Chapter 301

At the moment the three hunters, who had traveled back a bit in time, were ordering the hellish chicken from the Chicken Dong Jin.

Shia stepped out into the back alleys of Green City to gather the essential ingredients before preparing the chicken for the hunters who ordered it.

“Wahaha! Chicken, is it? How would I possibly know that?”

“Huh, don’t you know?”

“Haha! How about checking that alley over there? There are all sorts of creatures and monsters; surely there must be a chicken monster or something?”

“Umm, is that really okay?”

“Wahaha! This Green City is a place where all kinds of monsters chop off their limbs to use as currency. So hunting and pillaging shouldn’t be a problem! Didn’t they say we could act freely near the Hunter Train?”

Thus, instead of heading to a butcher shop to buy meat, Shia, following Lilybet’s advice, willingly walked into the deep, dark back alley.

The scenery in the alley was quite desolate and dark, showing off a rather excellent landscape that looked like it belonged in a grim painting.

The back of the towering skyscrapers sprawled out like a long, grand alley, with shadows resembling Swiss cheese, filled with holes and pits scattered all over.

Of course, those holes were homes for someone.

Cockroach monsters,




And even the presence of high-class beings similar to vampires could be felt.

“Ah! This filthy air~ A rare air you can’t taste outside!”

According to Shia’s standards, such polluted air was rare even in her previous world.

This wasn’t just simple dust or smog; the corrupted mana was deeply entrenched in the air, and if an ordinary person stayed here for about a month, the essence and genes of living beings could twist entirely.

However, D-grade hunters had at least some resistance to mana, so there wouldn’t be much of a problem.

Steam evaporating from toxic substances.

An alley filled with pollution.

Blood-soaked floors.

Trash bins filled with meat and bones.

A beautifully grotesque maze filled with shadows and sewers!

Shia seemed to quite like the mystifying and terrifying scene straight out of a dystopian setting.

“Chicken~ Chicken~ Chickeeeen~”

Indeed, whether it’s a hunter or an ordinary person, chicken was a food that everyone loved equally.

Even a hunter who didn’t recognize Shia immediately ordered chicken upon entering the restaurant. Now, as long as Shia prepared the right chicken, [Alley Shia’s Restaurant] would be off to a successful start.



“It’s a female!”

“Female? Meat! Yes, yes!”

-How very foolish.-

Green City was a lawless city.

This alley was a place where monsters and creatures, unable to join any gangs, made their homes here, living their own ways.

In fact, although they were different in scale from gangs, it was no different from munching on each other and having petty disputes.

An unarmed female suddenly appeared in such a place, and there was no one who wouldn’t drool.

Some exhibited their appetite, thinking about tearing into a female’s tender meat after a long time.

Others sent glimmering, lustful gazes her way.


Nevertheless, Shia continued into the back alley.

Her steps were calm and unfettered, as if she were out for a stroll in the neighborhood park.

“Now that I think about it, I haven’t streamed in a while?”


“Female, female, female!”

“Come here, let’s play!”

“Uh-huh, okay. Perhaps I should stream again? The scenery is quite eerie, adding to the atmosphere…”

Wearing only a white dress shirt and black pants without her suit coat on, Shia didn’t show any divine energy overtly, so she didn’t appear strong, and without weapons, the alley’s creatures viewed her not as a threat but as a delectable morsel.

Indeed, several creatures gestured for her to come to them, drooling, while some followed her with menacing, dark eyes.

Though countless monsters were snarling and baring their fangs to pounce on her, they refrained from attacking right away, mindful of the possible presence of Shia’s allies or affiliations with other gangs.

Regardless, Shia seemed unfazed.

[This Isia Hunter – streaming from Isia’s Alley Restaurant]

“Okay, alright! This title will do. Hey, everyone~”

Maybe because it had been a while since she last streamed, viewers began flocking as soon as she started.


-Why nowwwww!!!

-You’ve been so absent!

-Lilybet, why nowwwww!

-Going nuts over here!

-Where is this? Where is this? Where is this? Where is this?

-Oh, the memories with the streamer?

-Streamer, it’s you!!!

-Gallery Master! Gallery Master! Gallery Master! Gallery Master!

[‘KawaiiHorned’ donated 50,000 won!]

nWhy are you streaming now nWhy are you streaming now nWhy are you streaming now nWhy are you streaming now nWhy are you streaming now nWhy are you streaming now

“Hahaha, sorry. The Hunter Train ended up being busier than I thought.”

-Oh, I saw Cheon Ah-Young’s stream; she was slapping the Queen of England!


-I saw that too, haha!

“Whoaa, you saw that? Uh, no, that wasn’t me.”


-Yep, you’re late!

-Didn’t you know you were meme’d in the gallery?

-[The Queen’s waist bent like a bow from Shia’s slap.]

-That’s not something you do just once or twice.

“Hey, there were circumstances behind that, okay?”

-What reason could there possibly be to slap our Queen Elizaveta IV? Did she say something inappropriate?

-You were in a tough spot. Strength doesn’t solve issues. Though, it wouldn’t be weird if Queen Lilybet got slapped anywhere.


-:) That’s right. She has caused violence in various countries. She loves battles.

-Are those translations above?

-A foreigner has shown up, lol!

-Ah, it’s auto-translation, haha!

“Cough… That’s not the case, but anyway, there’s something more important right now!”

-Is there something more important than the Queen’s slap? Pow wow?

“Believe me, it is important! Because I have my first customer!”



-First customer?

-Oh, it looks like you opened a restaurant or something.

-You opened a restaurant while riding the Hunter Train??

-You can open one, but… aren’t there a lot of Michelin chefs on the Hunter Train?

“If you want to compete with chefs, you should catch them and make dishes out of them, right?”

“Hey! What are you all thinking of me?!”



-Cursed saint!





“This nasty bunch… Hmph!”

As the viewers united like one, Shia felt a bit dizzy but also welcomed the noise after a long time.

“…I’m really happy to see you all.”

-Ah, why are you suddenly smiling?

-Is it saint mode??

-What is this, a collection time?

-I’m suspicious when you smile suddenly for no reason.

“Haha, it’s nothing like that. I’m just happy to see you all.”

Though it wasn’t that long, compared to the times when she used to stream three to four times a day right after her return, it had definitely become less frequent.

Yet even so, the numbers had only increased, and the viewers had always been waiting for her stream, leaving Shia feeling a bit touched inside.

And while Shia answered the long-awaited viewers, the fragrant and sweet scent of a female, along with the smell of bodily fluids, stimulated the olfactory senses of the keen creatures nearby, causing the shadows around Shia to multiply exponentially.

As the stream began, the various sound effects bursting forth from the drones and hologram chats even drew the gaze of the creatures that were previously sleeping.

“So… to show my dearly missed viewers something fun, I’ll do my best!”

-Ah! Behind you!

-Streamer! Behind!


And just as Shia finished speaking, a Lizardman ambushed her from the shadows of the sewer, captured on the streaming screen.

The Lizardman aimed to devour the unarmed female wandering into the alley and planned to use her remains to lay eggs, leaving her body intact for breeding.

However, Shia didn’t even look back.


“Yep, I believed in you, Gallery Master~”

“Saint, hee-hee… I love the Seongnyeok pouch swaying~”

-Ah? What’s that?


-But why is the Lizardman wearing sweatpants???

-I thought this was a dungeon? I imagined it was some filthy city!

-Yeah, the green fog covering it must mean it’s a dungeon.

-Is it a city dungeon?

-There’s a Lizardman, Goblins, and Cockroaches. Is that a Kobold?

-There’s Scavengers, too?

-Right, right!

-I haven’t heard that tone in a while, lol!

Glancing at the viewers, Shia patted the Lizardman trapped by her tentacles as if to apologize.

[Ke, keek! Grrr!]


With a simple cleansing miracle, she wiped away the sticky liquid and lifted the Lizardman higher.

“I won’t kill you, but suddenly attacking while I’m streaming is just not cool.”

With those words, she tossed the Lizardman away as if discarding trash.



Although she didn’t kill it as she said, its neck was twisted in the wrong direction, suggesting it would be unconscious for a while.

As Shia unleashed one of her tentacles, flinging the Lizardman away in an instant, even the monsters that had been preparing to pounce on her started to rethink their strategy.

Even if they were residents of Green City who could come back to life, they weren’t stupid enough to rush to their deaths.

Some of them were primarily focused on just getting a piece of meat to eat, but others secretly realized that Shia did not see them as a threat and subtly started to withdraw or hoped the others would tire her out first.

In fact, this had been Shia’s intention all along.

Easily dealing with these underlings was most effective by unleashing large-scale destructive miracles like the Seongche Paralyzing Miracle, but she couldn’t indiscriminately attack creatures that had not shown any intent to kill her.

‘So if I can eliminate one of them as an example…’


“Oh, here it comes!”

Naturally, when there was noise, a rather huge creature responsible for guarding that area would arrive.

Shia thought this as she looked at something emerging from the net-like holes.

[You have no fear, female.]

As a gigantic shadow emerged, the other creatures surrounding Shia began to hide.

These monsters and creatures of the alley, while not part of any gang or clan, still had their ruler.

In fact, monsters’ ecosystems have always reflected a form of hierarchy.

The strong dominate. The powerful reign, and something corresponding to that also exists.

And the ruler of this alley was undoubtedly that massive shadow.


-What is that?

-A chicken?

-Is a chicken that big?

-Is it a crazy red chicken?

-It’s walking on two legs?

-It’s humanoid?

The identity of the shadow turned out to be a colossal being with a chicken’s head.

Its comb and beard gleamed a blood-red color like blood, and its beak looked more solid than ordinary steel.

Its entire body was covered in lush feathers, but in its human-like hand, it held a gigantic pipe.

Standing significantly taller than Shia, it appeared to be around three meters tall.

Yes, it was indeed a chicken.

A Gigantamax chicken, beautiful and grand.

How could such a perfectly timed, magnificent being appear?

Surely, this must be a blessing bestowed upon Shia for having conducted herself and maintained her mindset properly.

Otherwise, how could a colossal chicken monster necessary for making chicken just show up?

Slurp… delicious… oh, no! That’s chicken for the customers! I must hold back!

Thump thump!

As the beautiful being walked toward her, Shia’s eyes sparkled, and she spread her arms, shouting out.

“Chicken! Come over here!”