Volume 3 Chapter 29: “A Situation Starts to Move”
When Rem led Subaru into the reception room, there were three people there: Crusch, Felix, and Wilhelm, who had entered the mansion just before Subaru.
Crushing breath and shaking shoulders, Subaru rushed into the room. Looking at him, Crusch squinted her eyes as if to say,
“By the looks of things, it seems you’ve already heard the news.”
With a glimmer of emotion betraying her cool demeanor, Crusch spoke, as if indicating that unnecessary preambles could be skipped.
Feeling a bit overshadowed, Subaru shook his head slightly.
“I don’t have all the details yet. Rem seems to know only a vague outline too.”
Just turning his head, Subaru glanced at Rem, who was standing right beside him. Receiving his intent, Rem pulled her chin slightly and, despite her usual expressionless face, revealed a hint of tension.
“What Rem sensed was merely through my sister’s feelings… Unlike from my sister, it didn’t come through as something concrete. If only I could use clairvoyance, we’d have a different story.”
Frowning in frustration, Rem bit her lip, mourning her own lack of power.
However, watching this scene, Crusch seemed impressed and exclaimed, “Hmm, I had heard about the twin maids under Roswaal’s care. I see, so it’s possible to exchange some information even being somewhat detached between the Royal Capital and the territory.”
“As I mentioned, the information is quite vague. It was all I could manage with my inadequate ability.”
Bowing humbly at Crusch’s praise, Rem maintained her modesty. Meanwhile, Subaru stepped forward and waved his hands, saying,
“Whoa there, whoa there. Let’s not focus on that. I want to hear the crucial part. Based on that feeling just now, you should have some more detailed information, right?”
“The credibility of the information on our side is somewhat lacking, you know? It’s been waded through various sources and gaps.”
With Subaru’s eagerness bubbling over, Felix shot him his usual mischievous glance. In response to Subaru glaring back at him, Felix tilted his head adorably while placing a finger on his lips.
“If that vague sense combines with Rem-chan’s sixth sense, it could start to form something nice.”
“Cut the teasing and get to the conclusion.”
Felix maintained his teasing attitude, and Subaru leaned his hands on the reception table, thrusting his face forward to intimidate him.
Yet in response to Subaru’s demands, it wasn’t Felix who clapped his hands and diverted attention, but rather,
“I understand that you’re impatient, Natsuki Subaru.”
Calling Subaru by his full name, Crusch looked at him with her green hair gently swaying.
Under the sharpness of her gaze, Subaru suddenly felt as if he had been splashed with cold water, instinctively gasping and stepping back.
Crusch’s height wasn’t much greater than Subaru’s—maybe by five centimeters at most—but nonetheless, Subaru felt an overwhelming pressure, as if he were being looked down upon by her.
The difference in self-worth creates differences in perception. Subaru, painfully reminded of the inequality of beings at an unnecessary moment, heard Crusch’s indifferent tone.
“What if we simply refuse to disclose information to you?”
“That should have been an expected response, wouldn’t you agree? You are currently a guest of our household. That position does not guarantee you any further rights. There’s no way we would involve a mere guest in the matters of the Royal Selection concerning our household.”
Being confronted with such outright logical reasoning, Subaru found himself speechless, lips twisting in frustration.
At the same time, he was angry at himself for being so naive and short-sighted.
Just the other day, he had become aware of this: he was in the enemy’s domain, where he would be exposed to fangs without choice if something were to happen.
Naturally, Crusch and Felix would maintain such an attitude towards him as well.
There was no way he could just casually ask for information, like a spoiled child.
“Lady Crusch, Lord Felix—please cease the banter there.”
With the flames of hostility simmering in his heart, Subaru was pondering how to extract information when Wilhelm, who had remained silent until now, interrupted.
Turning his reproachful eyes towards his master and her attendant, he said,
“While I can understand the urgency, it’s clear we are both aware of the pressing situation. Unnecessary arguments may leave us with lingering consequences later.”
“If we have a later—depends on that,” Felix chimed in.
“Felix,” Crusch warned.
“Got it—I’ll keep quiet. Mmm, you’re scary…”
Pouting and bouncing onto a sofa, Felix covered his ears and fell silent. Wilhelm sighed at the childish behavior, while Crusch appeared to be smiling quietly.
Subaru, unable to keep up with their attitudes, blinked, but…
“I must apologize for my rudeness, Natsuki Subaru.”
“What I just did was merely a test. It doesn’t carry any significant meaning. However, do keep in mind that this is a place where you cannot help but be conscious of your position.”
As Subaru replied in an almost vacant voice, Crusch expressed her gratitude while not neglecting her warning. Her words forced Subaru to reevaluate his standing and awakened him to a harsh realization.
In short, whether he liked it or not, he was now in a position where he could not afford to simply indulge in the environment he had been given.
He needed to tighten his resolve, albeit his heart was still somewhat unsettled. Yet, seeing Subaru switch his demeanor, Crusch seemed satisfied and nodded.
“There are some troublesome movements around the territory of Baron Roswaal. I’ve been told that the entire domain has been put on alert by the Baron’s orders…”
“Troublesome movements? An alert?”
Upon hearing these alarming terms, Subaru raised an eyebrow in confusion.
Nodding in response to his inquiry, Crusch crossed her arms and said, “Originally, these situations were anticipated. When the Baron endorsed Emilia as a candidate for the throne—that is, when he declared his support for the half-elf—it was a given.”
“What, are there going to be angry shouts erupting from the territory’s populace or something?”
“Naturally, that’s a possibility. With the Witch of Envy’s notorious reputation spreading, being a half-elf means facing those biases head-on.”
As Subaru voiced a concern that suddenly popped into his mind, his apprehensions were easily affirmed.
Once again it frustrated Subaru that Emilia’s origin was becoming a shackle against her. It infuriated him that despite not being her fault, the world constantly sought to drag her down.
And he couldn’t help but grow to loathe those so-called “commoners” who only judged based on prejudice without even knowing her true character.
“She chose to walk this path fully aware of the risks involved. You’re merely misguided in your anger.”
“That can’t be right. Just because she’s okay with hearing bad things said about her doesn’t mean there’s any reason she has to be insulted in the first place.”
Rebutting Crusch’s assertion with a grim expression, Subaru then redirected the conversation when he said, “So you’re saying that there’s a mess brewing in Roswaal’s territory because of such trivialities? It could turn into a big fire instead of just a small disturbance, right?”
“An interesting way to put it, but spot on. Leaving aside the specifics, the gist is correct. Wouldn’t your attendant’s sense corroborate this?”
Directing the question towards Rem, Subaru found all eyes in the room on her.
Maintaining her usual poker face, Rem met Subaru’s gaze and nodded in response, as if confirming the intent behind his question.
“The feelings transmitted from my sister were of mild anxiety and a great deal of anger… I believe it wasn’t something she meant to convey but rather something that leaked out, impossible for her to contain.”
“Is this mutual sense something that happens often between you two?”
“No. We control it to a certain extent. However, when emotions are especially strong, they can break through and be transmitted to one another.”
As Rem’s strength seemed to wane by the end of her words, she appeared to imply that the wave of feelings she received from Ram this time was irregular. If Ram were to ask for Rem’s help, the emotions would have arrived in a clearer, more consistent form.
Yet, the emotional fluctuations from Ram only momentarily spilled over, without any continuation. This meant…
“They’re trying to keep me out of it, huh…”
Subaru whispered this internally, feeling a sense of burning emotion from his imagination.
If indeed Ram’s intentions aligned with Subaru’s thoughts, it wouldn’t be difficult to imagine who had ordered Ram to withhold feelings.
Subaru was currently under treatment at Karsten House. Since Rem was by his side, her feelings being transmitted meant that those feelings would also reach Subaru.
—To that extent, did Ram not want him drawn into her own troubles?
“But you’re in trouble, right?…”
The situation must have been desperate if it had reached as far as Crusch in the Royal Capital.
Moreover, the usually greater self-control that Ram had over her feelings must have been overwhelmed by the circumstances she faced.
Once again, doubts looped around in Subaru’s mind about just how few allies remained available to her and how irrationally numerous her enemies could be. In situations like this, how could there be anyone to rely on without ulterior motives?
Yes, exactly.
That’s why—
“I have to go help, right?”
As Subaru lifted his face and muttered those words, all eyes turned to him.
Crusch squinted one eye, Felix narrowed his impish eyes slightly, Wilhelm wore an expressionless face that bore no waves of emotion, and Rem gasped, exclaiming, “N-no, Subaru-kun…!”
Pulling his sleeve, Rem trembled as she opened her big eyes wide.
The urgency and confusion, along with a plea that bordered on desperation were starkly visible in her gaze.
“We have to honor Lady Emilia’s and Lord Roswaal’s orders. Subaru-kun is to focus on his treatment at Lady Crusch’s mansion. Rem agrees with this too. Healing your injured body is the utmost priority for you at this moment…”
“What if something irreversible happens while we’re waiting around? If that’s the case, it’ll be impossible to react, right? It’s a matter of which we choose.”
Shoving aside Rem’s desperate insistence, Subaru stepped forward to meet Crusch’s gaze. He straightened up after meeting her amber eyes, and said,
“As you heard, Lady Crusch. Rem and I are returning to Roswaal’s mansion… back to Lady Emilia. Until all this blows over, my treatment can wait…”
“—If you’re leaving this place, you’ll be considered an enemy in my eyes.”
Cutting in as Subaru attempted to continue, Crusch coldly stated her stance.
Subaru felt as if he had genuinely been cut by the sharpness of her words, and as their meanings began to sink in, he stammered,
“Let me correct one of your assumptions. The reason I treat you as a guest and allow you to receive Felix’s treatment is solely because of the contract.”
“A contract…?”
When Subaru questioned, Crusch nodded and pointed a finger with her arms still crossed.
“The contract was established between Emilia and myself, through Felix. The content states that you will receive treatment in exchange for something. This was made mutual by consent, and it’s why you’re treated as a guest. However, I have my reasons for upholding this contract.”
“I must uphold my contract with Emilia because it was negotiated prior to the Royal Selection. Since the aftermath of the Royal Selection, Emilia and I have been political enemies. Thus, I originally have no obligation to assist those connected to Emilia. But a contract is a contract.”
Repeating the word “contract” to emphasize the significance of it, Crusch’s words bored into Subaru’s mind.
Listening closely, he began to feel uncomfortable, as he connected this instance of the term to his previous encounter with Emilia.
For Subaru, who had neglected to uphold a “promise,” the situation turned toward Crusch prioritizing the fulfillment of her own “contract.”
Drawing attention to the inner guilt that was concealed behind his expression, Crusch intensified her glare.
“If you decide to leave this household, it would mean you relinquish the contract midway. This would leave us no ill will towards each other, and thereafter, Emilia and I shall be absolute enemies. Therefore, you, who now operate as part of Emilia’s faction, would undoubtedly become an enemy of mine.”
“So if I leave, the treatment stops, huh? That’s quite a petty move. Essentially, you don’t want us going in to help Emilia because it would cause you trouble.”
“I’d prefer it if you do not misunderstand.”
Just then, when Subaru made a biting retort aimed at covering his true feelings, Felix interjected with a slightly sharp expression and his vibrant cat ears standing erect.
“What Lady Crusch is doing right now isn’t mean-spirited, it’s compassion. There wouldn’t be any disadvantage to us if you and Rem returned to help Lady Emilia. The reason I’m trying to stop you is…”
“Felix, stop it.”
“No, I’m going to say it. The level of misunderstanding here is just too severe, so let me correct that for you.”
Ignoring the brief interruption from his master, Felix turned back to Subaru.
As if savoring each word, he said slowly, “Even if you go, the situation isn’t going to change. It would be pointless. The pact of treatment that Lady Emilia broke would also be wasted. If you’re going to do that, it’s better for you to patiently watch the situation unfold and focus on healing your body.”
—A sound resonated.
A definitive sound echoed in Subaru’s head, as if something had snapped. Realizing that it was the seal on his suppressed anger, Subaru was pushed to the breaking point of unbearable humiliation.
“I’ve decided.”
Not allowing any of those emotions to surface, Subaru calmly voiced his thoughts.
Though passionate flames of rage still burned within him, he chose not to let them loose outwardly but allowed their intensity to track him toward one conclusion.
“I’m going back to the mansion… back to Emilia. It’s just a little while, but I’ve been taken care of well here.”
Rem cried out with a voice filled with desperation at Subaru’s explicit declaration. Yet Subaru silenced her by putting his palm outward, fixing his gaze on Crusch’s group.
After hearing Subaru’s words, Crusch’s expression remained inscrutable, yet next to her, Felix’s obvious concern showed on his face.
Looking dismayed, he shook his head and with no pretense of hiding his surprise, he looked straight at Subaru.
“I think accepting advice straightforwardly is an essential trait of a person’s character, you know?”
“Your advice has helped me make my decision, so thanks for that.”
With a clear hint of sarcasm, Subaru replied, to which Felix shrugged, giving up on creating more words. The conversation was picked up again by Crusch.
“Natsuki Subaru.”
Calling out his name, Crusch looked at him with wide-open eyes.
Under the piercing gaze, Subaru tightened his resolve not to back down. No matter what was said to him, he had no intention of retracting his words. Even if he were to be deemed powerless and foolish, what value did that hold?
“I’m sorry, but all of our long-distance dragon carriages are currently out. The only ones available for lend are slower transportation ones or those that need to swap Earth Dragons during mid-distance travel.”
With his own thoughts simmering inside, Crusch instead shifted to a totally different topic—nay, rather a statement that seemed to, in some way, affirm Subaru’s decision.
In sheer disbelief, Subaru stared blankly for a moment, not fully grasping what had just been said. Crusch glanced at him quizzically before turning to Felix.
“Felix, did I say something odd?”
“Honestly, I’m always stunned by how quickly Crusch switches topics… But this time, you see, I think Subaru-kun didn’t expect us to lend him a dragon carriage at all, did you?”
With a hand against her cheek, Felix answered with admiration, and Crusch nodded in agreement.
“I respect your decision. No matter how you decide, to uphold your own choice carries a significant responsibility. And if you’re going to bear the responsibility, you ought to do what you truly wish to do. To avoid any shame to your own soul.—That’s right, isn’t it?”
“…Yeah, that’s right. I want to protect my soul from becoming shameless. I can’t just sit back while that girl is in trouble.”
Agreeing with Subaru’s sentiments, Crusch responded, and Subaru felt a shift inside him. Gaining unexpected support, his resolution stood unwavering now.
This, too, seemed to resonate with Rem. She briefly seemed to blame herself before closing her eyes in silence, and when she opened them again, her usual emotionless expression returned.
“I would like to thank you on behalf of my master for all your kindness up to this point.”
“It’s nothing. We also gain from it. I’d like to discuss the travel arrangements to the domain…”
“Excuse my boldness, but I would like to ask for your support. I wish to return to the territory as soon as possible to assist my lord.”
Bowing her head, Rem sought to accept Crusch’s offered goodwill.
Based on the previous conversation, it seemed to imply the locations would be about utilizing the dragon carriage for their travel, and suddenly Subaru raised his hand, interjecting.
“By the way, how long does it take from the Royal Capital to Roswaal’s mansion?”
If Subaru’s memory served him right, the journey time from the mansion to the Royal Capital would be around seven to eight hours. They had set off early in the morning and arrived in the later afternoon, so it had to be around that.
Thus, the travel time should, at most, be a half a day, but…
“Taking into account the need to swap carriages… it should take about two to three days.”
“Three days!? But it took less than half a day when we came here, right?!”
While there had been talk of the long-distance dragon carriage being unavailable, the difference in travel time seemed excessively large, regardless. It was hard to believe that running day and night would lead to such a discrepancy.
However, Subaru’s obvious question was denied by Rem, who frowned slightly while putting on a serious expression.
“The Leafaus Highway we used to come here is currently off-limits. We’re entering a bad period with the occurrences of ‘Fog’… Therefore, we have to detour around it.”
“What’s so scary about some fog? We could just push through it…”
“The Fog is caused by the White Whale, you know? If we encounter it, there’s no escape from death. That should be obvious common sense.”
As Felix chipped in, dismissing the notion with a nonchalant tone, yet again a term unfamiliar to Subaru resurfaced.
He grimaced at the mention of “White Whale,” but leaving Subaru in the dark, the conversation moved forward smoothly.
In conclusion, the negotiations between Crusch and Rem settled on “borrowing a carriage from the Karsten House to switch dragon carriages at various villages along the route.”
If they could ride continuously without rest, Subaru thought with frustration, but since the draught animals needed a break, he was reminded of the ever-present differences between the conveniences of his original world and this one.
In any case, the situation was now starting to move.
There was no longer any room for hesitation or squandering time.
※※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※
—Once the policy was decided, the movements became swift.
In the first place, the belongings that Subaru and Rem had brought to the Karsten House were minimal. Leaving the mansion, which they had entered practically empty-handed, the two carried only enough belongings for Subaru to comfortably cradle in both arms.
As they quickly gathered their things and made their way outside the mansion, they discovered a dragon carriage waiting beside the gate, which was the sole structure separating the outside from the inside within the lined iron fence.
Noticing their approach, Wilhelm, who had been sitting in the driver’s seat, leaped down with ease while still holding the reins, landing on level ground. Fixing his appearance with a quick comb of his fingers, he spoke.
“This is the fastest Earth Dragon remaining at our household. That said, it’s significantly inferior to the one used by the Baron, so I hope you’ll forgive me.”
“Just being able to borrow one is enough. But… is it going to be hard to return it after this?”
Dropping his tone, Subaru accepted the reins and looked at Wilhelm.
Currently, only the elderly man stood there to see them off at the gate, while Crusch and Felix had departed from the entrance of the mansion. It was apparent there was a clear sense of parting in that moment.
At the very least, after everything was settled, it would be awkward to return the borrowed Earth Dragon.
With that anxiety surfacing, Wilhelm inclined his heavily wrinkled face downward and prefaced,
“Well, I have no choice but to follow Lady Crusch’s wishes due to my position. Once we leave this mansion, the relationship between my master and Lord Subaru will become what I mentioned earlier… The carriage shall serve as a meager farewell for the treatment and the unfinished sword training.”
“That’s… I don’t think you said that at all when we were leaving the mansion.”
The words exchanged when those two masters had sent them off were just as one would expect them to be.
“I wish you good luck. Do make choices that won’t bring shame to your pride and soul.”
“If they’re being this nice, you better make up with Emilia quickly, or it’s gonna get messy for you, for real. Hurry up.”
It was perhaps that last statement which left the strongest impression.
While Wilhelm’s comments did not carry the same air of consideration he had spoken with, the final words still stood out starkly.
“I, too, stand in service to Lady Crusch. I have some understanding of her thoughts.”
“For how long have you been working here, by the way?”
“Roughly half a year or so, I believe…”
“That’s shorter experience than I thought!? Are you properly communicating in the master-servant relationship?!”
Taking Wilhelm’s words at face value and borrowing the dragon carriage, the thought of it deepening the conflict between Crusch and Emilia made it seem like something that would become quite a joke. This “Borrowed Steed War” would surely be an insufferable entry in history textbooks.
As Subaru and Wilhelm conversed, Rem was busy checking the carriage and the Earth Dragon’s condition.
Seizing the reins from Subaru, she leaped onto the driver’s seat, then quickly jumped back down to inspect the state of the Earth Dragon pulling the carriage.
From what he caught a glimpse of, the Earth Dragon they were lent seemed notably smaller than the one that had departed from Roswaal’s mansion. However, as the carriage was also smaller, it shouldn’t pose any problem in horsepower, but the difference in speed was certainly a point of concern.
“—Got it, now just listen well. That’s it, good boy, good boy.”
“How’s it looking, Rem?”
Following Rem’s command, the Earth Dragon lowered its head. She reached out to gently pet its reptilian snout, letting her fingers graze the hardened skin as she turned back to Subaru.
“It was a little temperamental, but I taught it who’s in charge, so there shouldn’t be any issues. I think it will follow Rem’s instructions.”
“R-right… Looks like you established a solid hierarchy. Who would’ve thought you had such a sporting side?”
While Subaru had been chatting with Wilhelm, it seemed Rem had been having a little “talk” with the dragon. He lacked the courage to pry into the details, but he couldn’t help but feel a bit of sympathy for the creature that would be worked hard from now on.
Still, there was no room for mercy that would slow their marching speed.
“Avoiding the fog means we should pass through two villages on our way to the Baron’s territory. Among them, we could likely arrange a dragon carriage transfer in the village of Hanumas that’s closest to the territory.”
“And how far is this Hanumas village?”
“About fourteen or fifteen hours, I’d say. If we push the given carriage to its limits, we might get to the territory in about half a day after that.”
In any case, there was no doubt that the path would take longer than a day and a half.
Scratching his head, Subaru gritted his teeth in frustration as he bowed to Wilhelm.
“Thank you for everything. And sorry for cutting it short after you’d gone out of your way to train me…”
“I believe I conveyed the most important aspects. If you wish to further improve your sword skills, you can only continue swinging the blade. I wish you good health.”
As he shook hands firmly back, Subaru exchanged a solid clasp with Wilhelm.
Then, following Rem, who had already boarded the driver’s seat, he hoisted himself onto the cargo area of the carriage. From atop the cargo, he could see in the distance, by the terrace peering out past the garden, the silhouettes of two figures standing atop the gateway.
They were likely Crusch and Felix.
Estimating they wouldn’t be able to see him, Subaru waved back at them and then, finally, called out to Wilhelm one last time.
“Well then, I’m off. Let’s get along if there’s a next time.”
“If you enjoyed being met with wooden swords, feel free to come back anytime.”
Wilhelm humorously smiled as he politely bowed while watching them off.
As the Earth Dragon roared and gradually picked up speed, the carriage lurched into motion, slowly distancing itself from the mansion and its residents.
Until they could no longer be seen, they would keep bowing their heads sincerely, and Subaru resolved within his heart that he would definitely land at least one hit when the next opportunity arose.
Descending the slope, passing through the entrance of the nobility district, crossing the checkpoint, and heading down the main street of the lower district would lead them through the Great Gate connecting the Royal Capital to the outside world.
Perhaps it was thanks to the Earth Dragon’s blessing; feeling the subtle vibrations beneath him, Subaru could not contain his restlessness, allowing his gaze to wander out the small window.
Since he had lost consciousness upon arriving at the Royal Capital, this was the first time he was witnessing the surroundings of the capital. Yet, even despite that, the streetviews nearby were hardly different from the scenery immediately after departing from Roswaal’s mansion.
The only considerable alteration was that the well-maintained roadway was wider, with the notable structure of the Royal Capital visible far behind them. That aspect quickly faded away into obscurity just after moving for about a mere ten minutes.
Once the expansive green plains and blue skies dominated his view, Subaru found himself at a loss for purpose and resigned to leaning back against the wall of the carriage.
His previous journey had been less dull due to the presence of fellow passengers, but in this case, the only other person present was Rem in the driver’s seat. He couldn’t very well distract her while she focused on controlling the Earth Dragon, so all Subaru could do was succumb to his thoughts.
Considering how inadequate the cushions were on the cargo he was seated on for a carriage meant for a duke’s family, it was likely not designed for someone of the same high status as Crusch but instead for those below her.
Reckoning the scuffles they had encountered would shed light on why the long-distance carriages had been loaned out.
Entering the Royal Selection meant entangling in relationships beyond one’s own, and for a duke’s family, it was natural to maintain an extensive connection to the public.
If one were to aim for the throne, the necessity for wider and grander networks of relationships would surely remain pressing.
From this point on, Emilia needed to step into this political game. And she could expect to face unwarranted trials on the horizon.
“That’s why I need to get going.”
Naturally, he couldn’t possibly overestimate himself to think that he could solve political issues or gain significant allies.
He had always held little interest in political and economic matters even in his original world. Subaru was the type of person who would think, “With this many heads rolling in and out, it wouldn’t make a difference who’s in charge…” during times of political change.
Consequently, he had no concrete vision of what he would accomplish by rushing back to Emilia.
Only a faint sense of urgency, which he himself might not even recognize, pushed him away from contemplating those expected issues.
“I need to prove that I am necessary… If I can just reach her, then everything will turn out alright in the end.”
An unfounded conviction—no, merely a desire was what he held onto.
Emilia was in peril. He believed that if he could just make it to her side, everything could somehow change.
He wanted to prove his worth; he had to.
Should Emilia find herself in trouble, then that was something he could address.
No, it had to be thus. For Subaru to discover his own value, reveal it, she needed to be in dire straits—
“Right? I have to be necessary to her. Without a doubt.”
Murmuring to himself, Subaru fell into a contemplative haze.
The image of the silver-haired girl he cherished swirled in his mind. Her smile was engulfed by an incomprehensible darkness, swallowing her noble heart with malicious intent.
Visioning that scene, Subaru couldn’t help but bite down on his lip and close his eyes.
Alone on the cargo area, Subaru quietly waited for the moment to come. Apart from Rem in the driver’s seat, he felt utterly alone.
Looking down and closing his eyes,
The subtle twist at his lips went unnoticed even by himself.