Chapter 69

“That’s really an unreasonable power…”

The doctor, standing on the scale, muttered weakly. It wasn’t the lament of someone in despair but the disappointment of a child whose prepared game had gone awry.

“…If you have such power, why not rule as everyone’s god? There seem to be many easier paths.”

“Because I’m not a god; I’m human. And I hope the world where my precious people live remains.”

“Isn’t that rather an irresponsible statement? Acting like a god while being what you are.”


In the distance, the sounds of beasts and magical girls clashing grew fierce. Tens of millions of puppets continued to attack the magical girls autonomously, even after losing connection with the doctor.

‘Dorim said she’d do her best to stop the nuclear launch commands.’

I was also worried about the situation on the Chinese side where I sent Ichika. I needed to gather as much information from the doctor as possible. The feelings of discomfort I realized only after killing Alex.

“What did you hear from that apostle?”

“Hehehe, do you really think I would answer honestly…?”

“Thinking that I couldn’t forcibly get an answer from you is a delusion.”

“…Well, I did manipulate human cognition and emotions. It seems I have a similar ability to control humans.”

The doctor glanced at the Moscow sky for a moment, retracing memories. Although it was only a few months ago, it felt like he was reminiscing about a time longer than his whole life.

“…Soon, the era of humanity will end. Before the next era arrives, let your chaos bring ruin to a world weakened by false peace.”

“Weakened? What do you mean ‘weakened’? The power of magical girls grows stronger with dreams!”

“I hear that only one of the four goddesses overseeing the trials agrees with that.”

Animus… the Magical Girl of War. And the scavengers first appeared in Europe.

It seemed Animus used some method to inform the scavengers in Europe about the future situation, encouraging them to go wild before destruction arrived.

‘And the influential messenger is probably Emily Hawkins…’

Then I heard a word I had never encountered before.

‘Four goddesses?’

In Magical Girl HAZARD, there were only three evil gods… and a 3-Star born magical girl is related to the goddesses.

“This trial is merely a false one achieved through the sacrifice of that one goddess.”

The girl who toys with everyone spoke with a genuine laughter that mocked the world. It may have ended trivial, but it was an utmost tribute to the opponent who played along in her doll-like game.

“…Either way, the three goddesses left to administer the trials only offer two choices: for humanity to change or perish.”

A world destined for ruin.

Every fate led to destruction.

Just a little temptation and ignorance were enough to make it easily collapse…

“… …”

“Suddenly, I’m curious.”

“I’ll answer one before I kill you.”

“Why are you trying to save the world? Does this world even have that much value? It seems much more fun for it to perish.”

The world.

Lately, I’ve often thought:

‘Isn’t this enough? Wouldn’t my precious people survive this much?’

Is it necessary to protect all humanity in this world?

Most magical girls are under my protection already. In the worst-case scenario, I can gather as many people as possible in areas where they can avoid monsters and allow them to live off the miracles of magical girls.

It would become a precarious world dependent on magical girls, but this world is facing ruin anyway, right?

“… …”

The doctor’s question felt like a poke at that very thought.

‘Isn’t this enough…?’

I awakened the magical girls.

Kept Fujimoto in check.

Established a place capable of protecting everyone.

Expanded territories in Korea, China, and Europe.

And maximized the potential of the magical girls.

The only threats left before the trials were [Sword], [Revenge], and [War].

‘Convincing [Death] to resurrect the fallen magical girls is also my true duty, but…’

Even gathering what remains in my hands and preparing could yield victories unmatched by what Yuki achieved.



‘Is it truly a victory?’

The couple Hana and Sato, characters who didn’t appear in the original, became my sturdy support.

Yuki, who returned from a time unmentioned in the original, became my precious connection.

Kang Dorim, Park Saebyeok, Lee Meirin, Laura…

The more I learned about those I didn’t know,

the more I uncovered places I wasn’t aware of,

my world was expanding endlessly, and they gathered to become my new strength.

They loved me, cared for me, and helped me.

At the very first café I visited in this world, I met another father.

“Were you hungry? Take your time eating.”

“Thank… you…”

Since the first day in this world, I have been loved by it.


“…Because I love this world.”

It’s not simply a place I pass through before going back to my mother; it’s a world both strange and familiar.

A world loved by the characters from light novels that empowered me as a child.

“…I wanted to protect it.”

After realizing the love I received from this world, I resolved to do so.

Upon hearing my answer, the doctor opened her eyes wide. Then she slowly raised the corners of her mouth and smiled with relief.

“Hehehe, I thought it was pointless to praise the toy box someone else was playing in, but it doesn’t feel bad.”

“Don’t regard others as toys.”

“Hehehe, this can’t be helped. Just like how you treat others with love because you’re loved. If treated as a toy, that’s how they’ll be seen.”

“… …”

“Ah… But it wasn’t so bad letting things go awry without caution. It’s refreshing. That perspective.”

Now it’s time to kill the doctor.

Regardless of what circumstances she holds or the perspective she possesses.

The sin this girl committed cannot disappear.


I placed the silver sword against the doctor’s chest.

“Hehehe, as a gift for showing a play that’s more fun than the gods, I’ll give you one. I originally planned to show it as a surprise during the doll play, but I found a more interesting conclusion…”


“Hehehe, the nuclear launch button. I pressed it a few days ago. I deleted all the stop codes and set it to manual launch, so it’ll launch regardless of the puppets.”

“Stop it.”

I quickly used cognition manipulation on the doctor, but even after her cognition changed, she only had a look of regret.

“Hehehe… so this is cognition manipulation. But from the moment I knew the [Cyber Brain] was on your side, I prepared and executed this for several months, so there’s truly no going back.”

“Stop it!”

“I’m sorry. Originally, I was planning a surprise while playing, aimed only at America… and it seems like now’s the set time.”

“STOP IT!!!”


The ground of Moscow shook.

Buildings began to tremble as if filled with dread.

In order to unleash the divine punishment wrought by humans.

Laughing at humanity which had stopped the war only after placing blades on each other’s necks.

Beyond the sounds of magical girls fighting beasts, another massive explosion echoed.

And hundreds of lights soared beyond the plains.

[Sister!!! Nuclear!!! More than hundreds are being launched!! All switched to manual, so the stop codes aren’t working!!]

[Currently, the US government has detected the nuclear launch and will respond, so stay as far away from the scene as possible…]

[Emergency communication has arrived that all defense teams responsible for China have become combat incapable due to the attack of the Sword’s magical girl!! They are currently requesting immediate support!!]

“1200. I was planning to hit all major cities in the US; it seems like my set time has just arrived.”

The doctor spoke, chuckling at the entire situation as if it were just amusing. She found another toy, and it wasn’t the end of humanity…

“Looks like my Lid has also reached China well. They must be struggling, even compared to me, as a madman.”

My mind went blank.



I simply gazed vacantly at the doctor.

She looked at me with a satisfied smile.

“If Russia and America perish, I’ll inevitably become the god of the new world. Congratulations.”

As soon as I heard those words, I swung the silver sword. The clear silver blade drew a trajectory, vivid green hair and blood blooming vividly.


The silver blade struck, and the girl’s neck slid, gushing hot blood. As the warm blood fell onto the frozen earth, the doll play signifying the coming destruction came to an end.

However, the malice she had set as the finale of the play was just beginning now.


The autonomous puppets continued to launch fierce attacks on the magical girls. And the last malice she had spread unveiled itself in this moment.

[Sister!! Get out of the way!! The US is launching in response!! Russia and the US are done for!!]

Hundreds of lights crossing the sky still roared on.

The girl who viewed the world as a grand puppet show desired this conclusion.


And a splendid gift she gave to her playmate who stopped her.

A New World.

That was coming right before my eyes.