Volume 8 Chapter 30: “Bad News”
The “Castle City” Garkra is known as one of the five major cities of the Volakia Empire.
Situated along the border with the neighboring Lugnica Kingdom and Kararagi City-State, Garkra stands strong with towering mountains behind it and numerous solid fortifications within its walls, making it a crucial defense stronghold.
However, the legendary sturdiness of the city was shattered by the Archbishop of Gluttony from the Witch Cult, who attacked Garkra solo over a decade ago.
The devastation resulted in the deaths of thousands of garrison soldiers and “Eight-Armed” Kurgan, hailed as the strongest warrior of the Volakia Empire, in what would go down as one of the worst disasters in the empire’s history.
Since then, deep scars have marked the Castle City, and to this day, the complete restoration of the city remains unachieved, maintaining heightened tensions between the nations.
“And that’s the situation regarding the Castle City as known by the kingdom,”
said Roswaal, standing by the window of the massive fortress carved into the mountainside, overlooking the city with a smile.
The city has sufficient space and an abundant supply of well-prepared shelters, where refugees and soldiers who escaped from the imperial capital are now being housed, finally finding some relief.
Below, although multiple fortifications were utilized to realize that scene, none of the under-construction buildings were visible.
“This is quite different from what I was told… There were rampant rumors that the Castle City was in the midst of reconstruction,”
he remarked,
Other nations may not know, but even among the empire’s citizens, the true state of the Castle City remains a mystery.
If a nation were to act on the assumption that the Castle City is incomplete, they would find themselves welcomed by the empire, which has put every precaution in place.
Truly, the empire excels at using its own scandals to its advantage, which is beyond being astonishing.
Just then—
“If the first-ranked mage of the kingdom held such an understanding, it seems the information control here has been quite effective.”
“They wouldn’t leave visible weaknesses begging to be exploited, right? Oh dear, how can I help but admire the empire’s thoroughness?”
Roswaal sighed with resignation, turning around to see a white-haired old gentleman standing opposite him—Belstet Fondalfon, the Chancellor of the Empire.
He was one of the people who aided in turning the tide during the previous attack on the Dragon Carriage.
Although he had once fallen from the Dragon Carriage and his survival was doubtful, he was saved just in time by Frederica, who had been pursuing the carriage, and so they united in the Castle City.
Nevertheless, he did not return unscathed.
“How are you feeling? It seemed you had quite severe burns,”
Roswaal inquired.
“Thank you for your concern. Fortunately, thanks to her healing abilities, my life was spared. I am somewhat limited in my limbs, but… that is a blessing for me,”
Belstet reported, leaning on his cane, dragging his right leg.
No matter how great the effect of healing magic, to exceed one’s natural healing capabilities would indeed require a miracle.
Unfortunately, it seems the only miracle Belstet received was in saving his life. Still, the old man appears to regard that alone as great fortune.
“It’s a stroke of luck that the human cost was minimal and that we managed to enter the Castle City without losing any crucial military strength. I feel sorry for the crippled Chancellor, but we couldn’t have hoped for better results than this.”
Serena remarked, seated at one of the round tables in the center of the room, tracing her finger over her own facial scar while pulling out a chair for Belstet.
Belstet graciously accepted her consideration and took his seat.
“Lord Draculoy’s words are brash, but your actions show a measure of thoughtfulness… I find myself at a loss as to how to assess you,”
he pondered.
“Don’t overthink it. I’m both sides. If this fortress were to crumble, while carrying a decrepit Chancellor like you, I’d offer my unfiltered thoughts on the exertion,”
she replied.
“I see. That’s quite perplexing,”
he noted.
Her straightforwardness adds a layer of complexity to Serena’s charm, and oddly enough, Belstet’s demeanor also seems more nuanced.
The arrival of the horde of undead dragons led by the “Poison Princess,” coupled with the appearance of the “Worshipper,” Halibel, who halted the “Three-Headed” Balguren, was, quite frankly, the worst of events.
However, we can consider it miraculous that, including Belstet’s survival, the ensemble has reached an extraordinary state of calm.
That said, there are some controversial aspects regarding how this miracle was brought about.
“By the way, is it true? Is it certain that Lady Lamia will not resurrect?”
Belstet’s question, tinged with an uncharacteristic warmth, was noticed by Roswaal, who, unlike Serena, refrained from prying deeply.
Instead, he lowered his chin and responded,
“It seems they discovered how to mix the ‘Secret of the Undying King’ with revival magic. By this means, Princess Lamia Godwin has been deprived of her means to revive… No, in this case…”
“Perhaps to say she was ‘saved’ may be a tad arrogant.”
Serena didn’t hold back in pointing out the hesitation that Roswaal initially demonstrated.
In that respect, Roswaal also lacked a clear answer. He couldn’t assess whether a life once brought back as an undead would welcome that state.
Personally, he would not condemn the very act of resurrection itself as evil. But, that state of being resurrected as an undead…
“—She has been ‘saved,’ or perhaps ‘liberated,’ if we may put it that way.”
“Oh? It’s surprising to hear you say that, Chancellor.”
Upon Belstet’s words, Serena raised an eyebrow, intrigued. In response, he pressed down both hands on the head of his cane and exhaled deeply.
“I don’t think Lady Lamia would have found that state acceptable. She must have been conscious of her own defeat… That was an unwanted chance.”
“So you mean she would have preferred to be defeated, then? Yet, that she came back to attack again seems to contradict that notion.”
“…Still, I believe Lady Lamia’s true intention lay elsewhere.”
With his eyes half-closed, Belstet’s heavy murmurs revealed a hidden desire.
Somewhere within, Roswaal felt he understood Belstet’s sentiments. Unfortunately, the emotion didn’t seem to reach Serena, who rested her chin on her hand.
In any case, this provides plenty of fodder for discussion.
“The enemy is powerful, and the situation is shrouded in confusion. If we do not unite, it is dangerous. It would not do for us to squabble among ourselves, would it, Subaru-kun?”
“…I know that without you telling me.”
Roswaal let out a light laugh and addressed the entrance of the conference room.
At that moment, a boy with black hair peeked through the door, answering with a bitter expression.
“Due to the urgent situation, I hadn’t had a chance to say it, but let me share the information again. This, Lui, now known as Spica, was originally one of the Witch Cult’s Archbishops.”
In the conference room of the fortress, Subaru boldly disclosed Spica’s identity at the very start of the discussions.
The sides that had already understood the situation during the prior Dragon Carriage incident received the confession quietly. In contrast, the response from the unaware imperial side was as expected.
First came astonished disbelief, followed promptly by the reaction that would occur regardless of whether the confession was true or a joke—fury.
“What are you saying! She’s an Archbishop of Sin!? Unthinkable! Are you spouting insolence knowing this is the Castle City!? This is a city that was once brought to its knees by an Archbishop of Sin!”
The one shouting fiercely, amplifying his voice, was Goz Ralfon.
Having greatly contributed to the defense of the Dragon Carriage and hastily joining the meeting even before properly treating his wounds, Goz’s furious cries echoed the unanimous sentiment of those hearing the news for the first time.
However, this wasn’t a joke or a game.
“I’ve heard that Regulus scum rampaged through this city too. It won’t be comforting, but we handled that jerk, so just forget about it for now.”
“I don’t care about that foul monster! The critical point is the cursed title of Archbishop of Sin they carry! Do you understand?!”
“—I do.”
Goz’s booming voice seemed to stir the air, nearly blowing everyone away with the sound. Yet, Subaru stood his ground and replied firmly.
Even Goz widened his eyes, surprised at the young Subaru’s defiant response.
“Is that so?”
Goz stumbled on his words, and as he lost momentum, Belstet raised his hand. The Chancellor of the Empire scrutinized Subaru and Spica with thin, keen eyes.
“The fact that you openly shared that means you believe her existence and skills are necessary for this discussion going forward. That is to say, it relates to freeing Lady Lamia from her undead shackles, doesn’t it?”
“Ah, yeah, that’s right. This makes things easier. After all, we couldn’t have had Belstet-kun dying on his own.”
From the conversation flow, Belstet guessed much of the circumstances and approved Subaru’s confirmation with a nod.
During the Dragon Carriage battle, Belstet faced Lamia head-on, risking his life to exclude her and her doppelganger from “the Windscreen’s Blessing.” Nevertheless, that action itself was entirely an independent decision, almost costing him his life.
“Please, don’t let the clever ones fall prey to the empire’s ways. Achieving something at the cost of your life isn’t praiseworthy.”
“Opinions are bound to vary on that, but… at the very least, what I’d gain by trading my life will not be much.”
Belstet conveyed firmly, conceding where necessary and remaining stubborn where he felt justified.
Subaru’s thoughts aligned, and it seemed that their views on the value of life were destined to remain at odds. However, the truth was that Subaru was by no means inclined to let anyone die meaninglessly.
“So? Now that you endorsed the Chancellor’s inquiry, it’s beyond doubt that the daughter endowed with the title of Archbishop of Sin effectively dealt with the undead. What exactly did she do?”
“It’s somewhat hard to explain in specifics…”
With her chin resting on her hand, Serena prioritized curiosity over hostility towards Spica. An obvious question came forth from her, prompting Subaru to glance at Spica.
The girl blinked her blue eyes in response to Subaru’s gaze and raised her hand.
“Spica can consume the special powers of known individuals with her power of ‘Gluttony’… I suppose. By doing so, she can negate the revival schemes of the endlessly resurrecting zombies.”
“Wow, that’s a bit vague, isn’t it? If you don’t explain properly, it’ll just leave us uneasy and not comforted at all!”
“I’d love to give a more convincing and concrete explanation too!”
Subaru’s vague declaration earned him an unmerciful shot from Anastasia, who was supposed to be an ally.
Nonetheless, that critique was reasonable, and a fatal wound was unavoidable. Yet, the fact remained that Subaru could explain it no other way.
“In any case, Subaru’s aim hit the mark. With that girl’s powers, the troublesome princess of zombies withdrew. That retreat was genuine, unlike a ruse or a bluff.”
“I agree with Miss Beatrice. Furthermore, the efforts of the ‘Pruning Unit,’ who held their ground and bought time for the retreat, seem too significant to be a mere compromise.”
“Both of you are being quite sentimental. However, that remains circumstantial evidence… Without concrete confirmation of the effects, utilizing this could be dangerous and unpredictable.”
“I know… of course, I’m aware.”
Despite the assistance from Beatrice and Julius, Anastasia’s sound reasoning stood undeniable.
The validity of her claims was evident from the reactions of the imperial side, who must be convinced anew. While the empire must be protected, one could not say that the risks involved in associating with an Archbishop of Sin are worth the trouble, which is undeniably a difficult decision.
Ubiruku, the star seer, had mentioned two lights to oppose the “Great Calamity”—the survival of one is desperate enough, meaning they could truly rely only on Spica.
The onslaught of zombies arrived, and through Beatrice and others’ desperate research, they realized the “Secret of the Undying King” and the application of revival magic, at which point Subaru grasped Spica’s potential.
The “Gluttony” power’s interference with the souls of zombies—specifically, how Spica exercised this ability and what resulted from it were still unknown.
However, they haven’t forgotten about Lady Lamia Godwin, who became Spica’s target and, the same goes for her half-brother Abel.
Upon departing, Lamia showed no signs of memory loss. Therefore, she hadn’t devoured her “memories.” —Then, what did Spica consume?
Currently, they were just left to throw around theories about fate, causality, and other nonsensical conjectures.
Of course, they realized it lacked persuasiveness, giving credence to Anastasia’s critiques.
“But you think that she might be able to stop other zombies too? I think that’s an incredibly important thing.”
Amidst Subaru’s distress, Emilia sat at the round table, frowning as she contributed. Hearing Emilia’s opinion, Anastasia narrowed her azure eyes.
“I won’t say I don’t understand Emilia’s feelings. I too am fed up with this ruckus concerning the ’Great Calamity,’ and I empathize with the desire to grab hold of a potential strategy. However, the powers of Archbishop of Sin are…”
“No, that’s not it. That’s certainly true, but… what I want to handle more is the fact that the dead become zombies.”
“You want to deal with the zombies?”
“I can’t articulate it well, but… I really hate that those who are no longer here are moving about as zombies. Abel definitely didn’t want to meet his sister that way. And neither did Medium-chan.”
Lowering her eyelids, Emilia referred to Medium, who was not present.
Her absence is more about the current condition than about being left out of the meeting. —That was due to the last undead creature they encountered during the Dragon Carriage incident.
After receiving Spica’s “Starlight Feast,” Lamia, who had been on the brink of extinction herself, heeded the call and retrieved her.
She did have links with the siblings Flopp and Medium in their lives.
The truth of her loved one turning undead struck Medium with shock, and now that they had overcome that danger, she remained cooped up in a room within the fortress, not showing her face.
The cheerful, optimistic Medium found herself in such a circumstance.
Subaru also felt a pang of pain, yet he hadn’t been able to care for her as Emilia had. So it was only now that Emilia’s words struck him as enlightening.
He realized that, focusing solely on the threat of zombies, he had been overlooking the sorrow they brought.
“…Emilia’s thinking differs slightly from mine, but it’s certainly true that those zombies are troublesome. After all, they have been resurrected unnaturally. Having no flaws would be suspiciously convenient.”
Otto interjected, cutting through Emilia’s sentiments with harsh honesty.
Having quietly observed the situation for a while, he leaned against the fortress wall, gazing at the ceiling.
“Zombies are not merely beings brought back to life. While there are massive numbers of them… Looking solely at a particular woman among them, even setting that aside, I have seen plenty of zombies. I don’t think all of them harbored resentment towards His Excellency the Emperor.”
“That’s right. Surely that’s too much to assume.”
“Yeah, it’s a stretch to presume that.”
Otto’s questions and defenses elicited a thinly-shrouded appreciation from Subaru and the others in the room.
As much as Abel may have appeared as a self-serving, cold-blooded emperor to others, it was undeniable that he was someone respected too.
This fact was something Subaru himself had seen and heard during their travels through the empire.
“Any aggressive consciousness targeted at Vincent and the Volakia Empire should be considered as having been instilled or amplified during the process of being revived as zombies.”
“So, brainwashing… That’s a reasonable assertion.”
“I have heard from the soldiers fighting behind us. They said when a soldier fought side by side and fell, it’s likely that soldier would immediately turn into a zombie and come back to attack.”
“To suddenly attack as a zombie right after having stood shoulder to shoulder as allies… Otto-dono’s deduction seems likely true.”
Having shared his views on zombies, Otto received acknowledgment from Julius. His curt response, however, sparked a frown from Subaru, but neither Julius nor Anastasia seemed to mind and accepted it naturally.
In any case—
“While this is Otto-kun’s opinion, before you arrived, I was having a discussion with the Chancellor and Lord Draculoy. According to them… without making that unpleasant face,”
“Let’s postpone digging into Roswaal’s relations with the local officials for later, but the Chancellor seemed to carry a similar view, right?”
Roswaal and Selena both redirected the conversation’s flow to focus on Belstet. He nodded, keeping his hands on his cane while surveying the participants with his inscrutable eyes.
“Considering Lady Lamia’s character, she would not wish for a second life. Let alone concoct a plan to overturn the death of her first life.”
“So, it seems she was indeed coerced into attacking us with unnatural enthusiasm?”
“That would be the prudent conclusion… Of course, if there remains some form of normalcy, it’s possible her current decision might still reflect that.”
“Then the Volakia royal family…!”
“I wish to refrain from such enthusiastic thoughts for now…”
By preempting what he wouldn’t ordinarily determine, he seemed almost proud in accepting the possibility that even retaining some normalcy, an abnormal judgment could be made.
Regardless, it seems everyone reached a consensus that the zombies’ thought processes are not normal.
“Resurrected zombies unfailingly stand opposed to us. In that sense, as Emilia-chan stated, we need to end the enemy’s zombie attacks as fast as possible. For that, Spica’s power is essential. Realistically speaking, this is non-negotiable.”
“But we’re talking about that many zombies, yeah? You expect to carefully eat through each and every one? Taking realism into account, I think that can’t be ignored.”
“If necessary, I’ll do it. I’m not here to just nibble at the good parts and toss the rest aside!”
Clenching tightly—metaphorically and quite literally—Subaru gripped Spica’s hand as he declared towards Otto.
Receiving Subaru’s focused gaze, Otto scrutinized Spica, his piercing look filled with suspicion. Spica, in turn, squeezed back his hand to match the resolve in her eyes.
“Aah! Auh!”
She rumbled affirmatively, seemingly declaring her decision to tread down the thorny path.
Upon hearing Spica’s response, Otto exhaled through his nose.
“Just so you know, there’s no point in trying to convince me. I hold no sway over whether we incorporate her into our strategy or not.”
“Even without that influence in the discussions, your presence is big amongst us. At least, if you can’t convince your own, how can you hope to persuade anyone else?”
“Is that so? Then, should I have graded more rigorously?”
With a shrug and slight exasperation, Otto’s demeanor didn’t suggest he had any intention of retracting his previous claim.
Presumably, he had been prepared to share a bond with Spica since the moment they convinced her to use “Starlight Feast” against Lamia during the battle.
Subaru, on the other hand, didn’t want to brush this off lightly.
“You may seem to be relaxed there, but I’m not even remotely convinced yet.”
“Ugh… What would make you satisfied, Anastasia-san?”
Now that the consensus had been established amongst the core group, the semi-affiliated Anastasia stepped up.
At least within the empire, given their shared fate, she crossed her fingers upon hearing Subaru’s concerned question.
“Honestly, I’d prefer it if you contemplated that yourself, but it’s far better to be stuck pondering useless answers. —First, let’s confirm what she can do and, if possible, the effects afterward.”
“What she can do and the effects afterward…”
“What she can do is to ensure that the zombies cannot rise again, right? But then, what about the follow-up consequences?”
“Is it true that you two—Natsuki-kun and Emilia-san—are aware of just how terrible the powers of ‘Gluttony’ are?”
Subaru and Emilia’s eyes widened in reaction to Anastasia’s cold assertion.
It wasn’t a surprise, one simply could not brush off such a subject.
“The power of ‘Gluttony’ brings devastation to individuals worldwide.”
Even within this conference room, Emilia and Julius were present, and among the fortress’s occupants was Rem. —Well, anyone in the surrounding could share the consideration of having been victimized by “Gluttony.”
Assuming they were to leverage that power, evaluating the risks was natural.
“…As of now, nobody has forgotten about that expanded girl, right?”
“That’s right. But no one believes she hasn’t fed. Though it may not tie to a “name” or “memory,” what she has consumed accumulated has to raise questions regarding the child’s future.”
“As for that—”
“If Natsuki-kun seems overly skeptical, it sure isn’t impossible she might not revert to her original state.”
Under the unyielding scrutiny of Anastasia, Subaru found himself unable to respond.
All he could offer were baseless, emotional prayers regarding belief. The girl had been given a new name—Spica—and had chosen a different way to live rather than being called Lui Arnebe.
In a sense, it was essential for this child, who arguably inherited this power from birth, to be led in a direction where many would acknowledge her capability.
“Anastasia-san, that’s something we can’t ascertain. Of course, I believe we must remain vigilant…”
“I can’t offer proof that I’m not scheming, either. Therefore, at the very least, I desire a certainty that the return will yield something worthwhile henceforth.”
“So, confirming the results of Spica’s wielding of her power, is that your proposition?”
Upon touching his scar beneath his left eye, Julius saw Anastasia nod shortly.
She then stared at Subaru and Spica, glancing at both of them.
“A merchant would never approach negotiations with a product of unclear value. If, for no known reason, its benefits are unclear, any pitch would miss the mark.”
“That’s entirely true.”
With the cessation of Lamia’s assault, it’s certainly plausible she managed to take her down.
However, other points still relied solely on Ubiruku’s prophecy as a star seer, which appeared dubious. Until suspicions could be alleviated, Anastasia had shown leniency enough.
Currently, everyone must be convinced that Spica’s “Starlight Feast” effectively affects zombies—or else it wouldn’t suffice.
“—Unfortunately, we don’t have the time to dedicate to verification.”
A deep voice pierced through the tense atmosphere, causing Subaru’s stance to falter.
Abruptly, all eyes turned toward the castle conference room entrance, where the slender figure of Abel appeared. The one expected to head the meeting had shown up late, flanked by Flopp and, surprisingly, Jamal.
Moving with ease, he confidently strode into the room, taking a seat at the round table before anyone could say a word.
“Well, look at you all, looking bewildered.”
“It was a shock to see such a grand entrance after your lateness. We were told to start without you, but what have you been doing?”
“There were urgent matters to confirm. A major part of why I rushed to the Castle City was to decipher the true meaning behind the words left by the great fool.”
Without a shred of guilt, Abel replied, and Subaru hesitated at the prospect of pursuing the matter further.
The “great fool” he referenced must surely refer to one of the ministers who had tricked Abel, putting him in a position of power.
Yet he also pondered what precisely provoked Abel to hurry to the Castle City.
“Is the tale you’ve been told about the urgent situation in the city true?”
“Of course, it is also reality that it has been perfect for accepting the refugees.”
“Let’s skip the cumbersome narratives, and be frank. What did you mean about not having time?”
Emilia and Anastasia both directed urgent inquiries at Abel.
This question resonated with everyone present in the conference room. Under the intent gazes investigating the gravity of their words, Abel squinted one eye and hit the table with his fingers.
The sharp sound resonated, drawing everyone’s attention to his hand.
“To be brief, what I wanted to confirm in this Castle City was merely the presence and condition of the divine realm… the “Stone Block,” one of the Great Spirits linked to the Four Greats, residing within the empire.”
“The Four Great Spirits… You mean the Four Greats?”
The unexpected news sent Subaru blinking rapidly, utterly astounded.
The Four Great Spirits were mentioned upon his arrival in this other world, and again when he made a pact with Beatrice to become a Spirit Mage.
Among the strongest spirits—though it struck him as questionable the moment the tawny mouse-colored cat bumbled into the spotlight.
“So, did the Empire have a grasp on the location and condition of ‘Stone Block’ Muspel?”
“Is this something we should be that shocked about?”
“Of course. The ‘A Street Thug’ of the City-State and the ‘Spirit Beast’ of the Holy Kingdom both draw unwavering reverence and faith across nations. The ‘Stone Block’ similarly harbors power.”
“If we could form an alliance with one of the Four Great Spirits, it would mean a monumental opportunity for the nation… far more significant than the ongoing reconstruction of the Castle City.”
One after another, both Julius and Anastasia communicated the brimming importance of this matter, leaving Subaru blinking in innocent surprise.
However, given no corrections were made, and that Emilia and Beatrice wore proud expressions, it seemed this recognition was indeed accurate.
The pressing issue was—
“So if you hurried to check on ‘Stone Block’s’ whereabouts and status, does that mean the Great Spirit is here? It’s clear that if that power could be borrowed, it would be invaluable… but—”
Endlessly overflowing enemies brushed against them, and Spica’s “Starlight Feast” alone wouldn’t fill the void.
Naturally, while it would be ideal to have every available means to stall the zombie onslaught until Spica could unleash “Starlight Feast,” it would be nice to have a powerful backup like the Stone Block.
“Regrettably, it’s not so simple. Earlier, his Excellency the emperor mentioned we are running out of time, and I believe that made its rounds with everyone.”
The unrelenting negativity against Subaru’s hopes was met with Flopp’s gentle shake of the head.
Like Medium, who was always cheerful and positive, he now wore a serious expression as he articulated those words.
For whatever reasons, Flopp shared the same sight as Abel—having reached conclusions earlier than Subaru and the others.
“None of you can hope for the support of ‘Stone Block.’ Rather, the very existence of ‘Stone Block’ is now a boon for the enemy… ‘Great Calamity.’”
“What do you… mean? The Great Spirit—”
“The enemy has it in their possession. Most likely, that unending mana of this ‘Great Calamity’ utilizes ‘Stone Block’s’ properties to revive endless zombies. Thus, they can keep emerging limitlessly.”
With wide eyes locked onto Subaru, Abel continued to share the worst of news, unconcerned for his disbelief.
The tense air in the conference room thickened as Abel pressed on.
“While I said ‘limitlessly,’ that’s not entirely accurate. No matter how extraordinary the mana of ‘Stone Block’ is, it eventually runs out. When that mana runs out, the empire will face its end. —The divine realm ‘Stone Block’ safeguards might be incapable of avoiding collapse.”
— It was the dire prophecy that promised to truly obliterate the empire.