Chapter 122

I could tell from the way they were sneaking around that it was both satisfying and slightly unsettling.

They had committed a wrongdoing, so I had no intention of saying anything. It was just that they dodged and ran as if I were someone dangerous, which was irritating.

But that wasn’t the case. As long as they didn’t bother Dokan or seriously upset me, it was fine. However, some of the kids didn’t seem to know that and were blatantly fleeing from me.

That stung a bit. I hadn’t done anything… well, no. I’d definitely messed with a first-year. Yeah, I guess I have to let it go.

They wouldn’t be around for long anyway. They were clearing out of my way and it was all good. Yes. It was a good thing. I applied subtle pressure on those around me to move and headed towards Anya’s room.

As I approached to knock on the door, I suddenly heard the sound of skin hitting skin and a moan, so I called Dokan who was about to knock.

“…Let’s wait a little longer, Dokan. Now’s… um, not a good time. You must have heard it too.”

But Dokan seemed confused, tilting his head and asking me what I could hear. Wait a second. If he couldn’t hear anything now, how did he know something was happening before when he was in my room?

“Sorry, Ho-yeon. What am I supposed to hear? I really don’t hear anything. Is it… something awkward if we go in now? Ah, is that it?”

“…Well, more like, if you didn’t hear anything, how did you figure it out when you were in my room…?”

I realized that it was only me who could cut through the soundproofing while talking to Dokan. I was sure he hadn’t heard a thing from my room.

I thought maybe he had changed since our bodies swapped. But if that wasn’t it, how could he know? The answer came quickly, but it wasn’t easy to accept.

“Ho-yeon, I just had this feeling that you might be doing something like that. Wasn’t I right? Being around each other for a long time makes you kind of guess what the other person is thinking… or something like that.”

Is that… even possible? Just being around someone long enough lets you read their mind? I couldn’t understand it at all. I had never understood what my mom, dad, or that guy was thinking right to the end.

“Really… I see. Well, anyway, now’s a busy time to go in, so… let’s wait here.”

As I idled away the time chatting with Dokan, it seemed the atmosphere inside was wrapping up. Good stamina, going at it three times.

It hadn’t been long since the trial ended, but seeing that made me feel a twinge of jealousy, though worry was taking the lead.

What if they ended up having a kid? With their poor grades, they’re likely to be booted out before they can even leave on their own; it was a hard feeling to cope with.

They were probably getting attached now. After all, I had taught them directly. Even though I got angrier more often because they hadn’t progressed much in learning. Still, for now, they were my precious students.

“So, you see, I tripped right then and became the laughingstock of everyone! Embarrassing, but it did make our awkward relationship a bit better… sigh, I wonder how they’re doing…”

Dokan had started to share his social stories. The scary part was how he had transitioned into that topic while talking about his favorite foods.

Of course, it had been suitably adapted to fit this world. Phones were replaced with communication magic, and universities were merely local educational facilities, not Academies. Still, it was clear he was telling about a wild night out at university.

Scary. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to hear it, but it was hard to understand, and just as it seemed to be wrapping up inside, I cut off Dokan’s story and informed him of the reality.

“Hey, it’s over now. Let’s head in, Dokan.”

“Oh, it’s over? Great, then let’s go in. I hope I wasn’t the only one enjoying myself…?”

In this regard, I had to say he was too nice. Dokan asked if he alone had a fun story to tell. Of course, he had the most fun. But for me, as long as he had enjoyed himself, that was enough.

“No way, I had fun too. Who could not laugh at a moment like that?”

When he mentioned doing a backflip and landing face first, I couldn’t help but laugh. Laughing at someone else’s misfortune isn’t a good thing, but not laughing at this would be odd. Yes. I wasn’t in the wrong.

“Yeah… then I’m glad. It really is over, right? So, um… Anya? Are you inside?”

Dokan seemed to cheer up quickly as he adjusted to my mood and knocked cheerily on the door.

“Just a moment, I’ll be out soon…!”

After some scrambling and the sound of things being tidied up, Anya finally emerged, looking a little flustered.

If I looked inside, I could easily spot Eric, shamefully crammed under the bed, but I decided not to mention it.

“Oh, I just came to say goodbye. Anya.”

“Goodbye? Oh, could it be… you’ve decided to go with Ho-yeon?”

“Yes. I can’t imagine being apart from her now. So, I must go with her. Anya, thank you for the pleasant time and for being my friend.”

Dokan poured out his appreciation to the still dazed Anya in rapid fire while bowing. Only then did Anya start panicking.

“Ah, but… I heard the East is dangerous…! No, with Ho-yeon, it should be safe, but… would it be better to think about it a bit more? You seem to have made up your mind already, but…! Ugh… will we meet again?”

So, that’s what she wanted to say—whether they’d meet again. Dokan looked at me earnestly.

“I can’t guarantee it, but I’ll try to make an effort.”

Dokan and Anya both didn’t receive satisfactory answers, but this was the best I could do. It felt a bit self-serving to come back here just because of Anya.

“That’s how it is. Thank you for everything. Anya, please take care of yourself and avoid dangerous things.”

Just as I thought things were wrapping up warmly, Anya’s next words chilled me.

“Uh… Ho-yeon. Can I… have a farewell hug with Dokan?”

That… I don’t know. Both Dokan and Anya looked at me cautiously. I couldn’t help but think why a girl who had just been tumbling around with that other guy was suddenly looking at mine.

‘But wouldn’t it be better to part beautifully?’

Dokan’s offhanded comment popped into my mind. If it’s to end beautifully, I don’t know what that means, but if I say what I want to say, it definitely won’t end beautifully.

So, I closed my eyes and nodded as if to let them hug, turning my back to them. If I didn’t see it, it wouldn’t happen; I tried to convince myself of that.

“…Thank you so much, Dokan. I won’t forget you. So… please take care of yourself too.”

Ugh, why am I dragging this out? Just say goodbye already. Just as those overly unpleasant feelings began to sprout in my heart, thankfully, they stopped hugging.

“And you too, Ho-yeon… be careful out there. I didn’t mean for it to end like this.”

“…Right. You too. Study hard.”

Not knowing what else to say, I just told her to study well and walked away from her. Alright, then both Dokan and I were packed up, and we’d given our farewells properly.

Now, we should go. Where did that old man say he’d be waiting for my free pass? The principal’s office?

“So, this is it, right?”

Just in case there was something left, I checked with Dokan. He replied there was nothing left, so I dragged him towards the principal’s office.

“…Ho-yeon, where are we going?”

“Oh, the person who said they’d give me the free pass said they’d wait here. Just going to pick it up.”


Dokan seemed surprised that I was leaving right now and asked if I was really going.

Of course! Why would I stay unless I had a reason to?

I don’t have buddies to say goodbye to, Dokan. I kept those thoughts to myself and returned my answer to him.

“On the contrary, there’s no reason to stay. You’re right here with me, and I’ve packed everything. I don’t have anything to tidy up or any friends to say goodbye to. No reason to stay.”

“Ah… right. Sorry, I asked too hastily. Well, let’s go then.”

Thankfully, Dokan understood even when I answered a bit brusquely. And he probably knew why I was being this way.

Even now, when I catch a whiff, it’s the smell from Anya that’s lingering on Dokan.

“…I’ll head in.”

Knowing that something was happening inside, I said that I’d just go in and entered the principal’s office. The overly lavish decorations stood out more than what would be appropriate for an academy.

And there were also two old men who didn’t match those lavish decorations. One looked thoroughly scared, while the other greeted me with an expressionless face.

Let’s see, the scared one must be the principal. During the time my mom was conversing, she once mentioned that she had “said some good things to the principal.”

I didn’t bother asking what they were talking about. But it was clear enough that I had received various conveniences at the academy because of it.

“…You have arrived, Princess of the East. You delayed for quite some time, yet you are already prepared to depart?”

“As you can see. There’s really no reason to stay.”

The Emperor closed his eyes and fell into silence for a long time, then pulled out a piece of black paper from his robe. It gleamed luxuriously, clearly a high-end item.

“…Here, show this certificate, and they will let you through. It might not work in some rural villages or kingdoms, but… you could likely just bulldoze through if you wanted.”

That wasn’t wrong, so I nodded silently and took the black certificate.

“I hope I never have to see you again, princess from the far east. May this be the last time.”

“I feel the same way.”

There wasn’t much back and forth. The Emperor simply wanted to never see me again, and the principal was in a constant state of fright. Dokan seemed to think this wasn’t his place to speak.

…Well, it was a bit more eventful than I expected.

Now, let’s head home.