Chapter 654

Splash! The mullet jumps, so the mudfish jumps too!”


“What is it? Do it again, again.”

Fan meeting content, this is not easy at all.

“Let’s express it with our body along with Love.”

I placed both hands on the ground and jumped up and down vigorously, boing boing.

Kangaroo? Sardine? Earthworm? It wiggles when stepped on? Rabbit?

Hmm! Kuaaaaah! Quack!

“What is it this time, is it a monster? Is it dead? What’s on its head? A hat? A crown?”

Hmm hmm!

This time, I crawled gently on the floor, slithering.

Facial expressions are also important.

I bared my fangs and performed the act of a proud and relaxed predator at the top of the food chain.

Cat? Dog? Fox? Meerkat? Hamster? Capybara?


Hiss? Neutering? Don’t tell me it’s a tiger?”

Hmm hmm hmm!

“No way is this a tiger…! Ah, correct! The rabbit reigns supreme in a domain without tigers.”

“That’s your answer! You got 5 correct in 1 minute and 30 seconds!”

Sigh… How is this a cat? Anyone can see it’s a tiger, Mr. Kim Love!”

– “Has Kim Love gone insane with neutering? 😂”

– “Sorry, but that didn’t look anything like a tiger!”

– “Na-me na-me should just stick to cats.”

– “(Na-me acting cute Bunny Bunny.mp4) waiting for slander.”

– “Na-me is just too pretty and cute. How did Love endure that?”

– “Anyway, since Na-me put on noise-canceling headphones, why aren’t they speaking properly? 😂”

– “Look at NoName’s red ears! 😂”

– “Still, they really worked hard to give fans presents! 😂”

The promised 1-hour content had come to an end.

Having answered 5 correctly in “Express it with our Body,” QBS decided to gift 5 audience members with home appliances.

Regaining my composure, I sat down to continue the talk show.

“Actually, many fans have been looking forward to Na-me’s two consecutive national exchange tournament victories. I’m curious if there’s a particular reason you didn’t participate this year.”

“I wouldn’t say I didn’t participate; rather, I think it was unusual that I could participate last year. The Sephiron Academy actively recommended it too.”

Thinking about it, Principal Gu On-yu was scheduled for honorary retirement this month.

As she listened to the students’ opinions, it seemed her friends were feeling quite disappointed.

“Excuse? Are you saying you didn’t participate in the national exchange tournament? Or you couldn’t?”

“Oh no, that’s not it. I was leaning towards not participating due to being busy with work, so it relieved me of the burden of having to think about it.”

Heh heh… I understand for now?”

The anchor, Kim Jae-sung, nodded in a somewhat unsatisfied manner.

Last year there were 9 applicants, and this year it has expanded significantly to 25.

Among the 3 selected for the national team, 2 were previous MVPs from the academy competition.

As the gap between the players widens each time, it seems everyone will pass the qualifiers without any issues.

“Lastly, could you give a word of encouragement as the champion of the national exchange tournament?”

“Right here? Hmm, hello! This is Na-me! To the seniors participating in the 2054 Texas National Exchange Tournament, if you block well, dodge well, and hit well, you will all achieve good results. Fighting fighting!”

Hahaha, thank you for the clever encouragement!”

Suddenly, the speed of the chat accelerated drastically.

Messages were being blocked by bots, dozens and hundreds of them.

What do you mean Na-me didn’t participate…?

“Could it mean they weren’t even on the recommendation list?”

“No no, I just heard Na-me was too busy to apply.”

“Even if they said they aren’t participating, wouldn’t it be right to persuade as much as possible?”

“Seriously, a national exchange champion. They’ll be even stronger this year.”

“Why do I feel so uneasy? 😂”

“Is the association not handling things properly? What does it mean that Na-me isn’t participating?”

Kim Jae-sung gave me a signal.

I grabbed the microphone and took three steps forward.

“Did everyone enjoy themselves today?”


“Wow. Everyone still seems so energetic. We’re approaching the time to say goodbye.”


It was a blend of reluctant sighs.

“I was really happy to receive so much support from everyone today. I think it was even more meaningful as I fulfilled my promise from before. It was a promise to meet fans in such a vast stadium! Thank you for your love! I love you!”

ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Na-me loves us!”

“Is NoName’s popularity real? The 100,000 fan meeting is legendary…”

“Again, I couldn’t participate! ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

“Why aren’t they broadcasting the opening concert onlin?”

“It’s not an official concert, just a fill-in.”

“Honestly, I think NoName has outshined Ham Cho-rong by now. 😂”

“Does Ham Cho-rong’s very existence shake the market? NoName shakes Kospi and Nasdaq.”

“Will they have to stream their personal broadcast after this?”

“If Na-me doesn’t stream, that’s treason!”

“After the fan meeting, I’ll do my personal broadcast. But can I ask one thing first?”

I paused momentarily.

Once the audience’s attention was focused on me, I continued speaking.

“Love unni only received a prize of 1 billion won this time. But she needs to give 2 billion for the coaching fees. So I wanted to ask everyone beforehand if it’s okay to help Love unni’s situation with the fan meeting ticket revenue today. Is that alright?”

An ununified voice murmured in response, but I could faintly see nods of agreement, so that was good enough.

Anchor Kim Jae-sung briefly turned off the microphone and approached us.

“Love unni, why did you only receive 1 billion won even though you placed 3rd? And what do you mean that you have to pay the coaching fees?”

“It’s a bit complicated… There are also breach penalty issues involved, and the Robinson squad was personally hired by our family.”

“I see, I had no idea. I hope it gets sorted out, and I’ll reach out to see what solutions I can find.”

“Oh, you don’t have to go that far… Thank you so much, caster.”

“Magic battles are one of my precious sources of income. I must protect them with all my might! It’s a job I must do!”

With the support from caster Kim Jae-sung, the fan meeting at Hwaseong Olympic Stadium appeared to be coming to an end.

I spun around the stadium with Love, receiving applause from the audience as we exited.

Thinking the fan meeting was entirely over would be a mistake.

I reminded the staff and security to stay vigilant until the very end.

[Group chat (86) – Hwaseong Olympic Stadium Fan Meeting]

[NoName: Please exit orderly, everyone in the audience! There are a lot of people, so please pay special attention to safety.]

[NoName: And if there are any youths or elderly visiting alone, please actively help them find their families safely.]

[Shin Jin-ho: Yes, Wizard! ^^7]

I had done all I could for this turn.

Now, I could only wait to see how the Korean Wizard Association would respond.


With the advancement of technology, the nature of jobs also inevitably changes.

Ever since the emergence of the Internet, journalists who once roamed outside have entered indoors, and with the advent of AI reporters, they have been pushed back outside again.

It was now an era where only reporters who conduct direct coverage could survive.

On a peaceful weekend afternoon, it was the time when the canvas painted with the sunset turned into a deep blue ink.

A man who got off a taxi moved quickly towards the building.

At that moment.

“Chairman of the Association, what do you think about the revelations from Na-me and Kim Love?”

“Where did all of Kim Love’s prize money of 17 billion won go? Why were only 1 billion won settled?”

“Oh dear, you’ve come all the way here? You’re all working hard on a cold day. I will prepare our association’s position statement and press release on that matter, and I will distribute it later today.”

“Why did you transfer coach Yeom Jong-kwan’s penalty to Kim Love? Is it true that Kim Love bore all the expenses of the Robinson squad?”

“Those contractual issues will be thoroughly investigated by the fact-finding committee. Anyway, I’m going in.”

The president of the Korean Wizard Association, currently the president of Ho-sam ECC, Park Se-rip.

He successfully entered the building steadfastly, while the reporters cursed in frustration.

That night at midnight.

A total of 6 pages of the position statement was published.

[‘Penalty Collecting Na-me’ donated 10,000 won!]

– “The association’s position statement is up! Please stop now…!”

“Let’s see what’s inside.”

At the same time, Na-me paused her duel video and opened the internet search browser.


[Just Chatting – Hehe, a wizard? What is a wizard? A wizard controls the wind…]

[Broadcasting Time – 2:55:49]

[Number of Viewers – 498,114]

A lengthy 3-hour-long recap broadcast of Na-me’s magic battle.

During the process, there was no communication with the viewers at all. There wasn’t even a greeting at the beginning of the broadcast. It was a one-sided communication.

The viewers had no clue why they had to listen for 15 minutes about “why the opponent’s bluffing attack should be dodged with a side step.”

Na-me glanced over the position statement and frowned.

“So, because of previous executives’ lax management leading to severe deficits, now these clauses are blah blah… What’s this at the end? If my prize are distributed normally at a 7:3 ratio with the association, they will take care of Love unni’s penalty and the coaching fees?”

It was a message implying that if Na-me willingly returned the 17 billion won, they would give her back 5 billion won.

In particular, Na-me narrowed her eyes at the part where they referred to her prize money as an abnormal receipt.

“What an interesting idea.”

Na-me merely considered it interesting.

“I’ve got to do something. I’m feeling bad. I’m adding an extra 1-hour lecture as a penalty.”

– “Kuaaah! Why are we being punished!!!”

– “Please, just stop it already.”

– “Na-me is the best! Na-me forever! I love NoName!”

– “I’ve waited 3 hours; how can I run away? ㅠㅠㅠ