Chapter 67

[My money, my purchase, haha]

[Lily has a ‘belief,’ huh?]

[King’s belief, whoa]

[Just giving it away would hurt my pride, haha]

[Getting it for free does stir up some comments]

[Seriously, haha]

[Lack, let’s just summon and have a match, haha]


Black heard the answer and pondered for a moment.

But it was just a moment; he nodded as if he had already made up his mind.

“Hmmm… That sounds good. Let’s give it a try.”

“Are you choosing Lily?”

“Yes. I will select Lady Lily. And…”

Black pressed a button that was on the team leader’s seat.

Suddenly, a green curtain began to fall over the model terrain composed of flat land.

A space reminiscent of a 1v1 battlefield.

“Since we need to finalize the team roster by today, how about we have a match here once the team selections are over?”

“Right now?”




[Right now?]

[Are we organizing the hierarchy here?]

[This is gonna be fun, haha]

[Can Lily win?]

[Looking at the current state, Black does have the advantage]

[If you lose, it’ll be a disaster, haha can you handle that?]

[If it’s balanced, who knows?]

[Are we proceeding based on ranks?]

In front of numerous people, it’s a showdown.

‘That was quite clever.’

In reality, today is just for team selection, with the actual game taking place a month later.

It would be a bit of a waste to just end with a talk show when so many people have gathered.

Whether Black wins or loses, this match will certainly raise expectations for the mock siege war even more.

Once the outcome of the duel becomes clear, the meaning of ‘just’ will also disappear.

I nodded.

“Alright. Let’s do it later.”

“Oh… A match between you two! I’m excited!”

“Indeed. I think we can show an interesting duel to those waiting for the mock siege war! Now! Let’s move on to the next turn. Next is Leo…”

The time for selecting team members passes.

Although there are a few outstanding players among the twelve generals, others also take on significant roles.

None of them might be the best, but they are rankers with their own strengths.

The team leaders went through the selection, considering the balance, combination, and synergy of their team and the opposing team.



Roaring like a beast, the hulking muscles on display, the tanker, Iron.

“Hey, Iron.”

With Leo’s final choice, the ultimate team roster has been decided.

Three teams neatly organized next to caster Kim Yong-woo.

Photos of players classified by each team were displayed side by side.

[The balance is a bit tilted.]

[But it seems to fit?]

[At least the two teams match LOL.]


[Yena is currently shedding tears of blood LOL.]

“Alright! Team 1! Chota Choka Chuka Chip Team! Consisting of Yena, Laguiel, and Truck Shield, a total of four members.”

“I’m sure many had doubts about the initial choice by Team Leader Chuka Chip. Honestly, I think he was aiming for this.”

“That’s right. First of all, Yena, Laguiel, and Truck Shield all have high ranking scores, and if the team leader is Tier 1, these players are Tier 2! They’re referred to as such because their skill and power are destructive.”

“That’s correct. Especially, Truck Shield’s shield utility is among the best among rankers, so it seems like a decent choice from Chuka Chip’s perspective.”

[Seriously LOL.]

[For what I thought at first, this is not too bad.]

[Leo seems to have thought it through.]

[It’s all because Dino picked him first.]

[Leo is so kind.]

The screen transitions with commentary.

Yena’s expression is slightly better than before, while Laguiel is vigorously shaking his head.

Truck Shield is cleaning his shield, and Chuka Chip is still wearing an inscrutable smile.

[Is this the big picture?]

[There’s a chance they might go with a strategy of only picking Tier 2.]

[Big picture (Leo was considerate).]

[Big picture (If Leo had picked someone other than Dino, they would be screwed ROTFL).]

[Nope, this is definitely a big picture~]

[Choco really needs to bow down to wherever Leo lives, seriously.]

After a brief discussion about the respective teams, the commentary moved on to the next segment.

“Now~ the team that sparked the most chatter… the captain, Black Team! This team consists of Lily, Redberry, and Devil!”

[Black Team?]

[Isn’t this Lily’s team? LOL.]

“If I dare to say, this team is the most likely candidate for the championship.”

“Oh? There are two other teams, can you share the reason?”

“First of all, if Lily’s skill is truly on par with or beyond that of the Grand General, then there are two Grand General-level players. Moreover, both Redberry and Devil also possess above-average skills.”

“I see. Certainly, there are many who expect Lily to shine, so that makes quite a bit of sense.”

“Plus, there’s still a match left to determine the Grand General, right?”

[Who will genuinely win? LOL.]

[Yep, Lily will win, right? Yep, Lily will win, right? Yep, Lily will win, right? Yep, Lily will win, right? Yep, Lily will win, right?]

“Yeah, Lily’s gonna win, right? Yeah, Lily’s gonna win, right? Yeah, Lily’s gonna win, right? Yeah, Lily’s gonna win, right?”

[Lily’s team got renamed 20 minutes ago, lol]

“Yeah, Black is such a teacher~”

“Honestly, it’s kind of unlikely for Lily to beat Black.”

“But if she loses, it’ll be hilarious, though, especially after acting all confident.”

“Yeah, not happening.”

“Lily wins, see ya!”

Lily and Black come into view.

Both are sitting there with barely any change in expression.

In the back, there’s Redberry with her flowing red hair looking bored, and a tiny something glances at only Lily.

“Look at how cold they both are, lol.”

“Must be nervous, doing a 1v1 in front of hundreds of thousands.”

“Seeing this, why does Redberry look like such a squid, lol?”

“Her level is super pretty, but wow, this is something, lol.”

“Devil’s cute, though.”

“Speaking of which, Devil totally had a crush on Lily during Yena’s stream. Lucky team-up, lol.”


“Lily, ma’am?”


“How do you feel? Are you satisfied with your team?”

“Um… I like it. Everyone’s really skilled.”

“That’s a relief! So, what are your thoughts on facing Black?”

“First off, since I’m challenging for the Grand General position, I plan to give it my all.”

More than anything.

“I don’t think I’ll lose, though.”

Just like always.

This time, she must win again.

“Dang, I’m hyped.”

“What’s with Lily’s confidence?”


“Oh wow.”

“Seriously, it’s nerve-wracking. Who’s gonna win?”

“What do you think, Black?”

“Me? Just like always. I’m going to face my opponent seriously, no holding back.”

“Understood. Looking forward to your match.”

What’s on his mind?

Black, dressed in armor meant for battle and holding his weapon, “Black Drake’s Greatsword,” looks at his opponent.

Lily, preparing for battle with a mere rare-grade spear while facing the blue curtain ahead.

“Not wanting a ring or anything…”

If she truly wanted a ring, she could have just taken it.

Others might say something about it, but neither Redberry nor Devil is that fixated on items.

Even if other players joined the team, they’d be willing to share sufficient resources or equipment.

Yet, Lily refused.

Not just the ring, but also willingly took on the fight for the role of “Grand General.”

As if she didn’t want to owe anyone.

“…Then I guess I can take her seriously.”

“I guess I can handle it lightly.”

─Alright! The long-awaited match! The current ranking 9th Great Magic Sword Master Black! It’s about to start against the rising star! The emerging strong contender, Lily!

The opponent is still a low-level user who hasn’t even undergone the third job change.

Since the same system as the battlefield is implemented, there’s no real need to balance things out, but it would be better not to use ‘mythical’ artifacts or skills due to the equipment difference.

An epic hidden piece with unique characteristics exists only on this worldwide server, and ‘mythical’ grades are powerful enough to shatter the balance.

No matter how hard I try, using that would be pushing it a bit.

─Okay. 5 seconds until the match starts.

Tightening up. I get into the ready stance with my greatsword.

Black mana starts to boil, and dark mana begins to flow from Black’s two eyes.

─4 seconds left.

An eerie voice containing Drake’s roar resonates from the grip.

The effect of the strange voice is ‘fear.’


However, Lily shows no signs of being affected by fear at all.

─3 seconds left.

“Lady Lily?”


“I won’t go easy on you.”

─2 seconds left.


─1 second left.

“Oh, me neither.”

Lily says that and smiles for the first time.

A faint magical power also flows from her.

Still weak.

‘Should I hold back a bit?’


But a match is a match.

I have no intention of going easy at all.

A colossal greatsword infused with black mana, over level 80, cleaves through the battlefield.

It’s a strike that anyone can see is enormous.

Not just any swordsman, but a great swordsman who wields mana, so the damage is gigantic.

For a brief moment, the battlefield turns black.


In that dark space, two blue eyes shine bright.

“…the roar of the spear.”

A storm made of spears sweeps through the battlefield.