Chapter 132

The world’s greatest educational institution, the Gift Academy.

Graduates ascend to the highest positions across various countries, establishing personal organizations that spread their fame or infamy from local regions to the entire continent.

Becoming the strongest in a field and redefining what it means to be the best in the world is just the start; they often blaze new trails in history.

The shortest shortcut to becoming a hero.

A Bachelor’s degree course leading straight to success.

Students enrolled in the academy, chasing glory.

Class 981, 2,130 undergraduates.

This week, the first dropout emerges.

“Because it’s the week when the High-Stakes Practical Exam, which can lead to irreversible penalties regardless of scores in future lectures, is conducted.”

Some failing students couldn’t accept reality.

They could bask in glory if they just held on.

But here they were, dropouts.

Family support.

National support.

Organizational support.

Even if their affiliations differed, the burdens they carried were the same.

Someone’s expectations, hopes, and dreams.

To those who betrayed all of that, the only returns are immense disappointment, brutal reproach, and staggering debts.

“Arcadia and Jezel are both so focused on the lower class, now I’m worried too.”

With time left after finishing lectures, today, Yui decided to take a stroll through the lower class to scout potential bomb candidates.


A Tier 2 supporting character by Oknodie standards.

The NTR heroine Yui.

She used her cunning words to pass the retake exam in the lower class, where she was supposed to roast Rockbell.

She successfully set foot in the academy.

However, the humiliations of the past were not so easily erased.

“Dorothy. Rockbell. Everything you enjoy should have been mine…!”

Yui bit into a hard black bread with a dagger, soaking it in water as she chewed.

Her ferocious eating made passing lower-class students gasp and retreat in horror.

“Isn’t that the charity food for bankrupts sold in packs of five for 1 point?”

“I’ve never seen anyone eat that… What on Earth did Yui do to go bankrupt and suffer like this?”

“Yui actually has a lot of points.”

At that moment, a student who had been seated at another table in the snack bar revealed a shocking truth to the murmuring boys and girls.

“What?! Then why is she eating that tasteless black bread?”

“To save points, apparently.”

“Oh my God!”

“Not even human!”

“Why is she doing something a third year would!”

In a corner of the snack bar, a third-year student, worried about being embarrassed, cast an invisible magic to eat his black bread, glaring at the freshmen who were breaking into laughter at his situation.

Of course, the first years couldn’t see him, comfortably munching on their bread.

“Ugh. I feel suddenly weak.”

“Is it chilly today?”

“Must be because it’s spring. By March, it’ll be late spring.”

Go ahead and laugh. What do the gluttonous ones know who receive a reckless 5-point ration from their meals?

Yui cursed the classmates who pitied her inwardly.

There’s a saying that even dust can gather to form a mountain.

She had no intention of settling for this mediocre lower class for her school years.

No matter what, she would gather points to return to the upper class, where she rightfully belonged.

For that, she could sacrifice everything from sweet and sour pork, fried glass noodles, to crispy prawns from her school meal.

Chomp, chomp!

After a painfully drawn-out meal, Yui’s next destination was the training grounds, to prepare for this Friday’s high-stakes practical exam.

“Hey, Yui!”

“Surprised you can still show up every day despite being a high-ranking heir?”

“Hmph. There’s nothing more frustrating than failing due to lack of physical strength.”

Of course, she wouldn’t be using the inner training area of the training facility equipped with specialized training resources.

That would earn her points.

She used the outdoor training ground.

A free space accessible to anyone.

A shabby public facility only used by those who dislike being cramped, those who couldn’t get a spot, or bankrupt individuals out of points.

“Is Yui also wearing dolphin pants?”

Yui, sweating as she diligently ran the training ground, didn’t even register that the words were directed at her and kept running in silence.

“Excuse me? Hey there?!”

“Shut up! Don’t disturb others while they’re training. What’s with you? Why are you talking about dolphin pants?”

Yui’s eyes, which raged in anger, grew wider and wider until they doubled in size.


“It’s been a while. Do you remember me?”

“The mischievous brat with an innocent face who walloped me during the Entrance Exam!”

“…That mischievous brat is named Oknodie.”

“What do you care? Do you have any idea what trouble I am going through at the academy because of you?”

“What trouble have you faced?”

“Eating while tightening my belt, only using free training facilities, working hard while others enjoy their youth, laughing and having fun! Can you even imagine that feeling?!”

Second gate, Hunter’s Forest.

Third secondary assignment, Game of Tag.

Yui, who betrayed Dorothy and aimed to pass alongside Rockbell, lost massive points due to Oknodie’s intervention and let go of Rockbell too.

The competent man she thought she had seized returned to Dorothy’s side, and Dorothy welcomed him with open arms.

Alone now, Yui found herself encircled by several male students orbiting her like satellites around a wandering planet, but the boys who usually bothered her didn’t show their faces today.

They all knew.

How strong Oknodie was.

What awful rumors were circulating recently.

‘Could it be that they’re here to torment me?!’

What a nasty one.

A meticulous character who wouldn’t neglect to come back and trample on her even if her opponent was weak once they had become an enemy.

Imagining the torment from Oknodie made Yui shiver.

She slipped her hand into her pocket.

Debating how many to give, she thought that mischievous brat wouldn’t be satisfied with just that.

In a rush, she untied the strap around her waist and laid the entire contents of her pocket before Oknodie.

“Take this and go away!”

“Whoa, it’s caramel!”

Commonly used in the lower class, this was a type of similar point.

Used instead of points in gambling or small trades.

Yui had feared that she might be laughed at for giving this to a bankrupt, but thankfully, Oknodie seemed pleased and willingly took the bag of caramel.


“Why aren’t you leaving? You rotten caramel briber. You’re a top predator in the gambling ring. The moment you linger near me, I get scared and can’t train, so hurry up and disappear!”

On Oknodie’s innocent face, a puppy-like expression of “How could you say something so harsh?” appeared.

“Haha. Yui, you should be a little more honest with yourself.”

“Right? Right?”

Classmates passing by chimed in for Yui.

“Oh look, it’s the dolphin pant girls!”

“Long time no see! We often saw you during jogging, right? Even though Yui might sound blunt, her actions are kind. She was diligently collecting hundreds of those caramels to trade them for something. And Oknodie cutie took them all!”

“Exactly! Yui totally fits that image, right? A damsel, foolishly marrying some loose man after being deceived.”

“Self-sacrificing for the sake of others is great, but value your own life a little.”

“Right? You live like that, and a nice guy will get snatched away, and you’ll end up as a poor beta female, beaten up by a bad guy demanding all the caramels you earned yesterday?”

What a frustrating remark.

Who treated whom as the fool here?

These naive fools!

Despite Yui’s temper reaching its peak, she couldn’t unleash her rage in front of Oknodie.

Her face flushed red, and the dolled-up classmates merely took it as her shyness, giggling as they moved on to continue their exercise.

“What on earth is this… Is this what you wanted? To make a laughingstock of me among my peers?”

“I’m sorry! That wasn’t the intention. I just wanted to ask a question.”

“Ha. The arrogance of believing I would answer your questions willingly is so irritating, I could just shake you up by the cheeks. Just hurry up and say what you want to ask.”

The glances exchanged with classmates in the distance, who smiled and silently mouthed “damsel”, only fueled her frustration further.

Trying to suppress Yui’s cruel nature as an NTR girl seeking after someone else’s man, she soon felt no need to restrain her anger.

“Do you sell drugs?”

“Were you wanting something from me as a merchant? Hah. I have nothing to sell to you, but since I want you gone quickly, here’s your answer. Yes, I do sell.”

“Then how about unauthorized drugs with side effects causing chemical stacking with just one dose?”

When people hear a terrifying story, they’re often left in shock, their emotions dissolving like cotton candy in water.

The fear that filled her heart could be named as it surged.

‘How did you know? I haven’t told a soul or sold it until now.’

Information that shouldn’t be known, couldn’t be known.

Realizing the weight of that truth sent chills down her spine.

-I know what you can create.

-I have investigated everything about you.

Oknodie’s words carried that meaning.

“Did you make it?”

The question that carried a smile no longer sounded cheerful.

This was a warning.

“…Do you want me to make it?”

“Not really. Just don’t make it.”

Don’t even dare think about climbing to the upper class.

Don’t even think about crossing my gaze.

Live quietly, hiding in this lower class.

If you don’t, you’ll have to explain to many people why the successor to the upper class knows about a potion whose recipe is forbidden.

Her enrollment in the academy, even her very existence as “Yui,” would be at risk.

“Oh, and don’t make the chemical potion.”

Oknodie gave that warning.

“Because if you get caught, you’ll end up in prison!”