Chapter 108

“…You really think it worked…? Do you even realize how absurd that is…?”

As Hoyeon explained diligently, Anya kept asking how that was possible. Whenever Hoyeon meticulously explained how she did it, Anya would ask how she managed that again.

Unlike last time, questions were chaining one after another.

In fact, it was normal. Isn’t it more peculiar that I, instead of understanding, was thinking about how to use it?

To sum up Hoyeon’s explanation in one sentence: “I don’t know why, but it worked when I tried it.” Anya was still inquiring about the reason.

Thinking about it, it’s indeed incredibly strange. Once, she seriously thought that she was unconsciously breaking the surrounding spells, and she still thinks that way now.

There were a few exceptions, things that worked perfectly, but I couldn’t tell what got neutralized and what was functioning.

“Ugh…! I mean, I don’t even know how to explain that it just worked!”

“…Dokan, you’re not doubting Hoyeon, are you? Is there something you’re hiding? I find it hard to believe.”

“I’m not hiding anything. That’s why I’m even more clueless. If she doesn’t know, how can we?”

“That’s true…”

Perhaps feeling disturbed by the unproductive exchange between their lovers, Eric asked me about Hoyeon’s secrets. But how am I supposed to answer when I don’t know?

I often asked her daily to gather information, yet there was still much I didn’t know about her. Mostly about objective viewpoints.

While it was tempting to speak positively, knowing what came from the original work, it wasn’t as if the East was devoid of darkness.

Like how the entire population seemed brainwashed to pursue the same goal. Willingly marching off as sacrificial flames,

“…Ugh, okay. I get it, I’ll trust you. So, it worked, right?”

“Wait, why does your tone sound like that…? It sounds like you’re reluctantly believing.”

“Well, I still can’t believe it. Just saying it worked… Do you even realize how nonsensical that sounds to the listener?”

“Ugh, I’ll have to start over from the beginning!”

The meaningless explanations continued until the lunch announcement came through the cabin. They didn’t seem particularly offended, but it felt like they had both given up convincing each other after exhausting themselves.

“…Let’s just agree to disagree… Hoyeon did it, and I’ll just accept it for my own reasons… It seems like it will never end if we keep going like this…”

“…For everyone’s sake, let’s do that.”

Hoyeon, perhaps tired from asking so many questions like a child, snuggled up to me and tapped my hand with her tail.

It wasn’t hard to notice that it was a signal for a pet. Gently stroking her head seemed to recharge her, and she quietly wiggled her ears.

“…Haa, how on earth am I supposed to explain why it just works…”

She sighed with annoyance, but even I thought she lacked understanding or consideration for others. Still, she must have tried her best in her own way.

“Thank you for explaining. But sometimes, just know that it might be better to cover up with a plausible lie, Hoyeon. Because sometimes people can’t accept the truth.”

“…You have a knack for saying chilling things nonchalantly.”

It didn’t seem that scary to me. To maintain a relationship, a little white lie was an indispensable element. Hoyeon would learn that in time too.

“Chilling? Life just goes like that.”

Let’s save the tough conversations for later; for now, let’s have a meal.

I naturally led Hoyeon toward the dining area. Although it was bustling with people, as soon as they saw Hoyeon, they moved aside like the parting of the Red Sea, making it easy to find our seats.

“Food seen from the sky, huh? A delicacy.”

Hoyeon seemed to be amazed by looking out the window for what might be the first time. So, to tease her a bit and mix in some curiosity, I asked Hoyeon.

“With such advanced technology, isn’t there an airship?”

“There isn’t anything this slow. I thought airships should always be fast, but leisurely flying isn’t so bad either.”

Ah, so they do have one, and a fast one at that. I couldn’t help but wonder what the East was like. In the original work, there was mostly only medicine mentioned, so I couldn’t gauge their technological level.

After all, as the story progressed, the overall quality of the work deteriorated, and I might have forgotten or overlooked something due to reading it in a half-hearted manner.

But as far as I recall, there was no mention of airships or teleporters.

And, just as she said, it wasn’t a world like a controlled paradise.

It wouldn’t suffice to dismiss what she said as nonsense; after all, she had seen it herself while going around outside.

…Well, I guess I’ll find out when I go. Eventually, I would be heading to the East with Hoyeon, and I would learn the truth as well. Whether or not I could prevent the war… I hoped I could.

“Is that so? Then let’s take this chance to enjoy the leisure that comes with it. Hoyeon’s hometown isn’t lacking in things to enjoy, right?”

To be precise, there were things like that, but they weren’t commercialized and supposed to be kept in some ideation reserve…

When I asked what that was, it was a storage for ideas that were too good to waste but lacked practical use.

The fact that most of the space was filled with entertainment-related items was also interesting.

“Yeah, that might be nice. Speaking of which… What did you want to do in that forest?”

“What do you mean? Didn’t you promise last time?”

I wondered if she had brought the medicine. The original destination wasn’t the elves’ forest, so I truly didn’t know what might be there. It would probably be all forest, so I could wander around and enjoy the scenery… Maybe?


Hoyeon seemed a bit bashful, perhaps still having a lingering embarrassment now that she was sober. Speaking of which, something else piqued my curiosity.

“Oh, Hoyeon. By the way, what did you tell the guards?”

Since protecting her was their objective, they would find a way to follow her, but the distance was considerable; I wondered how they would keep up.

“Hm… This time… Ah? Oh, them? I told them to hop along.”

“Excuse me?”

“If it’s them… That’s right. It’ll take them about two to three days. There shouldn’t be anything hindering their march, so it won’t take long. What about you, Yoonho?”

Even if they were elite, can they really just jump that distance? I was shocked for a moment, but if her endless stamina was not just Hoyeon’s specialty but a trait of her race, I could understand.

But still, jumping that distance?

“…I packed it in my backpack. I’ve got plenty of food and water, so… it should be fine.”

If that assumption was correct, it seemed slim without Byeolbi’s involvement that this continent could win the war. How on earth are we supposed to win?

“Okay then… I’ll be looking forward to it.”

Feeling a slight fear as Hoyeon looked at me with a meaningful smile, I wondered how I would be caught this time.

– – –

“…Gloria, is it really okay to leave your jurisdiction empty?”

Ethan asked the blonde woman with concern in his voice.

“Yes. The reason I am at the Academy is because of Stephanie. And… Ethan, do you trust your instincts?”

“Instincts… you say?”

“Yes. That gut feeling that something is about to happen. My instincts tell me that something will occur in the Great Forest.”

He preferred to operate with concrete evidence rather than instincts, so he found it hard to agree with her words. Thus, he asked her again, voicing a bit of discontent.

“What if nothing happens at all?”

“What if? The Academy students won’t be harmed, and I’ll have a great time recuperating in the pleasant air of the Great Forest. What’s bad about that?”

Ethan gave up arguing with Gloria’s cheerful laughter. She was his superior and much higher in rank anyway.

As one person relaxed while the other felt uneasy in silence, a bright voice of a girl rang out.

“Gloria! Ethan! I brought tea! Hurry and drink it before it gets cold!”

“You’re quite lively, Cecilia. Is it because you’re heading home?”

Unlike Ethan’s gloomy mood, Cecilia seemed ready to fly with happiness.

“Yes! I’m excited to introduce my friends to the people I miss!”

Cecilia walked with enthusiastic steps but nearly spilled the tea accidentally. Somehow regaining her balance, she awkwardly handed them the cups.

“…Hehe, ahem. Uh, Gloria, how’s your health?”

Seeing Cecilia trying to change the topic to cover up her mistake, both of them let out a smirk.

“Somewhat… I could say it’s okay. I haven’t tried, but I feel like I could wield a sword. I hope it doesn’t come to that, though.”

“Don’t overdo it. Your wounds still aren’t fully healed.”

He scolded her even as Gloria received it with pleasure, as if it brought her joy.

“…Um, this is sudden, but where are you two at in your relationship?”

“Did I hear that wrong?”
