Volume 9 Chapter 3: “Each Mourning for You”

Volume 9: “The Light of the Nameless Star”

Volume 9 Chapter 3: “Each Mourning for You”

“Anyway, my little sister will be Emperor Vincent’s wife. Naturally, that brings us siblings one step closer to our goal!”

“Goal… is that revenge you mentioned previously?”

“Exactly! Revenge on the world!”

With a clap of his hands and shining eyes, Flopp O’Connell’s answer surprised the woman from Shudrak, Talitta, sitting across from him.

Rather than his answer, it seemed she was astonished by Flopp’s enthusiasm, but she quickly broke into a smile. Hearing the ominous term ‘revenge’ and still being able to laugh—it seems she truly embodies the prowess of the ‘People of Shudrak’ celebrated in the Volakia Empire.

Flopp, coloring the atmosphere of that woman of greatness to his own hue, wasn’t doing half bad himself.

Watching the two from the fortress corridor, Ram rested her chin on the railing, evaluating Flopp and Talitta’s exchange.

Though she had only happened upon the scene by chance, it was quite an entertaining coincidence.

—Since the meeting in the Imperial Capital during the decisive battle, Ram had developed a fondness for Shudrak.

Generally speaking, the only ones in the Volakia Empire she felt she would miss were those women and Selena, who occupied a delicate position between her and Roswaal.

She was also grateful to Kachua, Rem’s friend—

“—Ram, what are you doing here?”

“Oh, Mizelda. I was just watching your sister’s love life from a distance.”

“Oh, nice hobby, huh?”

With that, the strikingly beautiful woman, Mizelda, with her intense gaze, stood next to Ram, leaning on the railing.

As Talitta’s real sister, she squinted at her sister’s cheerful banter with Flopp below. A hint of concern fleeted across her profile, causing Ram to narrow her own pale pink eyes.

“Not like you to worry about your sister?”

“Don’t say I’m not like myself. Just how long do you and I know each other? Only a few days, right?”

“Need more time? For me or you?”

“Haha, that’s not it.”

Mizelda laughed heartily at Ram’s question as Ram’s lips relaxed. After a moment, Mizelda shook her head slowly, saying,

“Worry feels weak. So, I’ll say I’m concerned.”

“That’s understandable. You are Talitta’s sister after all. Ram also worries about Rem all the time. If I put it your way, I’m always thinking about Rem.”

“However, it’s needless to say Subaru is a good man. Just his eyes are unfortunate.”

“—I might need some time to align perspectives on that.”

Mizelda chuckled as she heard Ram’s slightly lowered tone. With her gaze drifting back down, Ram remarked,

“You’re doubting that handsome man’s character, then?”

“Flopp’s a good man, surprisingly enough. His features might be a bit too soft, but it’s undeniably a pleasure to see. Talitta should understand that as well.”

Mizelda’s answer melded the good and bad of both character and appearance and was phrased in a way that made one almost lose track of the essence. Still, Ram felt she understood Mizelda’s troubles.

And it was something Ram, as an outsider, had no right to meddle in; indeed, even if she were a blood relative, it was something that the involved parties had to navigate.

Entering into a situation where one could hardly say “a sister would know her sister,” was quite a pickle.

“I like you more and more, Mizelda.”

“Is that so? If you were a man, I would have had you as my husband.”

Sisters who had much to say about their younger sisters’ romantic entanglements, both physically and emotionally adjacent, as Ram and Mizelda looked down, the dialogue between Flopp and Talitta continued.

“Listen, Lady Talitta! I might have said it before, but again here I go!”

Flopp pointed his outstretched hand toward the sky, seeming to grasp white clouds or the sunlight pouring down as he opened and closed his palm,

“If you’re going to loudly declare your goals and dreams, you must boldly seize the opportunities that come around. The unexpected bond that has blossomed with Emperor Vincent is truly an extraordinary chance worth risking one’s life for!”

“Is that the marriage between Emperor Vincent and Medium… Is Medium truly on board?”

“Of course! Well, I’d like to say that, but when it comes to marriage, it was a tad tumultuous! I could say it was the most significant argument in the history of me and my sister! But…”


“It’d be utterly pointless to prioritize revenge on the world while neglecting the happiness of my immediate family. In that sense, I wouldn’t be making any suggestions that Medium would genuinely object to.”


Talitta lowered her almond-shaped eyes in response to Flopp, who looked at her with softened eye corners.

The marriage between Vincent Volakia and Medium O’Connell, brought up by Flopp, was common knowledge among those involved.

Moreover, the gossip had spread considerably among the populace.

It seemed reasonable to believe that spreading the news of Vincent welcoming an empress was part of a strategy drawn up by someone like Belsetz or Selena. Despite the aftermath of the victory over the ‘Great Calamity,’ many reports coming in from all over the Empire were grim. However, hope is essential for the human heart.

Thus, a celebration—a celebration that ideally resonated with the Imperial citizens was necessary.

“A useless man for a useless country.”

When Flopp proposed that, Ram had no way of knowing how much thought he truly put into it.

Yet, given the decision required at that moment, there must have been some calculation behind it. And this was something Vincent and the other dignitaries who gave their tacit approval would have had to consider as well.

At least Flopp’s assertion rang true; Medium, who was being used as a political pawn, genuinely cared for Vincent.

That alone demonstrated Flopp’s remarkable insight for proposing this alliance. — I could only wish some dubious overseer could learn to keep their scheming remorselessly masked like a healing balm.

As she observed such exchanges, Ram momentarily glanced at the profile beside her and casually asked,

“By the way, do you feel anything about Emperor Vincent?”

“What a foolish question, Ram. There’s no denying Abel’s good looks. But, as per the ‘People of Shudrak’ customs, our grooms must be taken back to the forest. Since I can’t bring Abel back, he’s more than just an eye candy for me.”

“I see…”

“Actually, no, that’s not right. — Abel is a worthy comrade to me.”

“I see.”

Crossing her arms, Ram quietly nodded at Mizelda’s assertive declaration.

With that, her doubt was cleared, and both onlookers turned their focus back onto the conversation happening below.

Talitta, feeling somewhat uneasy, slipped into a half-hearted compliment saying, “Flopp is amazing,” while keeping her gaze downcast,

“He can properly think about both his goals and those around him, and act accordingly. In crucial moments, he doesn’t hesitate to make decisions… Truly admirable.”

“——? That’s quite a strange thing to say, Lady Talitta.”

“Eh… Did I say something strange?”

“Yeah, you did. I mean, the reason I managed to bravely make decisions like this is that I took a lot of inspiration from you, Lady Talitta!”


With a decisive finger pointed at herself, Talitta stared wide-eyed at Flopp. That must have been quite a shocking revelation, as her thoughts seemed to halt entirely.

As evidence of that, she reflexively seized Flopp’s finger pointed at her face and twisted it, forcing him against the wall.

“Ow ow ow ow ow ow!!!”

“Ah, I’m so sorry! I was just so surprised that… it was an instinctive reaction!”

“N-no, it’s my fault for being so careless. As expected, the clan leader of Shudrak has a different kind of training! I need to learn not just from your mindset but other things as well!”


“That’s right, your mindset. The thing that has impressed me the most about you is precisely that!”

Flopp scrutinized Talitta with an earnest smile while shaking his pinned arm. However, Talitta, directed by that smile, appeared utterly perplexed.

Watching her reaction, Flopp gazed at her with a tender, almost affectionate grin and continued,

“When Mizelda’s misfortune struck her leg, you unexpectedly had to take up the role of clan leader. You must have been troubled. I bet it was tough! But you made your decision and took on that responsibility. By seeing that side of you, I learned the nobility in not running away from significant decisions.”


“That’s why I wanted to express my gratitude to you. That’s one of the two reasons I called for you! — And there’s another reason.”

Flopp lifted one finger on his left hand, then raised another finger on his right as Talitta’s eyes widened, murmuring, “Another one…” hesitantly.

Receiving that murmur, Flopp dramatically lowered both hands as he made a grand gesture and stated,

“Today won’t come again. Tomorrow might not necessarily arrive either. Through this war, I thought I had understood that fact; I reaffirmed it. I am grateful to that warm ‘someone’ who has kindled the flames in my eyes, to that ‘someone’ who created this moment. And—”


“Lady Talitta, I have a very favorable impression of your way of being and thinking. More simply put, I want to be with you! So, how about you become Talitta O’Connell?”


“To gain what you desire, you can’t let opportunities slip by. This, too, is something I learned from you.”

With a smile and a wink, Flopp’s words were undeniably a proposal.

For Talitta, it must have been a shock as if the sky were falling. But at the same time, it was surely a joy that bloomed like flowers sprawling on the ground.

As a woman herself, Ram shared a feeling of wanting to applaud the blessings that had befallen her.


“—however, I…”

Talitta mumbled, her brows furrowing in indecision, and Ram narrowed her pale pink eyes at that sight.

Talitta’s reaction, what was at the root of it, had just recently become clear in her exchange with Medium.

As per Shudrak customs, the groom was to be brought back to the village in the forest.

However, Flopp, being the brother of Medium, who was to become an empress, would now surely have many duties and responsibilities to fulfill in the Imperial Capital. To completely abandon those for Medium—to leave her behind was, indeed, an irresponsible proposal.

Talitta, realizing that, hesitated, letting her joy be completely suppressed.

After all, the very inheritance of the clan leader, which empowered Flopp to muster courage, had inadvertently become a barrier preventing the two from uniting.

While she endeavored to accept that injustice, it was just then—

“Don’t hesitate, Talitta!”


The suddenness of the voiced intervention drew wide-eyed surprise from Talitta.

Until just moments ago, she hadn’t noticed that Ram and Mizelda were above them on the walkway, locking gazes with her sister, who gripped the handrail tightly.

Seeing her sister’s demeanor, Mizelda let out a small sigh and raised her right foot—her knee down was a wooden prosthetic—and placed it solidly atop the railing.


“How can a clan leader hesitate between the leader’s duties and a man?! I learned how to fight with one foot in this past battle! If you remain in such a state, you should throw away being a clan leader!”

“N…! W-wait, sister! That’s…”

“Don’t wait! An utterly pathetic face like yours isn’t needed in Shudrak!”

With a robust declaration, Mizelda lowered the foot formerly on the railing and turned her back, leaving the walkway with two different sounds from her steps.

As Mizelda’s back retreated, Ram let out a sigh.

“Is that really how you push your sister forward?”

“She wouldn’t understand unless I say it plainly. Ram, soon, you won’t be able to treat it as someone else’s business.”

“How dreadful.”

Ram grimaced at the unsolicited talk and responded, wanting to follow Mizelda’s departing figure.

“Lady Mizelda! Thank you deeply! Is there anything I can do for you?”

Flopp, taking the place of the stunned Talitta, called after Mizelda’s retreating back. She didn’t stop or turn her head, just waved her hand and said,

“Of course. Set up a strong, capable, good-looking man as an envoy to the Shudrak village. That will solidify the agreement between the Imperial Capital and us.”

“—Haha! Understood! Lady Mizelda! No, dear sister-in-law!”

A resolution was thus made, crossing above the parties involved.

And it was clear to Ram that the other side would soon come to its conclusion as well.


—The sound of Talitta racing toward Flopp amidst her own internal struggle reached Ram’s ears as she chased after Mizelda.

“Is it alright to decide to return as clan leader just like that?”

“Well, if there’s someone who isn’t satisfied, then they can take it from me. But…”

Mizelda cut her words, redirecting her intense gaze forward. Following that gaze, Ram understood the reason for her hesitation.

At the end of the corridor, waving their hands happily were the women of Shudrak—Kuna and Holly. They welcomed Mizelda, gesturing towards the end of the corridor.

“How’s Talitta doing? Has she opened up?”

“Hm. She’s quite the handful, even for my sister.”

“But that’s only natural. She’s the clan leader’s sister.”

“Well, until everyone talks it out, Talitta… Ah, that’s fine. I don’t have any objections to Mizelda returning to being clan leader either. The rest probably don’t either.”

With acknowledging smiles exchanged, Kuna and Holly, Ram began to grasp how much Talitta was loved by their kin.

In that understanding, Ram hugged her arms,

“Just by coincidence, it looks like it was worth my while to be a bystander.”

“That sounds pretty pathetic.”

“If there’s no clan leader, the scene would have been dreadful, too. What a story.”

With Ram’s remark, Kuna and Holly began their successive critiques. At Ram’s side, Mizelda slightly weakened her fierce gaze, raising her eyes to the bright sky.

Staring at the annoyingly beautiful blue sky, she said,

“To have lost a soul sister… Since losing Mariuli, Talitta has shut herself away. You all know how significant that is.”



“That time for change is coming. — I think of that as the blessing Talitta has won.”

The words spoken contained names Ram didn’t recognize, shared solely among the three of Shudrak.

It appeared that the relationship between Kuna and Holly was unrelated to blood ties—one could clarify that their strong bond alluded to the significance of the ties that Talitta had lost.

Given these two’s connection, picturing the immense bond Talitta had lost wasn’t difficult.

And that what has been lost never truly gets replaced is something Ram firmly knows as well.


The Empire was victorious. However, in exchange, far too much was lost. Closer to Ram, the scars left on Rem, Emilia, and Subaru were significant ones.

Simply standing by their side and extending words to them wouldn’t suffice as a cure for those wounds. It’s unequally cruel and is a blatant, stubborn principle that one cannot resist.

“—I pledge to our ancestors, and I give thanks to the spirits.”

“—Thank you.”

Having discovered the only means to counteract that earlier, Mizelda, Kuna, and Holly, blessed Talitta with gratitude in the way of the ‘People of Shudrak.’

Following their lead, Ram also shut her eyes and joined in that prayer.

And thought to herself that—

—The injustice of there being no remedy for grieving over what has been lost.

“Thank you.”

While invoking her own vows and pride that differed from those of Shudrak.


The wheels of the wheelchair clattered as they turned.

Though the sound was one she had grown accustomed to, the occasional stutter mixed in was due to the remnants of the chaos, with fragments of broken rubble and cracks in the passageway still un-repaired.

Given that it was too risky to send Kachua alone through those places, Rem had taken on the responsibility of pushing her wheelchair from behind.

“So, it seems guarding the Emperor gained you quite the reputation. Your brother will soon be appointed as a ‘General’ to protect the Emperor.”

“Is that so? That brother of mine…”

“You seem to have something to say. No, wait, you don’t need to say anything. What you’re thinking, I’m probably thinking the same.”

Without turning around, Kachua fidgeted with her braids on her shoulder, her voice trembling.

Though Rem hadn’t spoken too much about it, Kachua’s assumptions seemed to be accurate. Thus, she decided to keep her thoughts regarding Jamal to herself.

In any case, that was her blood-related brother, whom she had sent off despite her worries. She was undoubtedly relieved he had returned safely.

After all, having him return in one piece was the most important thing.

“Princess Priscilla…”

As she let her guard down, a moment of nostalgia tightened around Rem’s chest, inadvertently escaping her lips.

From her pale blue gaze, the image of a beautiful woman adorned with vivid red flames emerged—the “Sun Princess,” who had kept Rem by her side for just a short time.

In her unwavering presence, emanating heat and burning everything to ashes with her unique clarity, Priscilla had drawn her curtains in a way that wouldn’t allow anyone near.

Not a single word from that last conversation, which hadn’t been thought of as a farewell, would be forgotten.


“You called me the core of a diamond, but I don’t understand.”

During their final exchange days ago, Priscilla had praised Rem for how she was now. Then and there, Rem had boldly accepted it.

But now, she found herself puzzled. It was all because Priscilla was gone.

“Hey, Rem, can I be with you?”


Abruptly, Kachua stopped the motion of the wheelchair, causing Rem to express surprise. Looking over, she noticed Kachua pressing down firmly on the wheels, forcing them to a stop.

If she were to do that, it must have pained her tiny hands.


“It’s fine. Right now, my hands don’t matter. More importantly, it’s about you.”


“Even if I’m not right here with you, you still have your sister, and others who know the old you… and that noisy guy…”

“—That’s not allowed.”

Staring intently at Rem, Kachua began speaking more quickly, but Rem interrupted those thoughts, grateful for her kindness, and shook her head.

Ram and even Frederica and Petra, they may certainly be the anchors for Rem. But, they could never fill the void left by Priscilla. Those present in her life didn’t know the days and moments she shared with Priscilla.

Finally, the person Kachua intended to bring into the conversation, Subaru—

“I don’t want to rely on that guy right now.”

“…You don’t trust him?”

“That’s not it… I don’t want to rely on him. I don’t like it. I don’t want to be merely one of his many people.”


In response to Kachua’s question, Rem surprised herself with her own words. Kachua’s eyes widened at Rem’s answer, which was only natural.

Up until she voiced it, Rem hadn’t comprehended her feelings.

“But it seems like you’ve been seen as nothing but your shortcomings by Kachua.”

“I wouldn’t say just that, and if we’re talking about embarrassment, then I have my fair share too… I mean, don’t make me think about it! Just living here and being a burden to others makes me want to die… It’s tough!”

Understanding Rem’s feelings, Kachua managed to avoid saying “want to die.”

With a slightly awkward sympathy pictured on her face, Rem relaxed her lips somewhat. Kachua’s presence was helping her without being overly concerned or smothering.

Though she had just mentioned necessity to be nearby—

“Kachua, I feel at ease near you. You manage to make a lot of noise, grabbing my attention.”

“Are you complimenting me? Is that an attempt at flattery? If that’s the case, then you really lack talent in that.”

Though intending to express genuine gratitude, Rem felt somewhat wronged at Kachua’s accusatory glare. While they went along like that, strolling through the fortress—

“Oya,” someone called out, prompting Rem to look up. There stood a gray-haired young man waving his hand, grinning dully.

Rem didn’t recognize him, but Kachua said “Ah” as she realized who it was.

“Do you know him?”

“Not exactly, he’s a slacker.”

“A slacker?”

“Whoa, whoa, that’s not how I should be remembered! Well, at that point, it wasn’t far from the truth, though.”

The carefree newcomer was slow to correct Kachua’s recognition, but seeing him approaching made Rem tense up, gripping the handles of the wheelchair.

Noticing her tense reaction, the young man raised both hands, halting his steps.

“Don’t worry. I’m not the type who would harm anyone. I’m just a pitiful guy who has lost even my one redeemable trait and retreats with a whimper.”

“To retreat with a whimper… are you going somewhere? Slacking again? Everyone is stressing and helping each other out at a time like this?”

“That’s why I’m saying it’s not like that. I completely agree situations are dire.”

With an awkward smile, the young man turned to gaze behind him—a rugged landscape of a castle city barely embarking on reconstruction—and stretched his thin arms wide as if to embrace it.

“Up until now, I had a truly lofty view. From now on, I plan to firmly plant my feet on the ground and live while keeping an eye on what’s before me.”

“…I don’t quite get it. What does that mean?”

“I’m paying homage, my lady. The brilliance of that rising sunlight up ahead, the lives of the people around it—those are all things you’ve snatched from ‘fate.'”

“…Are you mocking me?”

“No, no, no! I genuinely mean it. Until now, I’ve been following ‘fate’ without too much resistance. But I was never troubled by Emperor Vincent or Chisha. So, you’re the only one who got to me.”

“I really don’t know what you’re on about. It feels like I’m being attributed with some far-fetched praise. But…”

As Kachua struggled to comprehend the categorical praise, the young man suddenly paused, surprisingly taking a second to collect himself before responding. Then Kachua, with an accusatory finger, pointed at Rem.

“The reason I was there was because I was stuck with this Rem. Besides, I initially met her at the Minister’s mansion, and that was because of Todd… oh, never mind!”

Pointing angrily at Rem, Kachua now faced the young man again, and suddenly—

“Even if you praise me in a way that doesn’t make sense, it won’t inflate my ego. The fact that I’m a woman with a bad leg makes those compliments seem suspicious! Can I do anything by myself?! It’s all thanks to others!”

“Ka-Kachua, that might be a bit much…”

“Huh? Even now, I’m having you push my wheelchair? Just imagine if a wheel gets stuck in a hole, I’d break my bones right then and there!”

Kachua proudly raised her voice, leaving Rem a bit overwhelmed.

Though acknowledging the fine balance between humility and trust in Kachua’s reasoning, she couldn’t ignore the discrepancy in this particular situation.

“Ha, ha! Hahaha!”

Just then, as Rem was getting wrapped up in her thoughts, the young man clutched his stomach and burst out laughing. Kachua’s startled reaction and frantic inquiries were lost on Rem, who felt she understood the reason behind his laughter.

With Rem’s mild understanding and Kachua’s bewilderment wedged between them, the young man wiped away tears from his eyes.

“Ah, it was good to talk. If someone said I were ‘the one who defeated fate,’ I couldn’t have possibly said anything after that.”

“So, I can’t comprehend what you mean…”

“Well, that’s something for you to deal with another. — I’ve got to take my leave now.”

“Where to?”

As she asked, the young man, picking up a small load at his feet, pointed toward Gildray Mountain, which loomed behind the fortress.

“For now, outside the Empire. So, take care.”

He replied, leaving only that, turning his back to walk away. Not wanting to hold him back, Rem and Kachua exchanged glances only to share a wish for his future well-being.

That he would be able to keep his back straight as he walked away was all thanks to Rem, Kachua, and the many others who cared for him.

“All thanks to others…”

“What? What’s that, are you complaining? I mean, I do think talking like that is a bit extreme…”

“No, I think it’s very Kachua-like and quite nice. I also don’t want to fool myself into thinking I stand tall alone.”

As Kachua sparred her gaze towards Rem, she noticed the familiar gentle comfort in her presence. Kachua’s flustered expression eventually softened.

“Before I knew it, you can walk normally again.”

“They say the cause was the mana inside me not flowing properly. There might be effects on your legs too, Kachua.”

“…No thanks, I’d rather have my brother or someone else push my wheelchair. And…”


“—For a while, you can keep pushing me, right?”

Tentatively, Kachua posed the question. Rem’s eyes opened wide for a moment, before turning soft as she nodded and replied, “Of course.”

The notion that it wouldn’t be for long was well acknowledged by both Rem and Kachua, bringing forth an understanding of their exchange.

Surely, it wouldn’t be long until the farewell with Kachua came, and when Rem would return to her previous place alongside Ram and Subaru, a profound pain was inevitable.

However, the farewells shared with Kachua and the people of this land remained imbued with hope for reunion. It was the lingering pain and trial that she learned from the latter’s demise—

“What kindness? Or should I say, what a tease? Priscilla.”

“Rem, follow your heart. Your heart is turbulent, but that ripple is never unsightly.”

In her mind, the last words Priscilla had tossed toward her echoed.

The turbulent heart of Rem might just describe that which continues to swell within, forever rising like bubbles trying to break the surface, attempting to rattle her composure.

Yet, she didn’t want to invalidate that feeling and didn’t want to wish it away.

After all, that Priscilla, during her short time, had illuminated Rem’s life like a flame—such a person, unyielding in their ideals, had told Rem with a steady gaze that her “ripples” were not ugly.

—So allow for the reality that you’ve disappeared to unsettle this heart for now, please. Until the day arrives when those ripples settle, allowing Rem to think of you without tears.