Chapter 179

The Hunter AI Assistant Drone had a minimum price of 390 million won as of 2088.

Without any add-ons and only minimal features, that was still the starting point. To practically use an AI drone in the field, a Hunter would realistically need to spend about 500 million won to get a usable AI drone, including a solar battery, self-generating power unit, and access to a monster database.

For a Hunter streamer, the AI drone equipped with high-performance camera effects, noise functions, infiltration, stealth capabilities, a holographic chat window, internet management linked with the switch, and a high-performance cognition filter would command a minimum price tag of 1 billion won.

That’s right, a minimum of 1 billion.

The good stuff can exceed 2 billion.

Moreover, the AI drone delivered to Shia’s House and the one Menelapie had impulsively smashed earlier were both ultra-high-performance AI drones packed with the latest technologies that weren’t even available for sale.

If valued, they would probably cost around 3 billion, but since Shia hadn’t truly adapted to the 2088 era, she couldn’t utilize all the capabilities of the high-performance AI drones. Yet, the drone was equipped with an excellent AI that could well be used by the defense ministry.

And now, the AI drone [NFPB-001] delivered to Shia’s house recognized Yane, who was tilting her head with a puzzled expression in front of it, and it realized she was in a troublesome situation.

Being an AI packed with top-of-the-line technologies not available in the market, [NFPB-001]’s self-judgment capabilities were incredibly advanced.


While it might be debatable whether expressions like “worry” could apply to an AI, this particular AI concluded that its owner, Yane, who unboxed it, didn’t have the slightest clue how to use the drone. It was deeply considering whether to activate the ‘Beginner Mode,’ ‘Senior Citizen Mode,’ or ‘Baby Mode’ using its AI privileges.

Continue Kiiieek!

Is she a different species?

No, no, I heard she gets side effects if she uses hunter powers of the mutation type…

There’s a werewolf hunter in front of my house; it howl like crazy every full moon, and we get complaints all the time, lol.

Crazy, lolololololol!

Complaint: Hey, could you keep the howling down?

Uu, uuu…. Kiiie…

Recalling what Shia always did, Yane connected the switch to start the broadcast through Shia’s account, although she had no clue if it was functioning correctly.

Having lived long enough to grow as a Bladed Centipede up to 15 meters, Yane, blessed with Shia’s baptism, was akin to a baby not even a year old in human terms.

Everything in human society was fascinating and new, even simple books or furry fluff were enough to pique Yane’s interest, making the complex high-performance AI drone for hunter streamers feel like an entirely unknown world.

From the viewers’ perspective, the broadcast was going smoothly, but Yane, in reality, couldn’t see the chat window and could only gaze back at the drone’s camera, which felt like the drone was staring at her.


Oh, how cute..

For real.

Even cuter than the gallery master.

The gallery master is about those adult things; cute isn’t their thing, lol.

Ignoring the Meat Fairy?


We agreed to call the Meat Fairy “edgy,” you know… it was a social consensus…

Fortunately for Yane, the viewers found her tilting her head to be quite adorable, and they seemed to ignore any mishaps with the broadcast.

Wait, isn’t she the one who collabed with the gallery master and the cognition filter last time?

Oh, that character with the centipede tail?

Come to think of it, there was a post about the gallery master taking a picture in front of that stew restaurant a while back..

Wasn’t she smaller back then? Why is she so big now?

Seems right, yeah, with the centipede tail and everything, but I can’t tell why she looks so big in the photo.

Isn’t she an older sister?

But the gallery master is definitely lewd, this one seems really cute though.

Looks like our daughter who’s been hit with a stone.

You got a daughter?

Of course, you don’t have a daughter?


Crazy, lololol.

Fortunately, the viewers seemed to be infatuated with Yane’s adorably tilting head and appeared to be unconcerned about how poorly the broadcast was going.

But where did the gallery master go?

Is the gallery master really that important? I kind of like her too, lol.

As long as there are maternal slots, it’s all good, lol.

That’s true.

If you don’t wanna have a collab, just type “lol” for real.

For real, lol.

For real, lol.

In fact, as Yane grew, she started to resemble Shia more and more.

At the moment she ascended into human form after receiving baptism, she didn’t look that much like Shia and was much smaller than her, but as days passed, Yane grew rapidly, resembling the beautiful Shia.

Her cheerful eyes and slightly darker skin, close to brown instead of the pure white of Shia, as well as hair that was a mix of purple, black, and the unique yellow of a Bladed Centipede, cascaded down to her ankles.

In terms of appearance, she nearly looked like an adult version of Shia, but due to her actions and her innocent purple eyes, the viewers didn’t feel any discrepancy with Yane’s behavior.

…Uu, uuu…

However, after a while of struggling with the AI drone’s controls, Yane eventually started to well up with tears.


? Why’s she acting like that?

What’s going on?

Why’s she crying like that…?

What do we do, hey?

What do you want us to do, dammit?

With her large toxin sac, when Yane began to cry, even the viewers couldn’t hide their surprise.

Boohoo…buuueeennn…! Hihik…!

Eventually, seeing Yane sob heart-wrenchingly, the AI of the Hunter Drone, [NFPB-001], couldn’t take it and started updating itself autonomously.

– First unboxed, hence judged to be the true owner of [NFPB-001].

– Assumed the owner doesn’t know how to use [NFPB-001].

– Assessed the owner’s condition through its own AI.

– Decided to apply ‘Baby Mode’ for the owner.

– AI initiated broadcast settings per judgment.

– Cognition filter activated, noise mode activated, Hunter database access completed.

– Broadcast mode ON.


Suddenly, as the hologram filled with numerous chat messages appeared, Yane stopped crying and stared blankly at the hologram.

Stopped crying?

Oh, wow…

But isn’t crying just a sight to behold?

This crazy person, lol.

Honestly possible.

Hey, she can say whatever to a child, lol.

For some reason, Yane seemed so cute as she curiously touched the holograms as if fascinated by them, just like a cat seeing a mirror for the first time.

When her centipede-covered hands touched the hologram, the chat window moved along with her, and Yane’s expression slowly transformed from one of sadness to a broad smile.

He, hehehe….



No way, that’s crazy cute.

Where have all the bad guys gone?

They’d never do nasty things in front of a kid..

But, it’s okay to do it in front of the saint?

The streamer’s not a saint; she’s a crazy saint.


The viewers seemed delighted by Yane’s innocent smile, and even the notorious malicious net runners couldn’t bring themselves to misbehave in the presence of such an innocent face finding wonders in the chat room.

By now, any adult would have caught on that Yane had just casually opened the gallery master’s broadcast.

However, the multitude of viewers tuning in at that moment noticed the viewer count climbing toward 80,000, a significant increase from the usual 40 to 50 thousand.

Although Shia easily surpassed 100,000 during her intense monster fights, it was remarkable that 80,000 were just watching Yane casually do nothing but make cute noises.

Ihihihihi, Kii…

Though Yane realized the broadcast had truly begun, her joy soon turned into deep contemplation.

Now……….. what should she do?

Even though she turned on the broadcast like Shia, Yane truly had no understanding of what the broadcast entailed.

How should she manage the viewers? (This aspect Shia also ignored.)

What should her content be?

Yane remembered that Shia would interact with the chat, while sometimes even cooking using the drone.


At that moment, Yane felt a sudden loneliness about eating alone.

Like Shia, who inherited a tendency toward loneliness, Yane found it unbearable to eat alone, opting to put back the leftover soup ham bibimbap left by Yoonjeong instead of consuming it.

Eh, Kii…

Now that she had the viewers, it felt like she could eat without feeling lonely.

Yane waved her hands in greeting to the viewers.

Ehe, he he. Kii…

[‘KawaiiHorned’ donated 100,000 won!]

How cute. What’s your name?


Suddenly startled by the loud donation sound from the broadcast drone, Yane bolted into the kitchen behind some cover.


What the heck, lololololol.

Did she just run away from the donation sound?


KawaiiHorned, what did you do to scare the child like that!?


Wait, that’s seriously cute, lolololol!

Telling you, she was startled and her tail was twitching; it’s real.

For real!

Once donations exceeded 100,000 won, the sound effects became extravagant and loud, meaning for Yane, it probably felt like a bomb had just exploded in her quiet home.

Peeking her feelers out from behind the kitchen, Yane discerned nothing unusual and cautiously crept her eyes out to glance at the drone.


So adorable!

How can such cuteness come from that body?

The body looks lewd, but her face and actions are so childlike; it’s not arousing…

That’s what makes it arousing…



Realizing the loud donation sound she’d just heard was something that happened during Shia’s streams, Yane struggled to recall what Shia would do when such sounds occurred.

She remembered how Shia would casually thank the dons, often giving some sort of reaction, if not an enthusiastic one.

Not fully grasping the concept of donations and responses, but thinking she must do something since that sound prompted a reaction from Shia, Yane flashed a smile and waved her hands energetically.


Flap, flap.*



What is she doing, lol?

Kii… Kii…?

Feeling unsure, she again glanced at the drone, tilting her head while resembling a smile. This time, she vigorously flapped her arms and tail as a sort of donation response.


What the heck is she doing, lol?!

Could this be a donation reaction???


The reaction is way too cute!

Honestly, her donation response is far better than the gallery master’s!

For real, lol!

Shia’s usual response to donations tended to be plain and mostly ended at simple thanks.

Of course, since she was often busy hunting monsters and showing outrageous dishes, the donation reactions weren’t that big of a deal. But viewers accustomed to Shia’s broadcasts were quizzically responding to Yane’s authentic donation reactions.

Is… is this the right thing?

It crossed her mind as Yane saw the chat flowing by rapidly, and she perceived that it seemed acceptable based on the atmosphere.

Even though she had started learning Korean, she hadn’t fully grasped it and couldn’t quite catch the rapidly rising chat contents, but there exists a certain vibe, doesn’t it?

Kii… He, hehee… hehehehe…

Thinking it went well made Yane beam with a genuine smile.

Her goofy and slightly dazed-looking grin had an innocent child’s charm that was bound to touch the hearts of uncles and fathers watching.

[‘KawaiTori’ donated 30,000 won!]

So cute.

[‘Mint-flavored Oreo’ donated 5,000 won!]

[‘Meat Eating Canp’ donated 45,000 won!]

Kii, Kii?

Suddenly overwhelmed by dozens of fast-donating messages, Yane panicked, unsure of what to do.

While it wasn’t as loud as the donations exceeding 100,000 won, she knew these were different from ordinary chat messages.

However, since Shia reacted to the loud donations, Yane was uncertain whether she should respond to these smaller donations, showing her indecisiveness.

What the—? Hahaha, her bewilderment is incredibly funny.

Look at those eyes go wide!

Looks like our home is getting feisty..


That’s for Kya-Hyung, right?

[‘KawaiiHorned’ donated 100,000 won!]

How cute. What’s your name?

Eh, um……….. Yane!


Ya! Ne?

Ya? Ne?



Yane is invincible and Isia is breast!



Ya! Ne!

From that moment, the viewers learned of the name Yane.

[‘Stiff Choco Chip’ donated 100,000 won!]

Show your chest without your clothes on!

At that moment, the donation sound rang loudly once again, catching Yane’s attention.


Crossing the line here!

Can’t say that to a child!

The idiots always cause a ruckus, lol!

Naturally, the viewers reprimanded that idiot.

If it had been reality, that person surely would have faced huge backlash.



Hey, dammit!


However, the innocent Bladed Centipede girl Yane misunderstood the command to take off her clothes and show her chest, prompting her to act immediately without understanding whether that was a bad thing.



No, stop, stop!

If you keep this up, the broadcast will get shut down!

Crazy, stop!

Put on some clothes!!!

Whoa, crazy!

“Switch AI has detected indecency! This broadcast will be terminated immediately!”

Kii, Kii???

And with that, as the broadcast ended, Yane stared in shock as viewers swiftly vanished from her screen.

Uu, uuu…..

Before long, Yane was in tears once again.

Why did everyone leave?

Do they dislike me?
