Chapter 56

As I was being pulled in different directions by the kids, it seemed like we had walked quite far from the Academy.

Though I suppose I wouldn’t actually be leaving the city around the Academy. Still, it was nothing compared to the last time we went to the pet store.

To put it in perspective, that time felt like a trip to the grocery store right in front of my house, while this time felt like heading to a warehouse store a good distance away.

We had already been walking for about thirty minutes.

I didn’t have any complaints about my legs hurting, but a strange anxiety began to spring up, wondering if they would tire as well.

When I got my father’s permission to go to the Academy, he set the condition that I must always have a guard with me outside the Academy.

Of course, it wasn’t realistic to have someone accompany me every time I left, as it would be tough on them, and it wouldn’t look great either.

It might seem overly dependent on my parents.

So, I altered the condition to say that I could go to places not too far away without a guard unless it was for Academy exams.

So far, the guards hadn’t had to deal with any fuss…

Well. I wasn’t so sure this time.

“…How much farther do we have to go?”

I didn’t dislike the captain of the guard, but I preferred this meeting to be under different circumstances.

He’d probably ask why I came out, and if my friends responded that they took me out because they felt sorry for me for not having clothes, that would be embarrassing.

“Just a bit more… Yes. We should be able to reach it in three more minutes. Do you see that large building ahead? That’s it.”

“Is that so?”

Looking around as she indicated, I noticed a building that was quite tall, similar to the long trees in the Academy.

For some reason, it felt familiar, as if I had seen it before, and it unnervingly resembled the department store from my previous life.

It didn’t even feel like an extravagant fantasy structure; instead, it could easily be mistaken for a small department store.

I found it more fascinating that there was a department store rather than a clock tower expanded through magic.

Though I wouldn’t know for sure until I went inside, from the outside, it definitely appeared to be a department store.

It seemed that Dokan felt that strange familiarity too.

He was also staring at the department store-like building with a puzzled expression.

It was odd. Until now, most buildings, regardless of size, had been fantastical, but this building looked like it had flown in from the modern world.

…Well, having friends around, I figured we’d manage somehow!

“…Sigh, I truly didn’t want to come all this way just to throw money into that woman’s pockets, but… there’s no helping it.”

“That woman… You mean that building is run by Stephanie?”

Dokan seemed to snap back to attention at Anya’s murmurs, reacting to the mention of “that woman” and asking her.

“Yes. That’s right. A building packed with shops like a chicken coop, churning out products and sucking in money… That’s something only a Feldt merchant would think up.”

“…I see.”

From Anya’s complaints, it seemed she didn’t have much fondness for Stephanie and her family.

“Anya, then why do you intend to attend her banquet?”

“Uh, well… I wonder if I should be saying this… But… I’m going to have her serve me tea…”


It seemed that Dokan and I were thinking the exact same thing.

Going to a party just to drink some tea.

“…Please, don’t look at me that way. She is a contemptibly greedy woman, but… the tea… it’s well… made… uh…”

She apparently seemed sincere. Well, I too had slipped into a café during quiet hours just to grab a quick side snack.

Maybe it was something similar.

“Right, even in a mud pit, one can find treasure. I can understand your feelings, so don’t be too disheartened. Now, let’s hurry along.”

“…Thank you for understanding, Hohyeon.”

What must it feel like for Anya to sympathize with someone who teased her for not having clothes? She probably never expected to get comfort from me.

I hadn’t forgiven her.

I still hadn’t received an apology regarding the clothing incident.

Following her with a bit more energy, we entered the building, and, as expected, it was indeed a department store.

There were people everywhere, shops all around, and not a single window in sight.

At least, there weren’t any nonsensical songs about love playing, so that was a plus.

“…This is… no matter how I look at it…”

Dokan’s mumblings made it clear that he too found it ridiculous how much it resembled a department store.

“First, let’s check out the dresses, which is why we came here.”

As I said that, watching her use the escalator, I couldn’t help but feel a weird sense of emotion.

Seeing her so natural on it reminded me of going to a department store with my mom.

Don’t overthink it. The escalator must have been made with some magic-like technology. I gave up on pondering and followed her from behind.

“Yes. Hohyeon. I’ll ask again. You don’t have any specific style in mind, right?”

Anya seemed quite determined to clarify, asking me about my style preferences.

Of course, I had none. I had lived my life thinking that as long as clothes were sturdy and comfortable, that was enough.

The only casual outfit I brought was exactly that.

Not torn, no stains, no odors, and didn’t hinder movement—truly the epitome of comfort.

…But I shouldn’t wear something like that to a party.

“I must reiterate, I do not have any.”

I conveyed my intentions clearly and waited for Anya’s answer.

“…Alright, then let’s try on everything!”

Huh? How did we get here?

– – – –

“Uh-oh… Is the measuring device broken…? I’m sorry, customer. Please wait a moment!”

Anastasia’s ambition of trying several dresses on Hohyeon hit a snag from the very start.

The cause was none other than the malfunction of the measuring device.

A convenient gadget that, without the hassle of a measuring tape, could instantly assess body size with a magic wave, but for some reason, it couldn’t take Hohyeon’s measurements.

It was as if it couldn’t measure anything at all, or it would just spit out nonsensical values.

“…This is strange, it shouldn’t malfunction like this… I’m sorry, customer. It seems we’ll have to use a measuring tape… is that alright…?”

“Yes, please do.”

Anastasia immediately agreed as soon as those words left her lips. Hohyeon looked flustered as she stared at her, but the attendant was already bringing a measuring tape to her.

As Hohyeon stiffened like a terrified cat, entrusting her body to the attendant’s hands, Dokan asked Anastasia.

“…Anya, you’re not seriously thinking of trying everything on, are you?”

“What are you saying, Dokan? Of course, we have to try everything on. That way, we can choose the most suitable outfit.”

Dokan let out a deep sigh internally and turned his gaze to Hohyeon.

Watching her awkwardly move so that the attendant could measure her properly, he silently offered up a moment of respect for her, who would be treated like a dress-up doll.

Of course, Dokan was also looking forward to this, knowing all too well how long it took women to choose outfits, especially compared to Anastasia.

“…Yes, all done. Wow, you look amazing! With any of these outfits, you’d look great!”

While part of that was for the sake of flattery, the attendant genuinely thought Hohyeon could pull off any of the outfits.

“Uh… thank you for the compliment…?”

“Alright then… let’s see… which outfit do you want to try first?”

The attendant naturally handed Anastasia the catalog.

Hohyeon wondered why she was the one trying on the clothes while Anastasia was the one checking the outfits, but seeing her so seriously examining them, she couldn’t bring herself to say anything.

Anastasia, alternating between the catalog and Hohyeon, eventually appeared to make a decision, pointing to one side.

“First, let’s go with this one.”

What she pointed out was a halter neck dress.

Overall black, with lace around the chest area, exposing the back and revealing a hint of cleavage—a rather provocative outfit for Hohyeon.

But it perfectly matched Anastasia’s philosophy of hitting hard right from the beginning.

“…What have you decided… huh…?”

Feeling some unease, Hohyeon asked her pitifully, but she only replied with an enigmatic smile.

“Don’t worry. Everything will be just fine.”

“Really? Just think of it comfortably.”

You can’t do anything anyway. That thought lingered at the edge of Dokan’s lips, but he held it back.

He could only watch with excitement as to what type of clothes Hohyeon would end up wearing and what would unfold next.

As the attendant entered Hohyeon’s measurements, a sewing machine powered by magic began to busily craft the outfits.

As time went by and it became somewhat recognizable what kind of clothes were being made, Hohyeon’s expression shifted to one of dread.

“…Anya, what in the world is this…? Is this… clothes…?”

“Come this way, customer.”

“Wait, something’s wrong, that can’t be clothing…!”

Hohyeon left behind a desperate cry as she was dragged into the fitting room.