Chapter 229

Chapter 227 – Draconic Language – 5

“It’s over now.”

Clap clap clap, Parnari applauded as if she was impressed that I managed to learn the last word of the Draconic Language.

“I’ve taught you everything I can. I never expected you to learn it all in less than an hour.”

Unlike Minerva, who looked like she expected this outcome, Parnari had an incredibly surprised expression. Her wide eyes showed no signs of returning to normal.

I was somewhere in between Minerva and Parnari. The Draconic Language wasn’t something that could be learned this easily, even in a game. To accomplish that, I had to resolve quite a few side quests first.

‘Well, maybe the gods helped me. If they were that interested in me, surely they can grant me at least this buff.’

I had no intention of questioning it, nor did I want to delve deep into the situation. Learning the Draconic Language quickly was a bonus, and overthinking would just waste time.

“I can’t compare since I’ve never taught Draconic to a human before, but it’s definitely an incredibly fast pace. Do you have some special power?”

Well, I did have something special. I simply responded with an ambiguous smile. The fact that the Goddess of the Holy Kingdom summoned me here was far from a secret worth sharing.

While Parnari, still wide-eyed and applauding my rapid progress, suddenly stopped and asked a question, as if it just came to her.

“About the request I mentioned before learning Draconic; do you want to do it now? You said you’d have something to ask once you could fully control the Draconic Language.”

I nodded. Come to think of it, I had said such a thing. Originally, I planned to learn step by step, but the situation had changed. I looked back at Minerva.

“Minerva, I’m sorry, but could you step out for a moment? It shouldn’t take long.”

I didn’t mind Minerva hearing about the Draconic Language. However, discussing it inevitably required mentioning the Creature that Devours the World, so this was a necessary choice.

Explaining about that thing couldn’t be just casually done; it had to happen in a setting with both the Empress and Pope present.

Parnari was part of the same race as that creature.

“Alright then. Will ten minutes be enough?”

“Yes, that should be plenty. Thank you, Minerva.”

“It’s nothing. Just talk comfortably.”

Minerva smiled at me, glanced at Parnari, and then disappeared with Teleportation. It felt like a continuation of her earlier attempt to kiss me or say something that got interrupted.

As she left, Parnari shivered slightly.

“A long-lived human is scary.”

That wasn’t entirely untrue. It was just ironic that a dragon who would live for thousands of years considered someone who was only 400 years old, like Minerva, as scary.

“So, what is it you want to ask? I’ve taught you all I can. I can’t help you anymore. You have to create a new Draconic word on your own.”

“It’s true that I want to create a new Draconic word. But I absolutely need your help, Parnari. I can’t do this alone.”

In the game, it was Parnari who helped in obtaining the Draconic Language. Even though the situation had changed, I still had to try and explain as best as I could.

“I don’t know why I’d be needed, but alright. I’ll help as much as I can. What do I need to do?”

“But before that, may I ask one thing? Can you not only contain power and concepts in the Draconic words but also enforce the laws of the world on the object of the words?”

“That’s a bit vague. Are you trying to create those laws yourself?”

“I don’t know the exact meaning, so I can’t answer properly, but it might be something like that.”


Parnari pondered for a while before giving a fairly positive answer.

“It doesn’t seem entirely impossible. It probably depends on who the target is. May I ask what you plan to use it for?”

“It might take a bit longer to explain…”

I explained about the Creature that Devours the World to Parnari, except for the information provided by the Goddess of the Holy Kingdom. It was better to keep that under wraps until she revealed she already knew.

Also, Parnari might have more knowledge about that creature. After all, she was of the same race and had claimed to be the oldest dragon herself.

After silently listening to my explanation, Parnari’s face grew much more serious as soon as I finished.

“So, if I summarize what you said, there’s a dragon who intends to destroy the world. It calls that salvation.”


“I understand why Heltora said those words. It seems he’s been tainted by that creature. It’s a relief that you’ve been able to seek rest.”

A small sigh escaped my lips.

“Let me calculate the size for a moment. If its eyes are the same height as you or larger… It could be larger than me when I revert to dragon form. I’ve never measured myself, so I’m not sure about my size.”

After a long while of calculating, Parnari finally raised her head.

“Dragons continuously grow while alive, so the larger they are, the stronger they become. That’s common knowledge, right?”

I had just heard that for the first time.

But considering how sure Parnari was, I decided in silence to let it go without embarrassing either of us.

“If what you say is correct, it must at least be the size of a small mountain. At that size, even in my original form, it would be impossible to guarantee a win against such a beast. And you want to enforce the laws of the world on such a monster?”

“That’s correct.”

“…I’ll need to hear an explanation first. What do you want?”

To be honest, I didn’t fully understand the Draconic words needed for the boss fight against the Creature that Devours the World either. In the game, the explanation was rather superficial, just a brief outline.

Now, having experienced such things in Hell, I honestly questioned whether a dragon with such overwhelming power compared to the Goddess of the Holy Kingdom would be stopped by mere Draconic words.

“It’s a Draconic word that prevents the dragon from flying.”

But even so, I had to give it my all.


Parnari’s expression stiffened. Her widened eyes returned to normal.

“That must be the only way to allow a fight to even take place.”

In normal circumstances, a fight between a human and a dragon couldn’t even be established. So, I needed to explain the Draconic word necessary to stop their flight.

According to Parnari’s earlier explanation in the game, it involved adding a concept in the laws of the world that prevents dragons from flying and then imposing it on the Creature that Devours the World through Draconic words.

‘That doesn’t mean it won’t fly at all, though.’

Among the patterns of the Creature that Devours the World, there were indeed instances of it flying low and sweeping half of the Boss Room with its Breath. This wasn’t a pattern added in the Darkest Light Mod; it was in the original game.

According to the developers, it was a sight of the creature resisting the laws of the world with its own power, but from what I saw in the game, it didn’t come off as particularly strong.

All I felt was annoyance at it soaring up again.

“…I understand what you’re trying to say.”

Parnari’s expression remained stiff.

“However, I’m not sure if that’s possible. I lack confidence. A Draconic word that makes a dragon unable to fly… that’s…”

“It’s absolutely necessary. If we can’t stop it, it’s the end for all of us.”

“I see. So I have to try hard. I’ve lived for a very long time, but I wouldn’t want my life to end by someone else’s hand.”



“You mentioned a dragon with black and blue scales and red pupils?”

“That’s right. Is there something wrong?”

After pondering for a while, Parnari shook her head.

“It’s nothing. I feel like I almost remembered something, but I can’t pinpoint what it is. I’ll let you know if it comes back to me later.”

“Take your time to think. Now then—”


Someone interrupted the conversation. It was Minerva’s voice. I turned toward the direction of the voice, wondering if ten minutes had already passed.

But the number of people had somehow increased since she left.

At the front was Kaiquilia, followed by Floretta and Luna. Minerva was at the very back. I was taken aback by this unexpected combination, and Parnari had a question mark floating above her head.

Returning to her usual uniform instead of dress clothes, Kaiquilia shot a menacing glare at Parnari as soon as she noticed her next to me. Hic, a little hiccup sound escaped her.

“Your Majesty? Your Holinesses? What brings you here?”

As I addressed the Popes, Floretta and Luna’s faces turned pouty. Their cheeks puffed up as if filled with air.

“You don’t need to be formal with us, Delta. Even if we are in front of others.”

Floretta changed how she addressed me.

From the first meeting up until now, it was a long-standing title, so I could easily recognize the change. Just a day ago, I had been a distinguished guest, but now, I was not.

“That’s right, Delta. There’s no need to hide your relationship with us anymore.”

Luna echoed in agreement. As I was bewildered by the sudden shift, the Popes moved closer to me and tucked my arms between their chests.

“To not have to hide… what does that mean?”

“Your Majesty?”

Before I could finish, Floretta called out to Kaiquilia.

“Be quiet. You need not rush. She will know very well what to do.”

Kaiquilia’s discomfort was evident, yet she got closer without any hesitation. She stepped closer until the distance was just enough for a few fists to fit in between.

“Your Emperor commands you. Listen quietly.”

Her arms wrapped around her chest tightly under her uniform.

“Knight Commander of the Dark Night Order. You are to her preference. From the moment she took an interest in you, and now, and forevermore.”

The front of her leather boots tapped nervously against the ground.

“However, it is no ordinary matter that the Sun and Moon have chosen you directly. Since the gods have chosen you, the Holy Kingdom will not abandon you either.”

A step forward. The distance narrowed further.

“At this rate, we’ll only continue to run parallel to one another. Therefore, the Pope made a suggestion to me. She proposed that I hand you the reins of this situation.”

With a sweet peach scent, her lips parted slightly.

“Which side will you choose, Delta?”