Chapter 450

How can one make a wolf show its mouth?

Of course, one has to appear as someone who wouldn’t mind showing the weakest spot.

The problem lies in how to gain the wolf’s trust. Once I thought about it to this extent, there was no need for much worry.

School ties, regional ties, blood ties.

The methods I’ve used well. It was simple; regardless of time and place, using relationships that easily open hearts was the key.

“Dog poop…?”

The Three-Eyed Sword seemed uncertain as it recognized me.

“Just as I thought! It’s Uncle Cheol from Musu Village, right? I’m Dog Poop. Do you really not remember me?”

“The names of the Joseon kids in the village were quite similar…”

If Uncle Cheol lived in Musu Village, then Kang Yoon-ho should also be there. So how can I make it seem like I was part of a village that didn’t exist?

Starting with the name.

A childhood name originally given by fate often carries a base name not worthy of respect.

Dog Poop, Cow Poop, Horse Poop; too common. But what if I introduced myself with a name that surely would have been in the neighborhood? A name that they wouldn’t suspect?

In the mind of the Three-Eyed Sword, I would then be thought of as just another kid from Musu Village.

“Do you remember the vice village head besides the village head? The one with the black hair.”

“Vice village head…? That stubborn old man?”

“Yes. I’m the son of the cousin of the vice village head’s family.”

An utterly forgettable relationship. But by using the real person of the vice village head, I added details to the story.

“The vice village head’s cousin? I don’t recall such a person. Maybe you mistook me for someone else?”

The wary gaze of the Three-Eyed Sword seemed to cut through me.

It’s been nearly 20 years, so you don’t remember? Doesn’t matter. On the contrary, it’s a good opportunity.

Let’s call someone from the hometown association who’s from Musu Village. Let’s hear some old stories.

I had already done my homework.

“Don’t you remember my grandfather? You know, that house beyond the stream where the trees were? I heard my grandfather once found some honey and offered it to Uncle Cheol to taste.”

“Honey…? Now that you mention it, I think I might recall something like that.”

Memories of delicious food from childhood linger longer. The sweet reminiscence left on the tongue connects me to the past.

As doubts dissolved, the Three-Eyed Sword dived back into the cave of memories. But there’s no way he would find me in that cave of memories.

Because I originally didn’t exist.

But I could make him forget his doubts. As long as I speak only the truth, except for myself.

“You know, I’m not sure if you remember, but every time I saw Uncle Cheol with his sword, it made me feel oddly scared and fascinated, and I would run away if we accidentally made eye contact.”

A memory I heard from someone from Musu Village. It’s a trivial story, but…

“Ah! I think I remember! You must have been one of those kids!”

To the Three-Eyed Sword, Cho Cheol, it could be a memorable story. He looked at me as if recalling something.

But could that really be a memory?

The Three-Eyed Sword and I have a 20-year age difference. Plus, it’s been many years since he left Musu Village. An adult and a child. Even if I had existed there, it wouldn’t be easy to remember. But that’s exactly why I can dig into the gaps of memory.

Everyday trivialities for the Three-Eyed Sword. The little kids playing in a corner of Hwajeon Village.

It’s enough for him to think that one of those little kids might have been me.

“Yes! Looks like you remember now!”

I held back laughter inside while pretending to be very pleased as I spoke to Cho Cheol.

“Yeah. It’s good to see you. So you lived in Wuhan.”

We mutually agreed in joy. Joseon person Dog Poop, Kang Yoon-ho, was indeed living in Musu Village.

“I never expected to meet someone like this. By the way, have you had a meal?”

After chatting a bit about Musu Village, I naturally brought up the topic of meals.


Why? Do you hesitate because you’re in the middle of running off with money?

“Whether you’ve eaten or not, let’s go eat together!”

But you see, if we part ways here, it will just end as a simple happy coincidence, and I have no plans to give up.

“Sure. Let’s go grab a bite.”

As I tugged at his sleeve with a smile, Cho Cheol moved forward with a wry smile.


An unfamiliar relationship has now become one among fellow townsfolk.

Having gained internal intimacy, I smoothly moved to the dining location to win favor. As I talked about hometown stories adequately, when I reached the door of the other’s heart…

“Let’s have a drink first.”

It was time to open the door of the heart with liquor.

“Drinking in broad daylight is a bit…”

“Oh come on! Wouldn’t it be disappointing? It’s the first time in over a decade I’ve seen someone from my hometown; let’s raise a glass together!”

I stood formally, both hands on the bottle to offer it to the Three-Eyed Sword.

“Hehehe. Well, alright then.”

As Cho Cheol, perhaps due to running away all this time, looked deep in thought for a moment, a look of surrender crossed his face, and he nodded.

As the fiery spirits flowed down our throats, I pretended to feel the alcohol hit me.

“Ahhh. It’s been such a long time since I’ve had this. You left when I was just a little squirt. It must have been over 15 years, right?”

“Seems like it’s been over 15 years.”

Good. His eyes reflecting nostalgic memories already. I like it very much.

“Speaking of Uncle Cheol, it reminds me of my childhood.”

I, too, had to follow the plan to return to the past. As I emptied the refilled cup, I continued.


“I’m not sure if you remember, but when I was truly little and causing trouble, my mother would say, ‘If you keep it up, Uncle Cheol will punish you!’ Do you remember the sword Uncle Cheol wielded? I’d be terrified and act like a sensible child for days.” Hahaha.

“Haha. Right. The neighborhood aunties used to say the same thing whenever their children caused mischief: ‘If you keep this up, Uncle Cheol will get you!’”

The Three-Eyed Sword emptied his cup, seemingly recalling the joyous times.

Chug it down! It’s all about opening up the heart!

Whether Dog Poop actually existed doesn’t matter. What I’m saying is not about the personal memories of Dog Poop, but all memories connected to the Three-Eyed Sword.

With the liquor, I sketch the past. The young man in front of me was one of those kids from that time.

Surely, a kid who had no relation to him now holds valuable memories of the past. At this point, he could not doubt the Dog Poop in front of him.

The link between me and the Three-Eyed Sword strengthens.

“Uncle Cheol has been my idol since I was little.”

Having secured a solid bond of familiarity, it’s time to take another step forward.

“I am Dog Poop… No, um, ahem.”

Could it be the repeated swigs of liquor? The moment Cho Cheol momentarily forgot my name, he turned away shyly.

“You can call me Dog Poop or Yoon Ho; it’s up to you.”

“Yoon Ho. You were my idol?”

The Three-Eyed Sword looked at me with his eyes wide open, as if he couldn’t believe it.

“Didn’t I escape from a poor place like Musu Village and make a name for myself in the world? Every time I heard about Uncle Cheol, I always thought I’d succeed just like him.”

I added credibility with my expression, sending him a glamorous gaze like a one-on-one fan meeting with his ultimate idol.

“That’s quite something.”

The Three-Eyed Sword turned his head, seemingly flustered.

“Indeed. That level of adoration was reserved for me.”


Perhaps because I spoke without hesitation, the Three-Eyed Sword turned his head, sneaking a glance at my face, feeling proud.

“This is… wow… let’s drink some more!”

The Three-Eyed Sword, with a twitchy mouth, handed the bottle to me.

“Upon hearing the rumors that a renowned warrior struck down an ambusher in one swing, earning the alias of Three-Eyed Sword, Uncle Cheol often claimed he felt he had eyes on the back of his head when he saw me watching. He used to brag about it.”

“Ahaha! Is that so?”

The Three-Eyed Sword, unable to hold back his grin, accepted my drink.

I need to see the inside of the wolf’s mouth.

As a simple hometown person, I can’t check what’s in the belly. To become even more friendly, I approach closer, making the other person my idol.

What to do next?

Should I settle for a simple respectful relationship between a senior and a junior from the same hometown?

“Uncle Cheol. It’s truly good to see you again after such a long time. Today’s meal is on me.”

No. Today’s plan isn’t over yet.

“What do you mean by that? Don’t make me feel like I’m a nobody.”

Like I would run off with the cash?

“It’s alright.”

“Whoa. Even so…”

That’s a natural reaction for the Three-Eyed Sword.

He’s the senior from the hometown; I’m the junior. Plus, it’s even more embarrassing to be called an idol. But if the idol is treated to a meal?

Not good for pride. But you see, this is what I aimed for.

“I’m the owner of this restaurant, you know.”


Now it’s time to show how awesome I am.


“Did you enjoy your meal?”

The staff flocked to greet me as I returned to the mansion.

“It seems the seasoning has become a bit stronger. Pay attention to the differences in the food when going outside versus here.”

“I understand, sir.”

“Alright, you all go back to your duties.”

As I waved my hand dismissively, the staff dispersed promptly.

“Yoon Ho… you…?”

Why the surprise?

“Haha. I just worked hard because I wanted to be like my brother, and now I can treat you to food.”

I laughed as if it was nothing special.

An unexpected encounter with a hometown person. The guy, who just moments ago thought I was a mere kid idolizing him, turns out to be the restaurant owner.

Thus, the one the owner admires becomes the Three-Eyed Sword.

What do you think? From a situation looking down upon him, it suddenly changed to a relationship where he must step up to me, right?

“Ahaha! The little rascal from Musu Village has succeeded!”

“Who else besides Uncle Cheol would be as great as this?”

Even in a flattering situation, I still elevate the other party. The Three-Eyed Sword laughed, patting my shoulder.

“Yeah, I really enjoyed it.”

“Brother, where are you staying?”

I asked too reluctantly to let the encounter end here.

“Ah… I just rented a shabby room to sleep in.”

Could it be that he felt a sense of shame at my success? The Three-Eyed Sword spoke awkwardly as he looked away.

“Really? The mighty Three-Eyed Sword is staying in a shabby room?”

I feigned disbelief as if I heard something nonsensical.

“Is there another owner of this place?”

I guess it’s possible that the owner is someone else while I’m the one running it. He said he admires me. Clearly, he’d exaggerate to impress me.

But the way the staff reacted was different from what the Three-Eyed Sword expected.

“Our owner is not only running a restaurant but also managing quite a remarkable business in Wuhan.”
