Chapter 2

As I pondered deeply, the first scene I encountered right after my possession came to mind.

When I opened my eyes, I saw numerous people crammed together like cargo under a dim light.

‘Where on earth is this…?’

The last memories I had were fragmented. Cries, an air conditioning unit falling from above, and darkness.

I felt hazy, as if I were intoxicated. I stood up for a moment to survey my surroundings. Other than the crowd of people, I couldn’t make out much. They seemed to be mostly teenagers younger than me.

There were no clues to draw any conclusions. Seeing the place shake slightly, I merely guessed it was a vehicle.

After a moment, the vibrations stopped, and I felt a clunk as the vehicle jolted. The car had stopped. The doors swung open, revealing the dim lights of an unfamiliar city at night.

“Alright, everyone out!”

“Get out quickly!”

The large, menacing-looking people outside the vehicle began to forcibly pull the young teens out. The atmosphere was frightening.

‘What the hell! Is this human trafficking?’

I didn’t know why I was here, but I instinctively sensed that this was something illegal.

As I cautiously stepped out, I saw thuggish-looking goons with numerous tattoos lining people up to lead them elsewhere. Clean-looking vehicles were waiting at the end of the line where people began to board.

I realized instinctively that if I got into that vehicle, I would never see the outside world again. While the goons’ attention was diverted, I quickly slipped out of the line and dashed into an alley.

“Hey? Ah! That one’s running!”

“Oi! Catch her! We can’t have anyone missing!”

I ran with all my might. If I got caught, it would be over!

But in an instant, I was caught by the goons.

‘Was I this slow?’

“Got her!”

I was lifted into the air by a large thug. I screamed.

“Ugh! Let go!”

Just as I screamed, I froze. An incredibly clear girl’s voice suddenly rang out.

While I struggled in that bizarre situation, another thug punched my stomach.

– Thud!

“Gah… ugh…”

“Hah… this little brat is just being annoying.”

“Did you catch her? Then hurry up! We’re leaving soon!”

My vision darkened.

When I came to, I found myself lying in a brightly lit space, light shining down from above. In stark contrast to the glowing source above me, the surroundings were pitch black.

As I tried to move, my arms and legs didn’t respond. Though I couldn’t see them, it felt like my ankles and wrists were bound with something cold.

When I slightly lifted my head, I saw that my body was covered with a green cloth.

I yelled at the top of my lungs.

“Help! Is anyone there…? Huh?”

I stopped mid-scream. It wasn’t my voice, but a thin, delicate girl’s voice that had come out.

Confused, I looked around, only to see masked figures approaching through the darkness.

“Hey! Can you untie this!”

“That one’s noisy, shut her up.”

“What? Wait! Mmm! Ugh…!”

I struggled back and forth. I couldn’t move. They were drawing closer. I caught a glimpse of something shiny.

– Vrrrrr!

“Now, we will begin the Sigma-6 procedure. First…”

A green cloth was placed over my head. A sharp mechanical sound echoed. The noise grew closer and closer.

I couldn’t see anything. What is this? What’s going on? No, I don’t want this. Stop-


Hmm, what was that? I felt something trying to come to the surface but couldn’t. I couldn’t recall anything.

It was as if everything had been erased like a clean slate. What on earth had happened? I thought that place was a research laboratory.

Well, everything that came after wasn’t so vivid. Imagine a poor art film director spinning a film full of flashbacks on a dusty projector.

Falling into darkness, only to be pulled back into the light multiple times.

-Proceeding with the procedure.


I was bound again in the same spot.

With each flash of light, it felt like something important inside me was being cut away one by one.

-…Starting the secondary frontal lobe enhancement procedure for Test Subject 10-6-8. Neuron modification through multi-layer enhancement…


What was that? Noise, screams; it felt like a lot of things were echoing. I couldn’t remember.

It felt like something was being dug out of me repeatedly.

-…On April 27, Federation Year 24, proceeding with neuron-ether expansion for Test Subject 10-6-8. The method is…


I felt like my existence was transforming into something moldable, molded by the hands of malicious elementary school children.

Back into darkness, I heard voices whispering around me.

-…The ether-signal response level is normal; the consciousness stage of the subject is sequentially transitioning from a coma state to a drowsy state. Awakening is imminent.

Once again, my vision brightened. I found myself standing in a green liquid filled with air bubbles.

-…On March 3, 025 Federation Year, at 12:13 PM, the current consciousness state of Test Subject 10-6-8,

-…Awakening complete.

There were strange things all over my mouth and body. I was in a massive test tube. Surrounding me were several researchers in lab coats, conversing as they circled around me.

As I leaned forward, the lab-coated people supported me. They removed various odd devices stuck to my mouth and body.

‘Wait… was I naked?’

I felt cold. Something felt empty in my lower half. The surroundings were noisier than I expected. My head instinctively turned, and I surveyed the area.

‘There are a lot of people who look like me.’

Huge test tubes were lined up neatly in the spacious room. For every person that emerged from a test tube, two or three researchers verified something and then took them somewhere else.

I was guided by their hands into a shower-like area. I had water poured all over me and dried off with a towel.

Then, I received a fluffy, one-piece patient gown to wear. They took my picture.

– Click!

The light flickered again.

This time, I found myself standing in a wide space.

“Test Subject 10-6-8. Follow the instructions. If not executed within 60 seconds, penalties will apply. 60, 59, 58…”

A speaker on one side issued commands to me.

I stood still until the countdown ended. The moment it reached zero, a beeping sound started from my neck.

I unconsciously touched my neck, realizing something hard, like a choker, was wrapped around it. At that moment.



A strong electric shock hit my body. I screamed as if I were a cat whose tail had been stepped on, leaping and collapsing to the floor.

They urged me on. I cried. Pain struck me again.

I unconsciously stretched out my arms.

Something invisible and warm flowed out from my arms into the air. Something began to form before my eyes. It was like a scene sped up three times of a 3D printer making an object.

From my feet, legs, and hips, what was piling up gradually became a girl.

I forgot my pain and stared at the strange phenomenon. There stood a girl in a thin patient gown, with shoulder-length blonde hair and ruby-red eyes.

When I reached out my arm, the girl mirrored my actions. When I turned my head, she turned her head too. The girl moved as I moved.

After a while, the girl began to slowly disintegrate into dust as if scattering in the wind.

The light flickered.

I lay there again, with my limbs bound. Once again, I heard a whirring sound as something rotated.

I lay in the test area again… it flickered…

When I opened my eyes, the world sparkled again. It continued to sparkle. Sparkle…

I walked down a long corridor, led by researchers. After passing several doors, I entered an office that looked suitable for someone of high rank.

The researchers approached someone seated and said something. A man with a shiny bald head and an impressive scalp stood up and approached me.

The bald, middle-aged man looked pleased, akin to greedy parents at school who smile when their child brings home a grade A report card.

“What’s your name?”

As the bald man opened his mouth, my mouth began to move on its own.

“…I don’t know.”

I shook my head in response. He turned around and began asking his subordinates various things.

“Team Leader, does this test subject not have a name?”

“Director, for 10-6-8… uh, she was probably one of the samples brought in from Rustrom’s exterior…”

“Was she a refugee…? Well, it doesn’t matter.”

In the midst of their short conversation, the bald man, referred to as the Director, gestured towards me. I walked forward to the Director.

“Weren’t there a few disguises among the verified subjects? If not, what about those?”

“Are you talking about the discarded test subjects? I just selected a few that could be used as disguises.”

“Good. Since they were useless bugs, let’s at least give them some names.”

The Director tapped on a tablet PC a few times and then gestured. A certification with a picture of a mysterious girl appeared on a large monitor mounted on the wall.

“Violet… Violet Dunhind… Rugilinn? Rugil…lin? Strange name. Fine, let’s go with this. 10-6-8?”


The Director looked down on me arrogantly.

“From now on, your name is Violet. Got it? Repeat after me.”


The Director frowned slightly and smacked my head hard.

“Goodness, did the procedure reduce your language ability? Try again. Ba-i-ol-let.”


I slowly and clearly pronounced my name. Only then did the Director’s expression ease slightly.

The bald Director exchanged a few words with other researchers as if everything was settled, and then flopped back into his seat.

I was led out of the corridor by the researchers. A bright red logo was stuck to one wall of the corridor.


It was a logo I had seen a lot before.

‘What was it?’

Hmm, I couldn’t recall.

As I was told to wait by the researchers, I spotted a large mirror hanging on the wall.

In it stood a pretty girl. A beautiful girl with blonde hair and ruby-red eyes.

Instinctively, I felt it was me and gasped in surprise.

“Is this me? Wow, that’s amazing!”

I felt like I should be surprised, but I wasn’t. Instead, I was elated. Why? That’s right! Because I was a beautiful girl! No. Was I always like this?

It felt like something was missing from my mind. It seemed like the “surprise” component was out of order.


No, I’m cute, though! Isn’t that all that matters?

Wait. Who was I? Why was I here?

I felt dizzy. Confusion swept over me suddenly.


As I held my head in agony, a translucent blue screen appeared before my eyes.


Name: Violet Dunhind Rugilinn

Alias: Test Subject 10-6-8

Status: Research Laboratory Test Subject

Health: 1000

Magical Power: 1500

Unique Ability:


Lv1 Clone Technique


I read the characters floating in the air.


My mind began to clear up, like clouds lifting from a blue sky.

That’s right, I’m Violet! And I am Violet!

Actually, I’m not from this world. I just realized that.

But for now, I am Violet, and that’s a reality. A beautiful girl!

Thinking back, I began to gain clarity about my world again.

From when I faced the mirror and the status window appeared before me. Although there are many blank spots in my memory and parts I feel I’ve forgotten.

After recalling all the way to this point, I closed my eyes.

“Hmm… why are there parts I can’t remember?”

Ah, enough with the worries; I should just sleep. It’s not like it’s coming to me anyway.

I closed my eyes.