Chapter 39

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The next problem is, of course, the supporting countries that aided in the civil war.

I can’t help but wonder if there are those who would demand something now that they’ve provided support.

“Do the powers have any expectations from us?”

“Not at the moment. Even if they do, wouldn’t Germany be the one wanting something? It was Germany that actively supported the arming of the White Army.”

Germany, huh. Now that I think about it, they haven’t said much yet.

Then there’s America. The Americans have been helping us with various lend-lease programs to ensure the White Army doesn’t starve.

If they want something, it’d be difficult to refuse.

“What about America?”

“The Americans have requested that we guarantee the independence of countries established according to the Brest-Litovsk Treaty.”

That’s not difficult at all.

Russia is a land full of potential.

It’s overflowing with resources and has a large population. We can’t break that treaty just because the powers wish it; we owe them that much.

Well, the Baltic countries have all managed to gain independence, but Finland has been turned into a pro-Russian state, and Belarus’s Bolsheviks have swallowed up their land, which the British have tolerated.

Ukraine has also been fed and kept alive in the east, so…

“Is that all?”

“Well, haven’t those guys garnered votes just for having us win?”

Honestly, I don’t know that much about America during this period.

I avoided the motorcycle gang and buried myself in books at the library, but I’m not well-acquainted with the U.S.

All I know is that Wilson is a half-paralyzed man waiting for his day of death.

It’s still unclear how the Red-White Civil War will impact American politics.

That same Wilson granted a doctorate to Lee Seung-man, Korea’s first president.

I heard that he had an influence on movements like the March 1st Movement and the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea by promoting the principle of self-determination.

“What about Britain and France?”

“Well, aren’t they having their hands full managing what they’ve torn from their allies?”

“Is that all?”

“I think Germany has essentially thrown colonies to England and France to survive.”

Huh. Wait a minute.

So, it means that England and France aren’t in a position to say we supported you in difficult times and demand a payoff.

If we get down to it, our support primarily came from Germany.

America provided a lot too, but they are situated on the other side of the Pacific and Atlantic, after all.

If we suck all of Germany’s colonies dry…

For now, let’s see if it’s close to actual history.

So, is Germany the problem at present?

No, wasn’t Germany under the control of Britain’s leash?

If Germany has no big issues, then right now, Russia’s biggest problem must be rebuilding the country.

With so many lives lost in both war and civil war, frankly, there shouldn’t be any unemployed persons even if the Great Depression strikes. Nonetheless, just because the civil war ends doesn’t mean everything is fine.

We need to rebuild the devastated land.

We have to blame everything on the Bolsheviks.

We’ll announce that it’s all the Bolsheviks’ fault.

“At this point, let’s set aside a time for national reconstruction. We will implement the land reforms already in place and the economic policies planned across Russia. I believe this matter will be handled well within the Duma.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“Also, many have died in the recent civil war. Many who could have assisted us have been killed by the Bolsheviks, and now that the civil war has ended, there may be those who will start to show their faces again.”

Now that the civil war has finished, bureaucrats from the imperial era or Kerensky’s government will reemerge.

To form a government, it would be wise to bring them in.

“There are former ministers who fled to Southern Russia. We will include them in the Duma as well.”

“Technical personnel should also be given preferential treatment. After that, we must develop our industrial capacity to prepare for the future.”

“When you mention the future…”

There’s no way I can talk about World War II.

How many people would actually believe me if I talk about World War II here?

Even if I said it wouldn’t be the case. There’s no certainty that World War II will happen similarly again.

What is certain is that I must push forward with reforms, having gained some momentum now.

If their lives get a little easier, the stuck-up nobles might yearn for a return to the old ways.

So it’s possible that there might be another war.

Even just issuing such a warning is fine.

“The Great War didn’t end satisfactorily. A new war could arise within a few decades.”

“You can’t be serious?”

I’m not completely oblivious.

There’s a chance that a different historical war may occur, one I don’t know about.

Say, for example, Germany.

Doesn’t it seem suspicious?

Could it be that those guys aren’t brainwashed and are just following whatever England says?

Is the entire German race under some sort of collective hypnosis?

“Would Germany stay calm with that kind of temperament? Isn’t it suspicious that they became the arms dealers supplying us? Wasn’t it the German army that captured Stalin during the last Battle of Moscow?”

They’re being way too proactive.

It’s as if they keep pushing favors without wanting anything in return—trying to earn something by passing their kindness onto us.

“Yes, there’s a Corporal named Adolf Hitler.”

“Adolf Hitler, you say?”

Isn’t that Hitler before he became whole?

“Do you know him?”

“Not exactly, but I haven’t seen anyone make such contributions. Anyway, Stalin was the cornerstone of the Bolsheviks.”

Hitler turned Stalin into a castrated man.

What an ironic twist of history.

Did they already use that name back then?

To kill that man now and stop the future—it wouldn’t be right.

Who knows how the future will shape up? I can’t just kill Hitler on a whim here.

Am I supposed to just grab the German soldiers and kill them for no reason? That doesn’t seem right.

Perhaps the German Empire is still alive right now, and Hitler’s path could change.

Moreover, even if history doesn’t change, potentially dealing with someone I know would be easier.

If I kill Hitler, and someone else—a person I truly don’t know—takes power instead…

And then in another sense, if that person causes another war?

It’s better to let him live than to kill him off.

However, that’s separate from the fact that there’s clearly something being schemed by those Germans.

We just haven’t confirmed what it is yet.

“It makes sense. Then we will…”

“In the meantime, we need to focus on rebuilding Russia and safeguarding against external threats. If a new great war arises, we—having received their aid—might surely be swept up somewhere. At the very least, we must prepare enough national power so that we aren’t swept up anywhere. Everyone will need to roll up their sleeves.”

I don’t know if I can build Russia as big as Stalin’s Soviet Union.

Even if the Great Purge left bloodshed, Stalin nonetheless significantly raised the economy and established the Soviet Union as a great power.

“I’ve mentioned before, but this country’s railroads are of utmost importance. Thus, we need to connect the railway networks across the nation to ensure smooth logistics.”


“Of course, I hope that this Great War, which gave birth to the Bolsheviks, won’t happen a second time.”

The Red-White Civil War has succeeded, and World War I has changed too.

I can’t predict what kind of snowball effect this will create.

If the future deviates from what I know, then I’ll also have no answers.

So, to prepare for that time, should I gather some nuclear bombs?

Of course, right now, rebuilding Russia is the priority.

It would be nice if a pumpkin could fall right into my hands.

For now, it feels like the Romanov branch royal family may also start stirring.

* * *

Berlin, Germany

“Then it’s time to take on France—”

“No way! It’s a revolution!”

At this time, revolutionary fervor was surging in Germany.

Just because the war had ended didn’t mean everything was fine.

Unlike history as we know it, Germany had minimized its losses in the Treaty of Versailles.

The wounded pride of the German people from their defeat.

Serving as the lackeys of England and America, helping the Russian White Army, and being squeezed by reparations had the German people on edge.

In such a situation, rumors began to circulate about planning another war.

Of course, the superficial reason was plausible.

“Too much reparation! Can’t pay! If this keeps up, I have my thoughts too!”

Citing the heavy reparations and France’s abuse of authority.

But putting that aside, wanting to go to war again was a fanciful dream filled with delusions.

Having already ended the previous war so arbitrarily, those in the military, dissatisfied with the Kaiser’s crazy idea to wage war again, joined the revolutionary forces.

And as Wilhelm declared a grand mobilization due to his inability to live because of France, the time for revolution was ripe as the German Communist Party rang its bell.

A different revolution than that of Russia.

Wilhelm II, who was excitedly thinking about devouring France, was unable to comprehend the situation upon hearing of the revolution.

“Your Majesty. You must escape!”

“What’s happening?!”

“The Communist Party (KDP) has declared the German Free Socialist Republic and has begun to seize Berlin!”

The Communist Party has finally begun to rampage in Germany.

Wilhelm II was horrified.

He was preparing for war, and now this was happening?

“What is the army doing?”

“The army is currently divided.”

“How long has it been since the Russian Civil War ended? Who is the instigator?!”

How dare those scoundrels start a communist revolution in Germany?!

“It’s Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht. They are the ones who have initiated the revolution.”

In that moment, Wilhelm II’s head spun in realization.

His mind was racing faster than ever before.

The death of his relative, Nicky. The lone survivor, Anastasia. The Russian Civil War.

Communism and monarchy cannot coexist.

Surely those guys will attempt to execute the Hohenzollern dynasty.

“W-where should I go?”

“We still have some troops outside Berlin. We must join forces with them and in the worst-case scenario, we should consider East Prussia as well.”

“East Prussia?”

“Yes. It seems they have even co-opted the regular army.”

“Then let’s proceed.”

Wilhelm II swiftly mobilized the imperial family and quickly exited Berlin.

The German Communist Party, unable to capture the imperial family, erupted in anger, but their priority was to fully seize Berlin and establish the German Free Socialist Republic.

In actual history, the Social Democrats, who would declare the Weimar Republic, were suppressed by the German Communist Party, and thus history was entering the first era of communism in Germany.

Of course, that would not be easy.

“How dare they call themselves Reds!”

In order to guard against the Baltic States and Poland, now under British influence, August von Mackensen, stationed in East Prussia, collected the remaining Imperial Army to fight against the communists, and together with Ludendorff, they aimed to suppress the Communist Party.

February 1921. Germany entered a state of civil war due to the revolution of the German Communist Party.

Germany’s civil war was enough to impact neighboring countries.

“Isn’t this just to prevent Germany from falling apart?”

“What did that Kaiser do to cause a revolution?”

The existing Allied Powers were in a frenzy.

Just as the Russian Civil War looked like it would end with a victory for the White Army, now there was another revolution happening next door.

During this time, the existing Allied Powers were getting angry about the Ottoman’s excessive dismemberment and clashed with Atatürk of the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

Having to engage in a muddy fight with the Turkish Grand National Assembly, now they had to also worry about the neighbor’s revolution.

On top of that, unable to completely seize victory in the civil war, the German Communist Party even requested help from France.

“The Kaiser was planning to attack France once more! This evidence is the reason why France must recognize us as the legitimate government.”

“What did you say?”

The internal affairs of the German Empire shocked France.

To think that while they let Germany slide, they harbored such intentions behind their backs.

In thought, they wanted to ruin the German Empire, but going to war again would be burdensome for France as well.

At that time, the truth about Germany planning a war had not yet been made clear within France, and preventing the rise of the Communist Party was deemed more important, thereby supporting Ludendorff and Mackensen’s military government.

Of course, France wasn’t functioning well either.

The French Communist Party was also eyeing the resurrection of the Paris Commune while watching the German revolution.

And even inside France, there were those dissatisfied with these movements.

“How has the once-great France come to this state?”

François de la Roque was that person.

In actual history, he led the far-right anti-republican organization “Cross of Fire,” calling for the overthrow of the Third Republic. In this alternate history, he was stirred by the empty conclusion of the war due to the Russian Civil War and the spark of revolution in Germany.

The filthy German Empire was once more targeting France, and if the revolution succeeded, it would directly border the German Communist Party.

One was aiming to stab France in the back, while the other was a bunch of Reds that didn’t even deserve to be regarded.

La Roque grew worried about when he would square off against Germany again, and if France could block their advances then.

And then there’s Japan.

“The Koreans are saying they want to start an independence movement centered around the royal family!”

“What is the Governor-General doing? Don’t suppress them all!”

“Don’t just oppress them with force; try to solve things diplomatically!”

“Because we’re being diplomatic, those guys are looking down on the Empire of Japan and causing disturbances!”

“For now, keep a close watch on the royal family to prevent any stray thoughts!”

The Russian princess personally leading the military to solve the national crisis spread like a fairy tale across the Korean Peninsula, prompting Koreans to begin advocating for independence movements centered around the royal family.

The snowball Anastasia set rolling was continuing to grow without end.