Chapter 43

It Seems I Must Go to Work Even After Falling into a Horror Story Episode 043

“There’s even a basement here….”

In front of the basement stairs, Ko Yeong-eun’s face was half-painted with fear and anticipation.

Baek Sa-heon scoffed.

“Exactly. And how does the person next to me know that there’s a basement, and why were they insisting we must go to B1 without saying a word?”

“If you don’t want to go, then scatter here.”


Baek Sa-heon went silent.

Now that they confirmed there was a basement, it seemed they wouldn’t miss the opportunity to think, ‘Kim Sol-eum must have some reason to believe in this.’

I briefly explained to Ko Yeong-eun that I had found “a guide notice stuck to the elevator that could help locate useful spaces with special equipment.”

And finally, I stepped towards the basement stairs.



With every step, I realized.

‘The format has changed.’

The once brass-colored mansion darkened to a bronze hue, and even more avant-garde decorations appeared.

Strangely, descending from the 2nd floor to the 1st felt much deeper…



Eventually, a grand doorway appeared next to the stairs.

-There is a note saying B1.

We had arrived.

I cautiously grabbed one of the doorknobs and only opened it after confirming that there was no mechanical sound coming from outside.

What appeared was… neither an exhibition hall nor a hallway.

Ko Yeong-eun’s eyes widened.

“This place….”

“It must be the visitor lounge.”

It was a kind of resting space.

The massive hall, quite cozy, was furnished with luxurious armchairs and vintage tables, and in one corner, there was even a bronze-colored fireplace crackling away.

“Y-you read about this in the elevator?”


“Ah, normally there are such places in the lobby, so maybe there’s an exit nearby…?”

“I don’t know about that. But….”


“According to the manual, there were a few things prohibited in the exhibition hall, but I thought there might be fewer restrictions in a ‘resting space.'”


I had come to target the fact that several acts banned at the exhibition were permitted here.

“The prohibited ones… ah, eating like!”


2. Eating is prohibited in the exhibition hall.

“…But I don’t think we really need to grab a bite right now.”

That’s probably true.

“To be precise, I came to try performing an action that falls under eating.”

“…What could that be?”

I pulled out the item I had prepared from my bag.

[Quick and Easy Candle Making Kit]

“It’s about creating something against the fire prohibition.”

From now on, I would attempt to craft an escape item.


Ko Yeong-eun swallowed hard.

In front of her, a comically competent colleague was doing something that seemed completely absurd.

“I see.”

Kim Sol-eum pulled out a peculiar box from her briefcase and quickly read the enclosed guide notice.

But that box didn’t look ordinary at all. Why did she bring something like a candle-making kit?

‘I’ve never seen such a brand before.’

The logo, “Cheerful Lab,” with its smiley mark, sparkled kitschily, while Kim Sol-eum’s notice was scrawled in messy red ink.

…It felt extremely bizarre.

It felt like a prop one might encounter in a horror story…

Then, Baek Sa-heon muttered.

“…An item?”

An item?

I reflexively turned to Kim Sol-eum, who kindly replied.

“Yes. It’s a supernatural object.”


“Then, isn’t it darkness?”

“Depending on the classification, but it seems that items are referred to as objects that have stable anomalies, are portable, and lack range.”


How does she know that…?

‘Aren’t we… the same newbies?’

Why is there such a gap in our knowledge?

And where did she get that from…?

For someone like Ko Yeong-eun, who had been quite successful among newbies in the company, it was a shocking situation!

‘No, she even seems really skilled at handling it…?!’

Noticing a gaze upon her, Kim Sol-eum turned slightly and said defensively.

“I’m trying it for the first time too.”

That’s true!

While she had read the notice a few times and contemplated the usage, it was also Kim Sol-eum’s first time crafting the item.

However, the other colleagues had no way of knowing she had already performed a similar ritual about three times…

No, a person like her should be starting a business instead of being part of this kind of horror-like company!

Shouldn’t I escape from such a situation?

But soon the coldness of reality snapped me back to my senses.

‘…It must be because of my wish rights.’

Because of unyielding desires.

Ko Yeong-eun felt a hint of melancholy from their shared plight but quickly gathered herself.

For now, let’s focus entirely on escaping.

…The anger directed at the R Team leader who abandoned herself as the monster machine approached would also serve as energy for that!

I could sit and ridicule past remarks claiming there was no tension in the group, believing this level of stress in human relations wouldn’t exist.

‘Screw you, Team Leader!’

But it also felt a bit strange to think that the upper brass of R Team could really end up horrifically dead with all their features torn off…



Ko Yeong-eun nearly lost herself in thought when Kim Sol-eum’s voice pulled her back.

Before long, Kim Sol-eum had laid a black piece of paper on the floor and was quickly drawing a small illustration with the enclosed crayon.

That looked… hmm.

‘…A candle?’

Yeah. It looked like a candle…. To be precise, it was just a flat drawing outlining the candle.

But Kim Sol-eum, unfazed, pointed to cards set near the drawing with one hand.

“You see the cards?”

“Yes, yes.”

“Please pick one.”


“This determines the attributes of the item.”

Could I be used or dragged into this?

Ko Yeong-eun briefly contemplated but soon reached out.

Given that there hadn’t been any suspicious or unpleasant undertones in Kim Sol-eum’s actions, and viewing the situation objectively, her kindness had always been apparent.

‘Let’s give it a try.’

This person trusted my brain data pretty much.

So, I haphazardly flipped over one of the scattered cards on the floor.

The front of the card displayed a vibrant blue figure raising one hand.

At the top, a white star sparkled like a jewel.


A faint smile spread across Kim Sol-eum’s face.

“……You’ve drawn well.”


‘It doesn’t feel like I need honor right now….’

Anyway, I was relieved that I had read the guide notice correctly.

Then Kim Sol-eum turned her head and, with a voice that seemed less than enthusiastic, called out to Baek Sa-heon.

“Pick a card.”


Baek Sa-heon appeared to calculate the situation with his brain, but soon narrowed his eyes and reached out.

The card he flipped over showed the twisted smile of a person’s mouth and a red iron cage.


“That suits you.”


Disregarding that, Kim Sol-eum continued with the crafting!

“I’ll flip over the remaining cards.”

“Yes, yes.”

I don’t know what it is, but let’s go with that!

Ko Yeong-eun watched as Kim Sol-eum deftly flipped over the cards.

There were ten remaining cards in total.

Confusion, Healing, Meditation, Wound, Lie, Dream, Anger, Protection, Strike, Gaze…… The ten cards were laid out on the floor.

‘What in the world?’

Why were they asked to pick cards like tarot, only to reveal all at the end?

As I observed Kim Sol-eum’s next actions, I realized.

The final card was to be chosen directly!


Choosing the card depicting a golden gear next to a black heart, Kim Sol-eum burned all three cards they drew with a lighter.

The flames flickered in several colors as the cards turned to shimmering ashes.


Then, she carefully collected the ashes that emerged from the cards and spread them over the outline of the crayon candle, folding the paper as she did so.

“Now, we just need to set it for about 30 minutes.”

With a faint smile, Kim Sol-eum picked up the folded paper and tucked it into her suit’s front pocket.

“What you just made…”

“This candle will help us escape.”


“If it doesn’t work, I planned to repeat a few more times, but the keywords came out pretty good this time…”




The three of them turned their heads simultaneously.

A gigantic shadow revealed itself under the bronze light.

Eight straight lines resembling spider legs.



The gas lamp light seeped from the machine’s eyes.




The three immediately began sprinting in the opposite direction.


I knew it.

Even in a resting area, machines might emerge.

But I had assumed it would be less intense than in the exhibition hall, so I figured I could take that risk…

‘Though it didn’t have any ventilation ducts as hiding spots, still!’

I gritted my teeth and dashed across the hallway.

Having been detected already, any other hiding spot would easily lead it to follow me.

It was a machine designed to track like that!

“Should we go straight?!”

“For now, yes!”

If we keep going straight, we’ll find the main exhibition hall.

I had no choice but to hope there would be a more pressing problem situation there…

‘Who knows how much more dangerous the exhibition has become since we got to the basement…!?’

It was then.



Baek Sa-heon was trying to yank my suit!

‘What the hell is this lunatic!’

He shouted.

“That item! The candle! Let’s offer the candle! That must be a treasured item!”

I slapped away his hand and shouted.

“No, you idiot!”


“Look at the exhibition theme!”


This exhibition is being held with an open mind admiring the arts for free for one hour.




“Especially living beings, civilization, history!!”

I grinned.

“What does this item have to do with paying fees!”

If the item had value, the staff members wouldn’t be offering their gear first and not chasing after it!

Moreover, the candle wasn’t even fully made yet!

However, Baek Sa-heon reached out again to seize my bag as Ko Yeong-eun sighed in frustration.

“Let’s at least try something! It’ll be our death this way!”

“Ugh! Hey! Stop and run…!”

I turned my head.

Right now, our feet…

Had crossed over the grand door of the main exhibition hall.


Catching my breath, I looked up.

All around me, the starlight shimmered.

Was it an ancient stone wall? Countless pairs of colorful bright circular mirrors filled the square walls watching me…

The eyes that the guide machine had drawn.


I stopped my feet and lowered my head. I could hear Baek Sa-heon’s remaining eye striking against something.

My jumbled head slowly calmed down….

-Ah, they’ve arranged it like the stars of the universe. ‘Shining Gaze’. It’s quite a conventional but popular name! It seems they were conscious of the material providers for the works!


The three walls of the enormous dark exhibition hall were crammed with eyeballs, leaving not a single gap.

The only entrance was the one we had just entered.

And through that entrance, the guide machine was approaching relentlessly…

We were trapped.

-I’m curious about Doe’s choice! We’ve come to a dead end. It seems there’s… hmm, nowhere to escape. Fascinating!

-But dear friend, you can always escape at any time, thanks to me, Brown!

I also… knew that.

‘If it’s just me.’

I could escape safely at any moment.

Brown would gladly use the ability he calls ‘dim the lights’ which makes one’s presence disappear.

Then I could cautiously slip away while the others attract the ire of the machine, getting their eyes and ears ripped out.

-Then how about the man named Baek Sa-heon paying the fee? After all, his life is running out anyway!

Right. Having successfully crafted the candle meant for three people, Baek Sa-heon was no longer needed.

‘I simply accompanied him to avoid mental issues.’

Honestly, wouldn’t it not matter if that guy died? In fact, it could even be socially beneficial if he died.

If anything, Ko Yeong-eun might also manage to slip out in that chance…


Wait a moment.

“Let’s split up! So if one of us escapes…”

“Mountain Goat!”


“You’re safe.”


“You just had your fee taken recently, right? You should still have time left until the next term.”


Ko Yeong-eun, who had recently had her ears ripped out, would definitely still have some ‘usage time’ left!

Hope flared in her eyes.

“Then I’ll go and try to obstruct….”




It has come.

The guide machine.


In the bronze-lit candlelight, for the first time, I saw that machine head-on.

It was mercilessly sharp and precise.

It looked like iron fused to meat based on a spider, with its oddly connected head and chest, below which were its abdomen and lower limbs.

Yet it resembled a bipedal creature only subtly, brushing against the uncanny valley. Its grotesque movements sent chills down one’s spine.

Its needle-like legs moved chaotically like it did as it pleased.

And from its head, eight gaslight lanterns pierced through the gloom, glowing yellow.


Ko Yeong-eun, who had stepped closer, froze in place.

The previous memory of having her ears torn off seemed to surge back into her brain.

It was understandable.


The machine passed right by Ko Yeong-eun.

‘Of course.’

So the machine was chasing after…

Me and Baek Sa-heon.


I contemplated briefly.

When Baek Sa-heon’s attention was drawn away, I’d erase my presence and flee.

It wouldn’t be too hard to slip away while the machine was targeting only me, but since it was still focused on both, maybe Brown’s ability would work.

-O, you can do it now?

And I made my decision.


Instead, I shoved Baek Sa-heon aside.



Baek Sa-heon no longer had one eye.

That is to say, he understood that he could lose more than just his eye.

‘There’s no knowing what kind of sudden outburst he’d exhibit.’

Even if he were to have his ears ‘confiscated’ instead, a person who had already lost one eye would likely react more violently.

I had no grasp of how extreme of a crazy thing he might do.

It’s better to let him flee.

“Go run.”

Baek Sa-heon hesitated for a moment.

Yet, once the machine stepped back, he bolted toward the door with all his might.

Simultaneously, Ko Yeong-eun, upon seeing my gesture, shut her eyes tight and dashed through the door.


Then it’s now.

-Do you have any questions for me, Doe?

I raised my head.

Before me stood a machine that resembled a strange amalgamation of a spider and a woman with half-mosaic features, shining a gaslight upon me.

It was grotesque and sent chills through my being.

The guide machine raised its eight-legged limbs and needle-like arms scattered all around and began nodding at me.

I politely bowed my head.

“Hello. I just arrived.”

I knew it wouldn’t translate.

And, just as expected, the machine made an incomprehensible noise and nodded one of its massive needle joints.

-1 hour and 54 minutes have elapsed since your entry, and an additional fee is due to be settled.

I took a deep breath.

“Wait a moment. Can I ask a question before paying the fee?”

-Of course, that’s fine!

“By any chance, do you reserve guest rooms at the front desk? …If you agree with my question, nod once, and if you disagree, shake your head.”


It nodded.

“Thank you for the guidance. Then….”

I held back a sigh and opened my mouth.

I had asked that question deliberately.

The core question regarding our escape.

‘These machines retain information only about their areas, so they won’t know which floor has an exit.’

Even if I asked about the front desk’s location, it wouldn’t know.

However, if I rephrased the inquiry to align with the information about where it currently stands, wouldn’t I be able to receive an answer?

Like this.

“After finishing viewing, do guests head down from this B1 to the lower floors?”


“Or do they head to the upper floors?”


“They must have gone to the upper floors. Thank you.”


By performing the right inquiries towards the guide machines present on each floor, I could narrow down the exit’s location…

As long as I didn’t end up getting my eyes and limbs knocked out beforehand.

‘If it’s above B1… it means it’s on the ground floor.’

Just finding that out was a great accomplishment. There were only seven floors on the ground, so it definitely was somewhere within.

‘What a good condition.’

But the joy vanished like a candle’s flame.

The inevitable time was approaching.


-Now, they will collect the fee.

Fee collection.


Thinking rationally, there was no big issue.

‘Since they will plug the borrowed objects into my eye sockets, I’ll have sight until I escape this darkness.’

And I understood this world well. I already knew several ways to restore any lost body parts, and I was confident I could use them more easily than others…

That was precisely why I was standing here.

‘It’s a situation I could rationalize and accept.’

The problem was… the maddening sense of revulsion!

Who could calmly accept such a thing?

Having both eyes cruelly extricated by monsters!

Especially in this place where the eyes of those pulled out previously were displayed all around!

Cold sweat ran down my back.

‘But I need to confirm this.’

I clenched my teeth.

Even if my eyes got pulled out, it wouldn’t hurt.

‘If I can’t endure it under these conditions, I should give up on surviving here.’

Truly, there’s no better condition than this for me. To see if I could withstand the trauma of a horror story with the heart of a coward.

Experiencing loss for the purpose of recovering might be necessary to build my resistance.

Yet my tightly clenched hand trembled.



A gigantic needle, metallic and spider-like in form, approached my eyes.

I held my breath.


The needle pierced into the skin surrounding my eye…



I rolled my eyeball and looked sideways.

Beyond the darkness, a massive and spider-like machine approached…

Ziiik, Kiiiik.

Another guide machine.


What is this?

‘There should be a path programmed for the machines to follow.’

There shouldn’t be overlapping paths, should there?

But just as expected, the machine that was pursuing my eyes seemed to malfunction briefly… and then began to drift away from me as it moved.

As if it were adjusting its own trajectory.



No sigh of relief came.

The newly arrived machine would be extracting my eyeballs too.

I just held my breath and watched the newly appeared machine.

Right in front of me, the guide machine raised its spider-like appendages.




“Are you alright, Doe?”

As the spider figure crumbled away, a human wearing a badger mask appeared.


Chief Park Min-seong, soaking in cold sweat, smiled broadly.

“Phew… that was close!”