“Are you sleepy?”
“Not really… just feeling kind of lethargic…”
I’ve been feeling that way a lot lately.
It’s not like I’m super tired, but there’s just something off.
With the recent operation and spending time giving Dolores dating advice, it probably played a part.
It felt ambiguous.
A strange feeling of uncertainty…?
“I feel like I’ve been tired lately. Did I have too much work?”
“I don’t think so…”
I really didn’t know.
I felt so lethargic lately that I couldn’t focus on work.
“I’m hungry.”
“You ate breakfast, though?”
“…a little.”
It’s not like I was starving… just slightly hungry.
It’s not like I’m a pig, and it’s only been two hours since breakfast.
Of course, I was a little hungry.
Not from an empty stomach… more like… I had a craving for something sweet.
“…Give me some candy.”
“Oh… okay.”
The Commander casually pulled out a piece of candy from his drawer.
He liked candy, so it only made sense there was some in there.
Various flavors, too.
“But now there shouldn’t be much work for a while. Shouldn’t it be fine?”
“That’s true.”
Anyway, the operation is done, and reports sent.
For the time being, there wouldn’t be as much work as before.
In fact, I thought we might have less work for a while.
Our area hasn’t had much pollution occurring anyway.
Really… it’s a relief.
Maybe that’s more of a thought because I’ve been feeling fatigued lately.
“…Why all of a sudden?”
Midori, who was working, came over and called me loudly.
What’s going on?
She looked like she had something to say.
If she were just calling me about work, she would have done it normally from her spot.
But she had a different vibe this time.
“I want to take a vacation!”
“…All of a sudden?”
“Oh, not tomorrow, but… I think in about a week?”
“Uh… I don’t have a problem with that… What’s going on?”
She wasn’t the type to take vacations often.
Sure, she took one occasionally, but coming in with such a bright expression to announce a planned vacation had to arouse curiosity.
“Huh? Just a date!”
“I ended up with a chance, so I figured I’d use the vacation I never took!”
“Would next Wednesday work for the vacation?”
Well, taking a vacation isn’t difficult.
We weren’t the type to restrict how people could take vacations.
But taking a vacation for a date?
I felt a little… jealous.
Of course, I’ve gone on dates and taken vacations with the Commander.
But it wasn’t overly envious, per se.
Since Midori and Nana didn’t seem to be officially dating yet.
“Oh, how’s it going?”
“Isn’t everything going well with Nana? You’ve been in communication a lot, and you seemed to be meeting more often.”
“Is that so~? I don’t really know… Hehe…”
She looked undeniably pleased.
It certainly didn’t seem bad.
Maybe they aren’t officially a couple yet, but it seemed like they were getting there.
“So, what’s been happening? You’ve been on your phone a lot. Can’t you share?”
“Um… is that okay…?”
“Go ahead. You don’t have much to do anyway.”
There wasn’t much on the to-do list aside from writing reports.
With the conversation moving in this direction, I was glad we had worked hard.
Otherwise, we wouldn’t be able to chat like this so casually.
…Though there’s also a chance we might’ve just done it anyway.
“Actually, last weekend, I went to Nana’s room and…”
Thus, Midori’s story began.
She quickly brought her chair from her desk and started talking.
And even Dolores brought her chair over.
In many ways… it felt like a workplace?
But there wasn’t any work, so…
There shouldn’t be a problem.
The Commander seemed to enjoy it more as time went on, too.
Midori’s story wasn’t as shocking as I thought.
She simply went to Nana’s house, watched a movie, and had snacks—just that.
But what’s more interesting…
“We also had drinks together… and I secretly touched her, and she didn’t seem to mind…”
“…That’s harassment.”
“N-No! She even said my big hands made her feel safe and things like…”
Dolores was definitely entertaining.
It seemed a bit risky, but it was definitely amusing.
“And she kept smiling and being cute with me…”
“She was just drunk…”
“Plus, she said she liked being with me…”
I felt bad for Dolores, but I began to grasp why being a lifetime single isn’t popular.
Even though I’m a woman now, some awkwardness showed…
Sorry but it couldn’t be helped.
It seemed like she read too much into every little thing.
“Then what else happened?”
“Huh? Oh… I saw she looked sleepy, so I helped her to the room, and then on the sofa…”
Was she really being proactive?
Or was she not?
The imagination was too bold, yet she was passive where she should’ve made a move.
Why was she dozing off on the sofa when everything was set?
Especially at a man’s house.
It wasn’t like it was another situation; the man was tipsy and told her to come on in, and she ate snacks and drank with him.
She hadn’t resisted much when it came to skinship either.
“Dolores, next time, I think you should be more… proactive.”
“Huh? Proactive in what?”
“…Just go for it. I mean, you guys have already shared a bed. Didn’t you say you purposefully wore only your underwear before?”
“Then why didn’t you do anything this time and just ended up on the sofa?”
I honestly couldn’t understand.
If it were me, I would have gone right into the bedroom and tried something with the Commander.
…Well, you know what I mean.
Honestly, it seemed Dolores was missing out by being so passive.
“Commander, if you were in a similar situation with Dolores, you’d probably go for it.”
“…Even so, I wouldn’t just assault someone trying to sleep.”
“Yet you do have some skinship when I’m sleeping.”
“Well… that’s true.”
It’s strange that he wouldn’t do even a little something when the situation was set.
Especially since there was mutual interest, drinks, and no rejection to physical contact…
“Next time just go for it. Got it?”
“After all, she’s weaker than you, right? Just this once…”
“W-What should I do…?”
“…Do it. Really.”
“Uh, oh no…!”
It was a surprisingly good plan.
Honestly, it looked like for Dolores’s situation right now, her making the first move was the only solution.
From what I saw, the guy looked pretty shy, shorter than Dolores, and wouldn’t seem the type to make a move first.
He even panicked and apologized the last time they slept in the same bed.
Clearly, it made more sense for Dolores to take the initiative.
Besides, I didn’t think she’d lose physically or in any aspect.
Just holding back could be a bit…
This could get a little… too indulgent.
“Anyway, that’s what I think. If you keep holding back, that’ll just lead to…”
“…Am I really that cautious?”
“Yes. Just waiting and holding back doesn’t seem good.”
“…I understand!”
“Next time, try a bit more skinship. Consider the other person’s response. Not just holding hands; try other things, too.”
Dolores nodded wildly in response to my words.
But… would she really go for it?
Though Dolores usually had good sense, I was a bit worried.
Doing something too extreme can be risky in life.
“…For sure, make sure to get consent. If not, it could turn serious.”
I guess it should work out well.
Yeah, probably… It’ll be fine.