.

I would complete the defensive function I had envisioned earlier!

“Hey, Fix.”


Calling my assistant ‘Fix,’ who was pretending to be a research equipment, he happily spun his head after transforming.

I patted his head, which I hadn’t seen in a while, and said.

“Hey, buddy, you must have been bored, right? Have you been working on the research well?”


Fix had been secretly conducting the research I had instructed during my absence.

There was a chance he had produced successful results during the three days I was away.

Since Fix’s skills matched my craftsmanship level.

If he had repeated the same experiments for three days, it was worth expecting results.

Now it was time to check those results.


Fix quickly rolled on wheels, taking me somewhere.

We arrived at the space where they were researching magnetic fields using magical formulas and superconductors.


And there, I was able to witness the research achievements Fix had accomplished.

A perfectly encapsulated plasma spread across a magnetic field unfolded before my eyes.

With that, I broke into a bright smile again and patted his head.

“Good job, Fix. You’re the best assistant!”


Feeling pleased, Fix spun his head around once more.

He produced a heart icon from his chest and played some music.

Every time I praised him, that music played.

[The hidden me~ of~~~♬]

“Hey Fix, turn off the music.”


But it was time to review the research results, so I decided to postpone Fix’s little quip for later.

I asked Fix to show me the research logs so far.

Then, the records of the research began to scroll across Fix’s monitor.

I clicked on the ‘noteworthy records’ that Fix had flagged.

As I expected.

“Just as I thought, this works. Well done, Fix.”


The research results had turned out just as I expected.

To encapsulate the widely spread plasma, it required a suitable mix of the ‘Release’ formula and the ‘Preservation’ formula.

Realizing this through ‘engineering thought’, I instructed Fix to find a way to stabilize the plasma by adjusting the mana ratio used in the ‘Release’ formula and the ‘Preservation’ formula, and after many trial and error, Fix was able to discover the perfect mana ratio for both formulas.

“3.45 to 6.74.”

And that ratio was Release:Preservation = 3.45:6.74.

In other words, when pouring 3.45 mana into the release formula, 6.74 mana must be poured into the preservation formula.

Furthermore, when applied to the plasma, a ratio of 1:3.45:6.74 emerged.

This meant that to stabilize 1 of mana poured plasma, 3.45 mana had to go into the release formula, and 6.74 mana into the preservation formula.

“Phew. Now I just need to overlay the plasma shield over the mana shield.”

I had successfully managed to encapsulate the wide circular plasma with a magnetic field.

Even without modern technological prowess, this world possesses the ‘magic formula,’ which acts as an incredible cheat code.

Now it was time to overlay this plasma shield onto the mana shield.

Once that was done, a ‘Defensive Matrix Essence with 10 defense that doesn’t lose health’ would be completed.

In other words, it would serve as a shield while dealing significant damage upon approaching the enemy.

“I’m looking forward to Gracia’s reaction.”

Previously, Gracia told me something.

That I possess the worst body that limits me from showcasing my unique traits as a knight.

So, she had instructed me to come up with training methods and techniques to bolster my weaknesses.

But I was already well aware of my shortcomings and strengths.

The very reason I possessed this body was simply because I intended to have such a body.

“I’m just a battery.”

I have no talent for magic formulas.

In the first place, I can only use six formulas etched into the core mana stone.

And when asked if I have any talent with weapons or moving my body, the answer was no.

I had never even touched a sword or learned how to wield one.

“But I can make the suit.”

However, I could create an amazing suit.

By blending my knowledge of engineering and science with this world’s mana and formulas, I could create my unique suit.

So, all I need to do is play the role of the battery.

Just providing effective energy to power the suit is enough.

“Fix, let’s complete the defensive function by today.”


I aimed to have the enhancement suit at least somewhat completed before the next week’s class.

To make my role as a battery worthwhile, the suit I wore had to be impressive too.