I remembered.
About a girl named Shin So-mang.
Clearly, when I just returned to Earth, she was a high school girl being bullied by the delinquents. I intervened and helped solve the issue.
It was a brief encounter, but meeting on the day I returned and her quite beautiful appearance left a lasting impression.
Of course, her name still felt unfamiliar.
Other than that day, I had no other significant interactions with Shin So-mang.
After getting her number and going back, I sent her a text a few days later, saved each other’s numbers, and that was it.
I asked if those delinquents were still bothering her and told her to ask for help anytime she felt annoyed by them.
There hadn’t been any other personal contact beyond that.
I avoided sending unnecessary texts because I thought it’d make me seem creepy.
I also remember that Shin So-mang never texted me first.
But to find out that Missy’s identity was Shin So-mang…
I was slightly taken aback by the unexpected appearance of someone completely off my radar.
The fact that the person who had been secretly following me until now was Shin So-mang hit me like a ton of bricks.
I never thought that a stalker could be Shin So-mang.
Hearing that from the Hedgehog, my mind went blank for a moment.
“…Missy, were you that girl? So you’re the stalker too?”
“Not a stalker, huh?”
“I definitely wasn’t following you out of affection…”
Why did Missy stalk me?
I pondered for a moment about why she followed me.
The answer came surprisingly quickly.
“Missy, you said you saw me come out of the portal, right?”
“Did you follow me because you were curious about my identity after seeing that scene?”
Just as I suspected.
Well, I could understand Missy’s actions to some extent.
Anyone would feel strong curiosity if they witnessed a surreal sight straight out of a movie or manga.
Even before I was in this world, I would have felt the same way.
If I suddenly saw space split open and someone walking out of it…
I would have been compelled by my curiosity to uncover that person’s identity.
That doesn’t justify stalking, though…
‘She didn’t cause me any harm, just quietly followed me, so let’s not make a fuss over it. There’s no benefit in ruining my relationship with the Assistant.’
Since I hadn’t suffered any damage, I decided to let this fact slide.
“It’s okay. You don’t have to apologize, I’ll forgive you.”
“It’s not like she followed me with ulterior motives.”
“But Missy, if you were curious about my identity, you could’ve just asked directly. I would’ve kindly told you.”
If Missy had asked about the portal, I might’ve revealed my identity without hesitation.
I mentioned it to Ha Yumi under the influence, and regular folks wouldn’t believe me anyway, so I didn’t share it, but someone who witnessed the portal would trust my words.
“Well, you could’ve just texted me.”
Hearing her side of the story made some sense.
Avoiding directly asking might have been the right choice after all.
I didn’t even know what kind of person I was, so asking about my identity after seeing me come from a portal would be dangerous.
If I was part of some secret organization hiding my identity, Missy could have been removed without a trace.
That’s a classic movie trope.
Hmm, did Missy tell me her name?
I didn’t save her number under a name, so…
I couldn’t recall, but since she said she was hurt, I offered an apology.
“Sorry. I still vividly remember your face, but I couldn’t recall your name.”
“Of course. We met on the day I returned to Earth after years.”
She was super pretty too.
I swallowed that last bit in my mind.
I didn’t want it to seem like I was flirting.
But did we even speak informally?
I didn’t recall ever doing so.
After all, we only exchanged a couple of texts.
…But let’s not dwell on that.
It’s not a big deal.
Finding out Missy’s identity and realizing our relationship made it awkward to go back to speaking formally.
I decided we’d leave the topic of Missy’s stalking here.
“Hey, Hedgehog.”
[Doom Bar?]
Now it was time to scold the Hedgehog Summoner.
He had carelessly blabbed about our promise.
While I was grateful for the revelation, I had to address the mistake.
“The things you shared with me were to be kept secret between Missy and me. So you can’t just go around saying them. Missy’s super mad right now.”
[Doo Doom Bar?]
The Hedgehog tilted its head, seemingly not knowing what it did wrong.
I spoke to it in a calm voice.
“A secret is something you shouldn’t disclose to others. If you share something that was promised to be a secret, it breaks the mutual agreement.”
[But we aren’t really just others, are we? The Gauntlet and I have secrets that must be shared!]
[Missy is now a precious friend, but she can never be compared to the Gauntlet. The Gauntlet is my best buddy, and without them, I wouldn’t have shared this secret…]
It seemed that the relationship between the tamed monster and me was much deeper than I had thought.
If it was willing to speak like that, then…
The Hedgehog saw revealing everything as obvious, seemingly thinking nothing it did was wrong.
Even so,
[But I’ll apologize since Missy is mad. I’m sorry!]
It lay flat on the ground and admitted its mistake.
Seeing it apologize despite thinking it hadn’t done anything wrong made me feel proud.
“Missy, the Hedgehog seems to recognize its mistake, so let’s forgive it. I forgave you, okay?”
Despite the betrayal feeling heavy, Missy generously forgave the Hedgehog.
Well, she had no choice.
After all, I had just forgiven her.
I informed the Hedgehog that Missy had forgiven it, and the little incident wrapped up smoothly.
“Leave it as is.”
“If you clean, then sure, that’d be nice.”
“Anyway, now it’s just you left, Pururu.”
“You’re the only Assistant whose identity I still don’t know.”
I predict that Pururu’s identity will soon be revealed too.
If the assistants have a gathering, Missy or Yumi will probably spill the beans.
I can’t wait for that day.
Time passed, and it was the 25th day in the Labyrinth.
After giving Azelas a severed arm, I continued my days of exploration, pondering the way to become the master of the labyrinth and tentatively planning.
Tame as many monsters as possible.
Increase the number of assistants even more.
Explore all areas of the labyrinth and map it out.
I thought perhaps doing these things might someday bring me closer to becoming the master.
Of course, for now, finding a vending machine was my top priority.
I needed to stock up on designated dispatch tickets for any unforeseen circumstances back on Earth.
So, I appointed monsters for the explorations.
Now I made it routine to revisit places I had already explored, leaving the hideout.
After all, a vending machine could spawn anywhere. It might generate in a spot where it had appeared before.
‘Another dead end this time.’
Today, again having not found a vending machine, I trudged back to the hideout.
Team 1 and Team 4 had yet to return.
Teams 2 and 3 were already back at the base.
While waiting for the exploration teams that hadn’t returned, I was prepping the Pig King I had caught for a meal when suddenly…
A soft voice drifted into my ears.
The voice was coming from the 1st passage.
I turned my gaze that way and saw something peeking out with its behind.
Wagging its tail.
It glanced over at us with its head turned.
Or not so much glanced…
For some reason, it had its eyes closed.
The thing was a fox.
More precisely, it was a fox monster.
But it looked familiar, like I’d seen it somewhere before.
“Something about its appearance seems familiar… where have I seen this fox before?”
It continued to wag its tail with just its butt showing in the 1st passage.
As I watched, a sudden memory hit me.
“Wait, could it be that fox from back then?”
Once, under Min Hyeong-seok’s dominion,
When the control was lifted, the monsters that had bitten him in betrayal…
I think it was the fox that had repeatedly slapped Min Hyeong-seok’s bangs with its paw the moment it was freed.