Chapter 157
As the Second Squad held off the enemy at the Fountain Plaza, the temporary refuge near the elevator was packed.
The first reason was the sudden appearance of hundreds of Violets. The hunters hiding away witnessed a bizarre sight where hordes of troops poured out of the smoke.
“Hey! Miss, can’t you use that to escape?”
“I can’t!”
When a curious man stepped up to ask, the girl replied curtly and disappeared over the barricade.
As the onlookers pondered the girl’s true identity, a strange noise echoed above in the dark sky.
“Look! It’s a jet bike! Magnavis bastards!”
Three jet bikes carrying armed personnel were circling the refuge. As they showed signs of landing, the soldiers and hunters rushed to engage in anti-air fire.
The jet bike squad was overwhelmed by the barrage of bolts and gunfire, shooting back up into the air.
“Darn it, they’re flanking us! Keep an eye out around you!”
Chief Harbor raised his voice, encouraging his subordinates and others. Leading the group, he spoke to the Violet liaison beside him.
“Are you really sure we don’t need help? We’re up against those four major clans.”
The Chief pointed with a worried expression over the barricade. The sounds and flashes of battle created by magic brightened the area like daylight. The Violet shook her head at his words.
“Thanks, but it’s unnecessary! Just bring me a soldier! The Captain!”
Though the combat power of the surviving soldiers and the smaller clans wasn’t bad, the upcoming battle would take place in the dark city streets. Those not connected to the Violet Network in the crowded battlefield would only be a hindrance.
“Hey, teach me how to use that rifle you have. And how the exoskeleton works. Quickly!”
As Captain Klein rushed over, the Violet hurriedly started questioning him about firearms and exoskeleton usage.
“You’re asking for it right now? That can’t happen…”
“I don’t need you guys or the soldiers. Just tell me how!”
The liaison Violet absorbed equipment knowledge like a thirsty person gulping down water and transmitted it to the command center.
“Violet! Adela has regained consciousness!”
Just at that moment, Irene came looking for Violet.
The Violet Team all evacuated safely. The issue was their condition.
“Ugh, damn it…”
“Now, for the love of god, don’t speak or move!”
The one worst off was Lucian. He was completely wrecked. He had tried his best to fend off the mages’ ambush, and it ended in disaster.
Thanks to that, the other team members hadn’t sustained major injuries and quickly recovered. Aside from the still fine Daphne due to the barrier, the liveliest was only Irene.
Given the situation, Adela’s condition wasn’t good either. She had fainted while escaping due to her injuries and was dragged into the refuge by her teammates.
They were worried she wouldn’t wake up after receiving healing, but thankfully, she came around quickly.
“Where am I? Why am I here…”
She groaned in pain but quickly started surveying the situation less than a few seconds after waking up.
Unlike usual, her intelligent and sharp gaze swept the surroundings, and she attempted to stand up and return toward the barricade.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
Adela spoke anxiously while watching the jet bikes circling nearby.
“Do you see? They’re tracking me. If we want the people here to be safe, I have to leave. I’ll draw them away!”
“Follow you?”
Adela pulled out a stick shaped at a right angle, marked with intricate patterns from her garment. Irene’s eyes widened in surprise.
“This is an interdimensional signal device, right?”
“That’s right. I activated this not long ago, and then they appeared.”
At that moment, there was a brief wow from the command center. There was another motive to lure in the Magnavis trash!
I explained the current situation to Adela.
“So, their identity is the Magnavis Clan? I didn’t think they’d be after the Vision Prism…”
“Exactly! So please help me!”
Violet 303 pulled out a tablet and map data, passionately expounding upon a plan. The moment she mentioned a lure operation, everyone’s expressions turned serious.
Irene asked.
“So, if I understand correctly, Violet currently has the Vision Prism, and intends to use this and the signal device as bait to lure them in. Is that right?”
She poked the large plaza displayed on the tablet screen.
“And this here, at Lion’s Fountain Plaza, is where you plan to wipe them out. So, what do we need to do?”
“After luring them in, we’ll ambush the guy with the relic at this route leading to the plaza! If we break this, we can restore a significant portion of our combat power!”
Just after enthusiastically finishing my explanation, I hesitated to continue. The request I was about to make was incredibly dangerous.
“About the ambush at the route, we can’t handle this alone. So…”
“You want us to help?”
Adela quietly rose first.
“I have many questions about why Violet is here and the identity of that force. But the most important thing right now is to stop them. I will help as much as needed.”
Irene chimed in.
“We can’t just let those who destroyed the academy and massacred students go free, not to mention ones who commit terror with dangerous relics. Above all, it’s a friend’s request, right?”
Kalia also stumbled to rise.
“Seems like trouble just follows you around, doesn’t it?”
“Hehe, that’s right.”
“Hey, seriously! Don’t laugh! That’s why I’m willing to follow you. It makes me uneasy letting a walking disaster like you just roam around! I can’t just leave it at that as a friend. Understand?”
The mix of annoyance and kindness from a friend made me smile. Thank goodness. What about the other team members?
“I-I want to go too!”
“Levi, are you sure? Those are more dangerous than monsters.”
At my question, Levi began speaking with anger unabashed on her face. It was a rare expression.
“N-No, that’s not it. Yes, based on your description, they’re not human. They just suddenly started kidnapping others and turned people into ghouls while trying to steal relics, right? You, me, and the other team members all got hurt. They’re worse than monsters. Filth! Human filth! We need to clean up human filth! We’ve got to wipe them out! Granite, don’t you think so too?”
Granite, our lumberjack friend, vigorously agreed with Levi’s statement.
“Right! We should smash those bad guys to pieces!”
Satisfied with the excellent mental training of my siege weapon friends, I rose from my seat.
“Daphne, stay back and wait for my call if anyone gets injured!”
“I’m sorry, there’s nothing I can do…”
“It’s fine!”
Right as we were about to head over the barricade, Lucian called out to me.
“Hey, Violet. Hold my hand.”
As I did as he instructed, several small magic circles formed between our hands, and magical power flowed into my body. A considerable amount.
“Haah, I’m sorry I can’t be more helpful… I had been thinking of trying something out, but I can’t give all of it. Just use this for now.”
He embarrassedly closed his eyes and lowered his head. Was he embarrassed that he got wrecked by the Magnavis mages?
But thanks to that, our power increased. An unexpected harvest.
The Violet Team emerged from the barricade towards the passage.
Right before the small fountain plaza, the girls fearlessly faced the onslaught.
While the team members prepared for ambush and the Violet Brigade was formed and deployed, the Violets struggled against the enemy with makeshift barricades and ruined building walls, using the corpses of comrades as shields, buying time.
The enemies’ assault poured down like a torrential rain, and the small fountain plaza became stained with blood.
Vanguard agents at the forefront skillfully repelled the continuous enemy charges.
Veteran mages advanced using the durability from their armor and shields, unleashing scorching flames and destructive spells to crush the resistance.
The mages just behind them targeted the enemies with less threatening, but still dangerous, attacks while the mercenary hunters armed with crossbows picked off targets one by one in the fire-restricted battlefield.
The Violets slowly fell back but still held the fountain plaza.
「There are just too many, more than I imagined!」
The combat support displays inside their sealed masks constantly showed countless green squares indicating enemy positions.
Thanks to the tracking system marking detected enemies, fatigue was evident in the agents’ eyes.
「Damn it! That’s ridiculously filthy. Commander, is that a clone?」
One agent grumbled into the communication network. Right after intercepting an enemy soldier falling from the sky with an electric discharge, he was showered in the bursting blood.
「It is a unique ability! Didn’t you see earlier? The corpses evaporated on their own. It’s just a rather unusual clone!」
The commander responded firmly, though he secretly acknowledged that his subordinates couldn’t help but be confused. A clone spewing blood and guts.
Enemies continued to pop up no matter how many were killed. Like rats scurrying out of holes.
Even from a veteran’s perspective, he had never seen enemies charging with such tenacity.
The signal device was beyond that point, and time was of the essence. Some personnel attempted a flanking maneuver, but there were quite a few other clan hunters and remaining soldiers congregating at the suspected location of the signal device.
Given the fierce anti-air fire, it was impossible to execute a flanking strike with a small number of troops. Enemy forces were still moving in the alley.
「Watch above you. The enemy is attempting a drop attack with some flying means.」
「They’re like pests. No end in sight to killing them!」
While grumbling, a Vanguard agent intercepted yet another drop attack. The sight of the enemy was locked onto him, positioned on the right building rooftop.
About three to five enemies were crawling down. They were enemies his unit had not been able to intercept.
「Damn it, when did they get to our flank?」
The pathetic enemy charged with a clumsy sword and shield. The agent swung his alloy staff with irritation.
“Damn bug!”
He activated an enhancement spell on his staff, reinforcing his body and adding a spoonful of acceleration. The foremost enemy raised his shield in panic.
At the same time, a shield and a left arm crunched. The enemy let out a comical scream and collapsed.
Even with a comrade down, the enemies charged without hesitation. The agent calculated his spells. A high-output magic blade erupted from the tip of his staff like a volcano.
Swinging it horizontally caused the remaining enemies to be cleaved in two.
“What kind of idiot are you?”
The agent grabbed the downed enemy and rudely tore off their mask. A young blonde girl appeared, bleeding from her nose. Given her build, it was presumed, but she indeed was a girl.
The girl thrashed madly.
“We are the Obsidian Legion! From the Ariel Group-!”
“Shut up!”
As she attempted to stab with a dagger, I threw her to the ground and stomped on her. The girl crumbled like a tomato.
「Totally crazy, aren’t they? Obsidian Legion? Why on earth are they doing this?」
「Exactly, those guys were greedy, but I didn’t think they would go this far.」
Lera, focused on interception and defense spells, quickly interjected. The previous attacks on a certain research lab by mysterious black soldiers flashed in her mind.
「It’s possible. During the destruction of Lab 13, intruders claiming to be the Obsidian Legion appeared.」
「Is that really true?」
As Croscelle mulled over what he had relayed, he felt pressure around his ankles and looked down. An enemy who had lost their legs was crawling and trying to bite his ankle.
“Le-Let me go…!”
She gasped and instantly kicked the enemy away.
As Lera held back a retch and readied her next spell, urgent communication came in from the jet bikes flanking behind.
「We’re tracking the signal of the signal device… what the hell.」
「What is it? Report clearly!」
“Vision Prism! The signal device holder is riding on top of the Vision Prism! To the left of the plaza!”
She struggled to understand the report, leading a few of her teammates.
Strangely enough, they emerged from the alley where the enemies had vanished and headed to the right of the plaza, where a girl’s voice reverberated loudly.
-Haha! Your Vision Prism now belongs to the great Adela Cascadia. Worship it!
「Cascadia, you say?」
「First it was the Obsidian Legion, and now they’re calling themselves the Cascadia troops. What a bunch of twisted idiots.」
As the Magnavis members felt confused, the Violets rushed into them even more fiercely to capture them.
Just managing to circle around the plaza, Lera and her teammates witnessed soldiers dressed in black carrying the Prism horizontally and fleeing. Standing atop the grand Prism was a blonde woman.
「This is definitely the Prism! I’ll take my chances!」
「Their resistance is fierce. We’ll follow soon!」
‘Why did that come to mind now? That appearance, that equipment. She must be the heir of the Cascadia family!’
In the intense situation, Lera scolded herself for failing to recall the information she had learned ahead of time.
“V-Violet? You said I could use my name, but this is a bit…”
Adela looked awkwardly at the Violet holding a loudspeaker on top of the Prism.
“Sorry, sis! I had to do this to grab more attention.”
The Violets dashed away, chased by the fiercely pursuing enemies.