Chapter 265

Chapter 264 – Awakening Chaos – 4

“Holy One!”


Luna’s reaction and mine were mismatched. As soon as she saw me, her face brightened, and she began to skip towards me, while I was left dumbfounded by an unexpected sight.

Her attire left almost nothing to the imagination, and as she walked in that characteristic lewd manner of the women here, the rag covering her chest and genitalia swayed precariously.

The problem was, unlike Eclipse, who never revealed her important parts despite her outfit, Luna’s clothes were heavily influenced by the laws of physics.

Every time the fabric swayed, the areas that should have been hidden kept coming to light. Pinkish protrusions and a smooth crack without a single hair glimpsed through, revealing too much.

Concentrating as much as possible on the covered areas, I scrutinized Luna’s attire. It was undeniably the same clothing that Eclipse had worn, except that it was all silver without any gold mixed in.

Moreover, the colors of the gems around the heart-shaped decoration on her chest matched perfectly with the color of Luna’s eyes—three shades of purple. Eclipse’s gems had an even mix of green and purple.

‘Calm down. I’ve seen this kind of thing a lot before. Stay calm….’

I mentally prepared myself, trying to ignore the bits of fabric that seemed to slide between my chest. I lifted my gaze and met Luna’s eyes; it felt easier to deal with it this way.

Luna walked right up to me, beaming. Up close, her presence was even more overwhelming. Furthermore, unlike Eclipse, her outfit lacked any restraint against exposure, making her lewdness even more pronounced.

Her delicate fingers carefully rearranged the fabric. The silver covering settled back over her nipples, areolas, and vulva.

“What… what is that outfit?”

After repeating the word “outfit” three times, I finally managed to articulate something reasonable. I really didn’t want to call that an outfit, but I couldn’t find an appropriate substitute.

Perhaps “ornament,” or “piece of fabric,” or some other crude term would be more appropriate to describe it properly.

“The moon granted me a revelation.”


It meant that the goddess had breathed into Luna. I couldn’t believe that she had to do something like this while a supposedly immortal centipede was rampaging through our world. I suppressed my astonishment.

If there was a reason, I needed to hear it. Just as I thought she had dragged me here three times, maybe there was a valid reason behind her appearance as well.

“What revelation led you to wear something like that?”

“A light has descended upon the Holy Kingdom, and by wearing this sacred robe, we may draw closer to the light and amplify our sisters’ divine powers.”

‘…Looks like it wasn’t just a thoughtless act after all.’

The words about drawing closer to the light aside, to have clothing that enhances the holiness of the popes didn’t seem to be a random choice.

It wouldn’t hurt if Floretta and Luna became stronger. It could only help in some way.

“Since the structure of the sacred robe has been personally granted to us by the revelation, how could we possibly ignore it?”

Luna clasped her hands before her chest and spoke with an entranced voice. To me, Eclipse was a foolish goddess, but to the popes, she was faith, life, and the proof of the Holy Kingdom, so her reaction was only natural.

“I didn’t even realize that your visit was for the sake of creating the sacred robe, so if you desire punishment, I will gladly endure it, Holy One.”

“That’s enough. I have no intention of punishing you for such things. So, how is it? You said wearing that enhances your divine power.”

“Yes. I didn’t feel anything right after putting on the sacred robe, but upon witnessing your presence and approaching you, I felt it. It feels similar to when I first held the sacred relic you bestowed upon me.”

“…Is that so?”

After obtaining the sacred relic, the divine power exhibited by the popes had definitely grown stronger.

However, for her to feel a sensation similar to holding the sacred relic just by approaching me while wearing that was a clear indication of its effectiveness.

Setting aside the questionable outfit for now.

“Compared to now, before I received the sacred relic and met you, I was no different from a blind, deaf, and mute being. I am too ashamed to raise my head, having pretended to be a pope with such a wretched faith.”

“Well, I’m glad to hear that.”

I nodded reluctantly. It seemed that Eclipse hadn’t thoughtlessly dressed them in that outfit, and considering it strengthened their divine power, I couldn’t exactly say anything against it.

“Please wait a moment, distinguished guest. I will call Evangelina here.”

Luna looked straight into my eyes. Her eyes shifted from purple to green. It appeared she had let Evangelina inhabit her body.

The change in eye color was brief. The moment her green eyes turned back to purple, a golden light mass appeared right next to Luna.

“Holy One!”

A familiar voice reached me, and Floretta walked out swiftly from within the light mass.


However, Floretta’s outfit was slightly different.

Whereas Luna secured the string coming diagonally down from her side to cover her vulva with a piece of fabric hanging from the crucifix shape on her lower abdomen, Floretta was not like that.

She used a strap from her heart-shaped jewel on her chest to cover her vulva, letting it hang from between her breasts almost as if depicting a uterus.

It looked far more precarious than Luna’s. Just walking caused the connected strings to sway threateningly, slowly revealing her inner thighs.


As I lost my words, Floretta approached me with a broad smile. Having one was dizzying; having two was even more so.

Both of them treated their usual sacred robes as mere clothing, and I hadn’t expected a look more revealing than that.

Above all, the fact that Floretta and Luna had exposed their important parts whenever the coverings moved was significant. Eclipse had never revealed herself despite any movement.

“…Did you receive a revelation from the Sun too?”

“Yes. The Sun said that by wearing this sacred robe, we could draw even closer to the light. Although crafting it took an immense amount of time and effort using divine power, it was worth it.”

Floretta smiled radiantly like the sun. Her face was full of compassion and mercy, yet her attire did not convey that, creating a stark contrast.

Unlike me, Nix was unfazed by the sight. Perhaps because it was the usual attire of the popes, it felt normal to her.

“Holy One, what brings you all the way out here?”

“I came to give a warning.”

At the word “warning,” the faces of Floretta and Luna turned somewhat serious.

I told them about the immortal centipede and that if it appeared, they shouldn’t try to handle it alone but to seal its movements and call for me without fail.

As for why, I explained that it was a being made by something unclean that opposed the gods of the Holy Kingdom, and the popes understood by themselves.

It wasn’t entirely inaccurate.

It was indeed right for the creature that devours the world to oppose the gods of the Holy Kingdom, and while the term “unclean” was somewhat ambiguous, it was correct that the centipedes produced here were made by that thing.

“I understand, Holy One. To think there are impious beings standing against the Sun and Moon; this is something we cannot overlook.”

“Was there a reason behind the revelation bestowed by the goddess? I, Evangelina, will dedicate myself to follow your request wholeheartedly.”

Floretta and Luna nodded with determined faces. Suddenly, one of their coverings slipped down and fell between their breast cleavage.


It was definitely a serious situation, but I couldn’t concentrate at all.

In a world overflowing with lewd clothing, they wore outfits that stood out as exceptionally revealing, just behind Eclipse. I had doubts about whether they could even move properly in those.

I cautiously opened my mouth.

“How about you both wear something on top?”

Floretta and Luna paused in adjusting their coverings, and upon hearing my words, their expressions fell as if their world had crumbled. It was a perfectly normal request, yet I felt somewhat guilty for asking it.

While I pondered how to describe it to ensure they would cover their bodies, a good thought struck me. I quickly added to the quivering duo.

“What did the goddess say in the revelation? She said that wearing the sacred robe would allow you to get closer to me, right?”

“…Yes, that’s correct.”

“Does getting closer really just mean being near? It might imply something more.”

Floretta and Luna displayed expressions as though they had been struck by a mantra. It was going according to plan.

Revelations had always been subject to interpretation, and my words as a living saint in this situation carried an overwhelming weight compared to theirs.

“Was that the kind of revelation…?”

“We misunderstood the revelation, Evangelina. The Moon instructed us to wear it when embracing the Saint, but we distorted that meaning.”

They appeared distinctly flustered. I sighed in relief internally. I had managed to change their perception somehow.

This meant their sacred robes would take on a different significance, but that didn’t concern me. If it was an outfit worn on a bed, then it was a reasonably understandable level of exposure.

“Right now, since you can’t really wear anything else on top, you could at least wear see-through.”

Started to suggest a coat, but then recalled what the popes had said, shifting my thought. The higher your faith, the more you shed; what could I do about it?

I deliberately mentioned see-through. The last time I had suggested they wear see-through, both had reacted mildly, and now I planned to resolve my curiosity.

“See-through… Yes. Understood, Holy One.”

“If that’s what the Holy One wishes, I will gladly….”

It went as expected. Floretta and Luna blushed deeply, twisting their bodies in embarrassment. I chose my words carefully to avoid sounding like I was being intrusive.

“Why do you think I asked you to wear that outfit? Tell me in detail with your own words.”

Both of their cheeks flushed even deeper.

“To ask a woman to wear such clothing is akin to requesting her to become your woman… so could it possibly mean that the Holy One desires to fully possess us, your sisters?”

“A body covered by clothing made from a woman’s heart and faith can only be seen by the Sun and Moon in the heavens, and the man the woman has given her heart to. Thus, I believe it denotes that you wish to declare us as your women to the entire Holy Kingdom.”

So that was it. No wonder their reaction had been subtle when I suggested see-through; it was practically a confession in itself.

Considering Luna pointedly noted “made with heart and faith,” the see-through on the popes’ original attire probably didn’t serve that purpose.

“Well… yeah. That’s what it meant. From now on, wear it like that. Got it?”

Floretta and Luna blushed scarlet and cautiously nodded their heads. They had already pledged to bear responsibility, so I had no reason to hesitate.

And, even though I understood that their perceptions were different, I really didn’t want them going outside dressed like that, where their important parts weren’t perfectly covered like Eclipse’s.

Following my declaration, which was almost a confession, the pope sisters released their composure slightly and conjured see-through garments using their divine power. Translucent fabric enveloped them from neck to toe like a wizard’s robe.

‘…Doesn’t look different at all?’

In conclusion, it made no difference to me whether they wore it or not. True to its name, the see-through fabric revealed their bare skin through it.

I subtly questioned Nix, who was clinging to my side and admiring the surroundings.

“How does that outfit look?”

“Since you’re asking me, I guess it’s doing the see-through part well. I can’t see anything.”

Meanwhile, Floretta and Luna, who had drawn near to me, subtly held onto my sleeves, their faces filled with embarrassment.

“Your Holiness?”

As I was about to pat their heads, a familiar voice suddenly echoed. Stella and Selene appeared from across the cathedral.

Stella and Selene widened their eyes at the sight of the popes’ attire, and upon confirming my presence, they hurriedly bowed their heads.

“What brings you here, Inquisitor?”

“What is it, Inquisitor?”

“…A strange monster has appeared. It seems to be a centipede-type monster, and despite trying every method, it won’t die. We have come to request your holiness to handle it.”

The popes’ eyes widened in surprise. I withdrew my hand that was about to pat their heads and turned my body.

“Let’s go. This works out perfectly. The exhibit has walked in by itself.”

In the place I followed Stella and Selene to, the battle nuns were pushing back the immortal centipede with their shields.

It seemed they were trying to hold their ground until the popes arrived since they could recover no matter how much they were beaten. They seemed to be strategizing somewhat.

‘Thank goodness there’s only one this time.’

If several hundred had poured in like last time, those nuns would have turned out as hosts. I didn’t want to imagine the aftermath of the nuns being fully transformed into hosts.


I was about to announce that it was the monster I mentioned, but suddenly felt something was off and turned to look again.