Chapter 140

Branch Point: If Dokan couldn’t speak his mind at the end.

“Ahhhh, I’m so mad! Another rebellion in the Empire. Don’t those people ever get tired?! Why is it that every time one is suppressed, another rebellion pops up?!”

It seems that lately, Hoyeon has been getting increasingly irritated. She always had a short fuse when things didn’t go her way, and with all the annoying events happening lately, it was no surprise.

Still, as someone watching her govern with such enthusiasm, it was a bit heartbreaking. I couldn’t fully sympathize, knowing why people were resisting.

“…Don’t worry too much. It’s just one of those frictions that come with a change in regime. Just let it be… It might be better for the child too.”

Now her belly was noticeably round. It wasn’t quite full-term yet, but it was clear she was pregnant.

“…Sigh, it’s just… I don’t understand. There’s no hunger, no discrimination based on status, and they get the same treatment and welfare as citizens from the mainland. So why are they so dissatisfied…! Hoo… I need to calm down… yeah… ugh.”

Hoyeon nuzzled into my arms as if asking for a pet. I gently stroked her hair, feeling its slightly rough texture, and gave a bittersweet smile.

I couldn’t take a side, either for her or against the people. It was a bind. Understanding both Hoyeon’s feelings and the human emotions made it impossible to focus solely on one side.

“…Wah, Daddy, people keep bothering Mom. Punish them harshly~”

Hoyeon took my hand and placed it on her belly while lamenting her situation. I’d known from the moment she bravely took up the governor’s seat, vowing to be a mother her daughter wouldn’t be ashamed of, that it would come to this.

People don’t really like change. No matter what direction it moves in, people subconsciously wish for today to be the same as yesterday and tomorrow to be the same as today.

They say they want change in words, but once real change happens, they can’t easily adapt. It would be normal to rebel if the world suddenly transformed into a paradise.

Especially if that paradise’s energy comes from sacrifices.

“…I’m sorry, Hanbyeol. I think Mom might need to struggle a bit more.”

“Ugh…! That’s not the answer… Is it really that hard to say it even just in words…?”

I felt bad for her, but if I went along with her way, it would only stir up more resentment. The instant one person is executed as an example, they become a hero.

Heroes become the center, and the flow that forms from that… can be easily stomped on, but getting them to sincerely submit deep in their hearts as she wants would be tough.

“After all, we promised, right? No killing people.”

“…That there wouldn’t be. Yeah… We promised that. Ugh. I shouldn’t have made such promises. So how about we use something like heavy rain or a typhoon to disperse them…?”

“Yeah. And we can pin the blame on the ringleader. Expose everything to the people living in that area—the face and faults of that person, even their past.”

…It’s not exactly the method I would prefer, but at least it’s the most effective. People learn that their leader is a greedy ruler, and they become fearful.

“…Did you hear that, Iris? Relay it to the relevant department. By the way, how’s your uncle doing?”

“Yes, yes. The new faith… Ah, I’m sorry…! He’s completely engrossed in the right faith and praises its greatness in the streets… Then, I’ll go relay the orders to the relevant department…!”

…It feels a bit awkward using someone who was once at the same level as me as a servant. Hoyeon seemed to like Iris, as she sought her out to become her maid the moment we arrived on this continent.

If we were ordinary visitors, we might have enjoyed a calm tea time, but since we were invaders, that didn’t happen. Fortunately, neither side shed blood during the invasion.

As soon as we invaded, the western side immediately surrendered.

If I had witnessed that scene, I probably would have lost the will to fight. The sky was filled with incomprehensible monsters, and the sea was filled with black ships extending beyond the horizon.

Creating such a scene required literally an entire army and countless gods, but thanks to Byeolbi and Jeongho’s active help, it was easier than expected.

“…Oh, it moved. Dokan, did you feel that just now?”

“Yeah. I wonder who it takes after; it’s quite lively. Is it like Mom?”

“…If it’s lively, that’s you. Hehe, I’m looking forward to seeing who else it resembles. Maybe it’s like Dad? Or Mom?”

“I’ll place my bet on Mom. Feels like it, you know? And… it would be even better if it’s as lovely as you.”

“I think I’d prefer it to resemble me too…! But it wouldn’t be so bad if it looked like you…? Hmm… I’m not so sure, heh…”

She was using all her strength to act cute and relieve her stress. I had no idea how things would turn out when I heard that Anya had started a rebellion, but it was a relief.

“…Is there any way we could win Anya over?”

“We might be able to capture her separately and talk.”

Still, it seemed like it weighed on her mind. She was keeping an eye on Anya.

No matter what else, thinking about Anya seemed to darken her mood, so I closed the door to change the atmosphere.

“…The doctor said it’s fine, so how about we celebrate after a long time?”

“…Sounds good♥”

Branch Point: None. After the conclusion, the story after revealing one’s identity.

Dokan seemed to be in shock about my identity and spent a day blankly refusing food and water, but starting the next day, he got a grip on himself and returned to normal.

…Our relationship ended up more awkward, though. I understood well enough. Who would have thought to meet a friend who has shown all their worst sides in another world?

Especially if that friend was a girl and he realized she was pregnant. How could I not understand that shock?

“…Dokan, drink this at least.”

I made two drinks that tasted exactly like cola as I remembered it and set one down next to Dokan.

He looked at me with a genuinely troubled expression, took the cola imitation, and took a sip. The taste and fizz were just like the cola we knew.

“…Hoyeon… no, Hanbaek.”


Hearing that from him felt really unsettling. It was as if opening my eyes would reveal me back on Earth or something.

That wouldn’t happen, right? Even if I could go back, I had no intention of doing so. There was no reason for it. The technology and quality of life here were far superior.

“…Ugh, that’s awkward. So, you’re saying Hanbaek is… mixed in with you?”

“About 70% or so, I guess…?”

The expression “awkward” didn’t do justice to the truly suffocating silence that settled. My father had already heard from my mother a long time ago, so he wasn’t as shocked.

But he was shocked to learn that the two of us actually knew each other. He didn’t completely stop eating, but he took a day off from public duties.

“…Weird. I feel like I see that person I know, yet I don’t… Is it really you?”

“That’s what I want to say. I’ve tanned a bit since we last saw each other. I’ve completely changed.”

“No… It’s just… I used to dress like this outside. When I was with you, I just let all that embarrassing stuff go.”

So, I was the only one he acted that way around? When I glared at him a bit reproachfully, he avoided my gaze and made excuses.

“…You were the only one I could throw off that facade and be friendly with. Other girls would freak out and leave.”

Ah, I see. So that’s why he frequently changed girlfriends. He got caught with that embarrassing side of himself. I chuckled softly and took another sip.

“…So, now you know I’m me. So, are you going to return to your original self?”

I knew he couldn’t, and I knew he didn’t want to, but I wanted to play a prank on him just a bit.

As expected, Dokan flailed about in shock, saying how could that ever happen.

“Yeah, no kidding… But still, if it gets too stuffy, just say it. I can take it, but you’re the type to bottle everything up until you snap, right?”

We hadn’t met as often since we entered college, but every time we did, he would hold onto me when drunk and spill out everything he’d been through.

Even now, if I told him to do so, he would probably go on forever. I think it spilled out a bit when I talked to my mother before.

“…Thanks, Hoyeon.”

“Don’t you call me Hanbaek?”

“Now you’re Hoyeon. I mean… it’s the same name. It’s not all that important… or is it…?”

Even as I said that, trying to shake it off, I knew he would certainly be overlapping my current self with my previous self.

So to tease him a bit more, I brought up a saying I used to casually throw around during my Hanbaek days.

“Well then, if you say so. So, what name will you give your daughter, Sir? Mister?”


Maybe life will become a bit more enjoyable.