Chapter 70

070 – Suspension!

“Nam Tae-geon, step back! Nam Tae-geon, step back!”

“Step back! Step back!”

The protesters’ shouts created a continuous noise in the sky above Seoul.

It had been two days since an ‘unidentified monster’ had rampaged through the downtown area of D City before being subdued.

Rumors and misinformation spread through an online broadcast had compelled people to take to the streets to express their anger towards the current government.

At least that’s what the newspapers and news outlets were saying.

However, the government didn’t control all media.

On the internet, which was relatively less regulated by the government, discussions had been ongoing for a long time about the incident that had occurred two days prior.

“ㅇㅇ: Nam Han-jin was right; the N Mart incident was indeed provoked intentionally.”

└ The police’s special forces and the government’s awakened forces were the ones who subdued the monster, haha.

└ I was watching the broadcast at that time, but it was actually Nam Han-jin and his friends who took it down, while the police special forces just watched.

“Wairanasaurus: They say it wasn’t a monster rampaging in the city, but rather a demon?”

└ I heard that some awakened ones go berserk.

└ Does that mean incidents involving demons could keep happening?

└ They could already be living among us like Jin Eun-byeol, haha.

Society was in utter chaos.

“Release Hanam-jjin!”

“Release him! Release him!”

As the throngs of people chanted on the street, the police chief’s furrowed brows bore deep concern.

Could you believe that this uproar was all caused by just one high school student?

“Sir, we must impose a strict disciplinary action this time.”

The police chief spoke to a man who was sitting at a large desk, reading a newspaper. The man was a rather thin, elderly gentleman with a neatly trimmed beard, but he didn’t take his eyes off the newspaper as he replied.

“What for? Chief Kang, shouldn’t we actually be pleased about this? An Yeongsa High School student bravely faced an unknown threat and saved citizens. This surely shows the effectiveness of Yeongsa High School’s education.”

Yeongsa High School was an educational institution created by the Nam Tae-geon regime and was a significant achievement for them. Therefore, if a student from Yeongsa High School accomplished any feat, it was essentially a feat for President Nam Tae-geon as well – or so he seemed to think.

“Where is the student Hanam-jjin now?”

“He’s currently held at the D City Police Station’s detention center…”

“Release him. The reason… well, insufficient evidence should suffice, don’t you think?”

The police chief subtly glanced at the president to gauge his feelings on the matter.

He had served this man for years, but interpreting his thoughts was still a daunting task. He was a man whose thoughts were hard to read.

That element was terrifying, yet simultaneously impressive. He always came up with astonishing solutions that would leave everyone in awe.

Surely, he would present some kind of surprising solution this time as well.

“However, creating such an uproar and then releasing him without punishment wouldn’t set a good example for many students, would it? Something like… a ‘suspension’ could work.”

And thus, this was how Yeongsa High School student Nam Han-jin ended up receiving a ten-day suspension.

Captain Kang Cheol-min was the one to inform Hanam-jjin of the suspension.

Of course, Kang Cheol-min had no knowledge of the detailed conversations above, but he certainly understood that this incident was one of miracles in a row.

And such miracles rarely occurred more than twice.

“Nam Han-jin, you lucked out big time. Causing such a ruckus and only getting a ten-day suspension? You might just be the first in the history of this nation. I just hope you can stay quiet for these ten days!”

Though he said to stay quiet – to Captain Kang Cheol-min, Hanam-jjin was definitely not the type to stay put.

“Even so, this ‘suspension’ isn’t just an ordinary punishment.”

The suspension at Yeongsa High School was the highest punishment that could be given within the school.

This was because there were numerous ‘differences’ in the suspension regulations between Yeongsa High School and other schools.

Captain Kang Cheol-min decided not to elaborate on that.

“Captain! Why is it only Nam Han-jjin getting suspended? We were all there together!”

Baek-Yeoul, a female student who had been watching Hanam-jjin leave the campus from the window, shouted.

Soon, all the other students began to agree and chant along.

“Captain! Nam Han-jjin fought for his life against the demon and won! What kind of awakened one would protect citizens if they’re punished instead of rewarded?”

“It’s an unjust punishment!”

The classroom quickly descended into chaos.

As Captain Kang Cheol-min pondered how to quell the situation, a female student spoke up.

“I, Nam Jin, was…”

The girl who spoke was Oh Deok-hee, whose bangs covered most of her face.

Having achieved significant results during this demon incident, Oh Deok-hee, who had even received a ‘reward,’ seized the moment of the tumultuous silence to add her thoughts.

“Nam Jin said he would ‘take the suspension’ himself… He said someone has to take responsibility for our actions, and as the leader, it should be him… But he also said it was all calculated, so not to worry.”


“Like some kind of Agami Raito.”

As if pulling off an unbelievable feat – getting caught during a live broadcast but being released due to ‘insufficient evidence’ wasn’t absurd enough, did he really predict that he would be suspended?

As the kids murmured, Captain Kang Cheol-min couldn’t help but chuckle.

In fact, Captain Kang Cheol-min also found it hard to understand Hanam-jjin’s punishment. After creating good outcomes with good intentions, wouldn’t it make more sense for him to be rewarded instead?

However, as a public servant, there was only one thing he could say.

“Enough chatter, open your books!”


As I somewhat expected, I was punished with a suspension for the incident.

However, for me, this was more like a reward.

I didn’t have to go to school!

Abundant free time!

I felt like I could fly!

“I wish it had been an expulsion, though.”


Now that I had plenty of time, should I spend some effort on Seoga-eul, the teaching assistant? And I was also planning to learn about concept training from Yu Yeoreum.

Having fought against the ‘demon’ this time, I realized for sure that I wouldn’t have been able to catch it alone.

My strength was still below the standard to be called a ‘Supernova’ in this ruined world.

It was time to push myself harder.


Someone came running across the playground from afar.

I was curious about what was going on when I saw Baek-Yeoul’s rear end.

“Hey, what are you doing here?”

“I’m on self-suspension!”

“Self-suspension? Where’s that? You’re just skipping school, right?”

“I just declared it! We’re partners, right? We caused all this trouble together, and it’s unfair that you’re the only one getting punished! So, I’m also going with my own self-suspension!”

“Oh? What’s this, Baek-Yeoul?”

I didn’t know Baek-Yeoul had such great loyalty.

It was somewhat meaningless loyalty, but still!

I felt like I could cry!

“And this…”

Baek-Yeoul took something out of her uniform pocket.

It was a small coin.

“Name: Lucky Coin”

“Description: A commemorative coin featuring the Fairy Princess’s face, celebrating its 10th anniversary.”

“Holding: 《Luck Lv.4》 – This coin brings luck, like a bluebird from a fairy tale. It grants the owner’s wish, but all powers have been expended at this time.”

“That came from Jin Eun-byeol’s throat, right?”

“Yeah. This coin was a birthday gift from my dad. I wonder why Jin Eun-byeol had it? I want to ask her!”

Soon after, Baek-Yeoul became very glum.

“And she said a lot of people died because of me, and I want to know what that means. Honestly, I don’t really want to know…”

Was she concerned about the nonsensical things Jin Eun-byeol had ranted about?

I was worried about Jin Eun-byeol too.

“I’m thinking of visiting the hospital.”

Jin Eun-byeol was locked in the ward within the Special Detention Center.

Hooked to machines and hoses, her whole body wrapped in bandages, she looked like a patient on her last legs.

Her limbs, which had grotesquely stretched out from turning into a demon, had returned to their original size, but it was clear that the scars and wounds would remain forever.

It was unfortunate; she used to be beautiful, even if she was a bit rude.

“Jin Eun-byeol.”

I called out to Jin Eun-byeol, who was visible beyond the acrylic.

At that moment, Jin Ra-myeon, her older sister, who had been on guard, flared up.

“Hey! Nam Han-jin! What do you think you’re doing here? You should be locked up too! Be grateful you were released due to public sentiment even though you should have been here!”

To be honest, I shouldn’t even be there.

But was there anyone else in this world more qualified than me to question Jin Eun-byeol?

Given her condition, though, it didn’t seem like she was in a state to answer much, regardless of what I asked.

No matter; she was right there, like a response vending machine.

“…Don’t ask me anything! Please! Why are you looking at me like that!”

“Jin Ra-myeon, did Jin Eun-byeol tell you anything?”

“She did. She told me how she acquired the concept of the ‘devil’. She said it all started when she touched an antique box her father gave her when she was in sixth grade, and she changed.”

A human whose ego was taken away by the concept of the ‘devil.’

Was she guilty?

“Name: Jin Eun-byeol

Holding: 《Precognition Lv.2》

Condition: 《Comatose》 – Her consciousness occasionally returns.”

Should the Jin Eun-byeol of that time and the Jin Eun-byeol of now, with the concept of the ‘devil’ gone, be considered different people?

As I watched Jin Eun-byeol struggle to breathe through the acrylic, Jin Ra-myeon added a few words.

“I hear she was originally a good kid, or at least that’s what my distant relative said. I don’t know if it’s appropriate for me to say this in front of those who risked their lives against her, but honestly, I feel sorry for Eun-byeol. She probably won’t be able to walk for the rest of her life.”

She won’t be able to walk for life?

Having once severely injured my own leg, I felt quite sympathetic.

Could a single wrong touch of a box twist a life like this?

“What about this box?”

“Oh. It looked like this.”

Jin Ra-myeon drew a picture to show me.

【O O O】

That looked like the box.

The brick-like shape dotted with holes looked familiar.

Isn’t this the relic that Seoga-eul owned?

Could it be a coincidence?

While I pondered, Jin Ra-myeon asked me in a small voice.

“Little brother, how did you know Jin Eun-byeol was a ‘demon’? Where did you get that USB video? It seems to have been filmed at the ‘Eden Church’?”

“Eden Church?”

“Jin Eun-byeol’s parents asked the famous cult ‘Eden Church’ priests to perform an exorcism when she was 14, trying to drive the demon out that had possessed her. That video is from back then.”

So that’s what happened.

Returning Jin Ra-myeon’s frankness with honesty, I replied.

“From Seoga-eul, the one from Billunners.”

“Billunners…!? You’re not implying you’ve teamed up with terrorists, are you?”

Jin Ra-myeon made a grimace.

I extended my arms toward her.

“Go ahead and arrest me if you think it’s illegal.”

“Forget it. Anyway, you’ll get released due to ‘insufficient evidence.’ What kind of magic did you pull off? Do you have some grand backing?”

“Want to know?”

I looked at Jin Ra-myeon seriously.

But it seemed she sensed some spark in my earnest eyes and covered her ears.

“No, don’t tell me! Absolutely not! I have a feeling I shouldn’t hear it right now!”

How unfortunate.

I was just about to get to the exciting part.

I gazed at Jin Eun-byeol, who was just hanging on to life.

As I had just mentioned, this was about to get thrilling.

Jin Eun-byeol had been a catalyst for the massive events to come, whether willingly or unwillingly.

The concept of the ‘devil’ that resided within her had vanished by destroying the Concept Stone.

That significance was monumental.

It was the dawn of an age of loss from now on.