Chapter 53

“However, Your Majesty, there’s a very high possibility that you may be a hemophilia carrier. So, in case…”

It seems quite difficult for them to speak. I can see them hesitating over their words.

I can roughly anticipate what they are about to say.

“If you were to have a child, that child could inherit hemophilia as well.”

“Yes, Your Majesty. And while the issues aren’t many, it would be best if you could refrain from domestic travel as much as possible, just in case.”

Right. Well, I’m aware of that and it doesn’t concern me.

Initially, it’s just a formality to undergo the examination.

Now that I think about it, my health is still undeniably frail.

It’s just that it’s a bit like having some miraculous coating over my body, akin to candied fruit.

“I have taken that into consideration, so it’s not a concern. Thank you for your efforts, and please continue to work towards the advancement of Russian medicine.”

“Yes. I will certainly live up to Your Majesty’s expectations.”

Vera Gedroyts left the office.

I leaned back comfortably in my chair, clenching and unclenching my fists repetitively.

My body is acting strangely.

Yeah, I never intended to have children in the first place. I already have a child in mind as a successor, and even though I’m dragging Russia up by the collar, I am aware of the history of hemophilia.

This will stir up a lot of talk regarding succession. It would be better to quickly bring Vladimir from the Kingdom of Finland instead.

After all, the current royal family members, whether collateral or not, do not dare to challenge my authority.

Salic Law has been completely buried somewhere at the bottom of the Black Sea, now that I am both the Tsar of Russia and the Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire in Constantinople.

In this situation, the collateral royal family members will be powerless.

I’m a constitutional monarch without real power, but with significant authority. Standing proud amidst the blood-soaked battlefield while my comrades are being turned into meat-paste, and receiving support from the White Army.

In such a situation, for collateral royals to butt in?

Not a chance. It’s ridiculous.

Rather, if they return to Russia and try to settle down, they would face hostility.

Currently, Russia is following ‘Anastasia’. It’s uncertain whether other royal families will be welcoming.

So, health issues should be fine.


There’s something inside Anastasia. I’m not Anastasia.

The world I lived in was ruined by a nuclear war triggered by Russia, China, and North Korea.

It’s not just communism. In reality, both the Russian Federation, which is the successor to the Soviet Union, and China, North Korea, have all contributed to the world’s demise.

My ultimate goal is to eradicate the Reds from the root in hopes of not witnessing such a future.

Germany with its tremendous industrial power has fallen to communism?

This cannot be taken lightly.

Let me reiterate, even that Germany would surely prepare for a final showdown with the White Russian Republic, which was born solely out of hatred for communism by thoroughly beating the Soviets.

All policies of the Russian Republic would be lethal to communist Germany.

On top of that, the Kaiser from East Prussia remains.

They should at least defend against the Anschluss. Is that possible?

Austria is different from actual history, so perhaps they could hold their ground.

Germany is still feeling the consequences of civil war.

Though there’s a fanatical nature unique to communism. Hmm. I’ll need to observe a bit longer.

“Your Majesty, it’s been reported that the Communist Party in Georgia has been suppressed. I’ve heard that they were trying to lead a revolution even after the fall of the Soviet Union.”

Interior Minister Boris Savinkov reported about the situation in Georgia.

So that’s the case.

“That friend Beria really does his job well.”

He’s someone who gets the job done.


“Are there any other Reds among them who might be persuaded to join us?”

I have to admit, there are talents among the Reds.

Having executed plenty during the last purge, I wonder if there are some worth selecting left among the survivors.

There should be some decent folks among those imprisoned.

“By stipulating Vyacheslav Molotov as a bureaucrat.”

“Looks like that Red is doing something that Reds would disdain.”

Was he that type of person?

I can imagine Trotsky keeping a close eye on him.

“Yes, he’s a bit unique. He surrendered when Moscow fell.”

He wasn’t on the execution list.

Having experienced Lenin’s reign, he might change his mind upon seeing the Russia I’m reforming. I’m not sure though. Is it right to incorporate him into the Republic?

Even Beria is painting Lenin as a dreamer and severing ties with Stalin altogether.

“Let’s at least have a word with him.”

If he refuses, we can just continue rolling him in Siberia.

At any rate, it’s imperative to exterminate the Reds.

“How is Turkey faring?”

“In Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk is said to be stabilizing the government and addressing internal issues.”

If Mustafa Kemal has indeed risen to become the founding father of Turkey, I might need to lend some support.

I can’t allow that man to die early.

It’s sympathy borne from knowing actual history.

Personally, I want Turkey to remain a member of the international organization led by Russia in the future.

An international body of countries that can claim the land of Rome or can be seen as successors. Something like the Constantinople Treaty Organization.

Who knows how much longer the communist Germany will last.

The red plague is exceptionally dangerous, after all.

“Turkey has to make its own moves too. Relations need to be improved. By the way, what is the new name of the Ottoman state?”

“It’s called the Turkish Republic.”

That name is influenced by me.

Just as I included the minorities in the republic, Atatürk seems to have taken inspiration from me, aiming to extend into the Middle East.

He intends to organize the ethnic groups wishing for independence under his republic due to the principle of self-determination.

Atatürk intends to adopt a Russian-style republic meaning something different from the United States.

He shows an intention to rebuild the Ottoman Empire in another sense.

“Not bad. Then let’s reach out a bit.”

“Do you think they would be happy with us taking their land?”

Well, we have a clear justification here.

We were simply trying to gain the territories of Constantinople and Eastern Rome by leveraging ‘Eastern Rome’.

But what about Britain and France?

Those folks who have nothing to do with us are causing a racket.

Especially Atatürk must be grinding his teeth at Churchill.

“Constantinople or Pontus Greece has strong justification on our end, so it’s unavoidable. Moreover, Atatürk must be mad at the British and French who have been running riot long before us. After all, Atatürk trusted me and entered negotiations. It means he is hoping for our assistance.”

The ones who weren’t present at the negotiation don’t know.

In the end, Atatürk trusted me and chose the Russian Republic as an ally.

“Your Majesty, didn’t you say you would help Turkey? Are you planning to fight against Britain and France?”

“Of course not.”

Am I mad enough to engage the Brit pirate scum who cannot land or take on the German plague head-on to make enemies with the French as well?

We will just push from behind, and as the Brits and French fight desperately to suppress the Germans, they will eventually lose Syria and Iraq.

At that point, we’ll just nudge Turkey along. Just a little.

“Besides, I’m merely a Tsar who just approves proposals coming from the Duma. Such matters should be handled by the military.”

“If the Tsarina says so, indeed. Hmm.”


“It’s nothing.”

Why? I really only want to take on such an easy role.

I don’t understand people who are crazy for power.

Isn’t it better to maintain a decent reputation while living a life of luxury? I have no intention of becoming like Nicholas.

At least now, even the nobles are being weeded out, and the royal family cannot ignore my absolute symbolism, making reforms easier and allowing the Duma to be stable.

And I have ensured that the White Russians will win.

At this point, I think I’ve done enough.

“Your Majesty, there’s something I’d like to show you from the Education Department.”

“The Education Minister is already overseeing the reforms, isn’t he?”

The Education Department has been under the charge of Pavel Nikolaevich Ignatiev, who went into exile with the help of the British Army during the civil war, returning afterward.

He indeed reformed education in Russia in actual history. This time, it seems I will demand reforms which will uproot the very foundations of Russian education.

“I’ve actually visited Moscow State University as the Minister of Education. Given the war damages, I thought it was necessary to have a look.”

Moscow State University? I’ve heard of it.

During the Soviet era, it was the elite course that the children of high-ranking officials in a communist country had to pass.

In the new White Russian Republic, I doubt it has changed much.

I should have gone there myself.

“I wish I had gone as well.”

“It would have been an honor if Her Tsarina had personally graced us with her presence.”

What happened there?

“Was there a good event?”

“Strictly speaking, it was good for Her Tsarina.”

Good for me?

For me, a good event is simply indulging and enjoying life.

“Let me hear about it.”

“Moscow State University is currently accepting students who have decent academics. And one student who recently enrolled wrote something, which has received quite a bit of praise.”

What kind of writing?

“For example?”

“It’s a piece about how horrible and despairing communism is, and it’s being praised highly at the school. This is that essay.”

As I received what the Education Minister provided, indeed.

Did Lenin steal something? The essay written by that girl was not a mindless anti-communist rhetoric but rather a serious examination that delves into communism, exposing its inner workings.

Everything is suppressed, stuck in ideologies that prevent freedom— that’s communism.

On the contrary, the modified capitalism I advocate feels like a philosophy rooted in the freedom that looks towards the future.

Honestly, this is just my own personal taste.

It was merely a claim to turn the hearts of Russians against communism.

“Hmmm. Rather than praise for me, it’s more accurate to say it describes how miserable the communist revolution is and how many advantages modified capitalism has over it.”

“Yes. You’re highly perceptive.”

It’s pretty good.

And this is written by a university student?

Isn’t this period one where people know nothing about communism? Ah well, whatever.

“What’s her name?”

“Alisa Rosenbaum. Originally, she is the daughter of a wealthy Jewish family from Petrograd.”

Alisa Rosenbaum.

Who was that? Wasn’t she someone from America? A writer who moved from Russia to America?

“She must have quite a grudge against the Bolsheviks.”

“Yes. The Bolsheviks confiscated everything under the guise of nationalization. After that, when Moscow was recaptured by the White Army, she escaped with her family from Petrograd and settled in Moscow.”

She has every reason to dislike the Bolsheviks.

If they were to take everything and distribute it, who would be pleased?

They are indeed just poor people left stranded on the streets, only the Reds waving their crimson flags would think it’s marvelous.

But she writes such an essay in this period.

Hmmm. Not bad.

Communism still lingers.

Right now, that German Empire has been completely stained crimson.

“Not bad at all. This anti-communist spirit is exactly what the Russians need to adopt right now. How about implementing anti-communism education into the school curriculum?”

“That sounds like a good idea. It would be wise to have anti-communism education in preparation for the future against Germany.”

If anti-communism education is conducted, then at least within Russia, there might be some immunity against the red plague.

With the unification of White Russia and this anti-communism.

I wonder how astonished the Soviet Union of actual history would be.

“Then please prepare it over there.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

However, I had a thought just now.

Everyone seems to be reporting to me as if they are waiting for a test score.

Does constitutional monarchy even hold any meaning right now?