Chapter 240

Finally, it’s Na-eun’s turn.

[Do-hee: Unnie, aren’t you feeling pressured?]

[Seo-yoon: Right? Chiyo really set the bar too high.]

[Chiyo, who made everyone laugh way too much up front]

[Chiyo: My score…]

—ㅋㅋㅋㅋ You guys are having too much fun, ㅠㅠ

Woo-ah, who was sitting in front of the karaoke machine to press the button, turned around and pointed to the living room stage.

[Woo-ah: But seriously, that spot is way more nerve-wracking than I thought.]

[Seo-yoon: Agreed, it reminds me of the vibe during the job audition back then.]

—What kind of job audition feels like this kind of party? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

—ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I’d love to hear some job audition stories too.

[Na-eun: …Ha-ah.]

[Do-hee: Can we get your self-introduction, please?]

[The weight of the universe is gathering]

—It feels like I’m presenting a project… I’m getting queasy watching.

Resolute, Na-eun thrust her hand forward with vigor.

[Na-eun: Hello, I am…! Magical Girl Na-eun!]

And in came the running whimsical pink subtitle and transformation background music!

[CHANGE UP!!! With the courage and wisdom to pierce through the darkness that obstructs us! Na-eun THE BRAVE!]

—What is this subtitle? ㅋㅋㅋ Turn off the background music, damn it ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

—Ah… the unavoidable rookie black history.

—The second-hand embarrassment is real ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

As expected, gasps and sighs erupted all around Na-eun, who was bashfully covering her face.

[Woo-ah: Ah…]

[Seo-yoon: Being confident is key…]

[Chiyo: Huuh…]

Yet among them, there was one person who was cheering fervently with all her might.

[Do-hee: Our unnie is so cute! The best! Fighting!]

Though it was a commendable sight of the youngest encouraging her sister…

[Do-hee, reflecting her past through her sister…]

The magical girl’s background music turned sentimental.

—Akk ㅋㅋㅋㅋ…

—If she’s still the cute youngest, then maybe it’s fine to see…?

???: Unnies! (throwing hearts) Please pick the youngest, Do-hee!

└Definitely a confirmed center with that aegyo!

—If you could just do aegyo again sometime, I couldn’t ask for more…

In fact, this was Do-hee’s strategy to recruit Na-eun as an ally before the next stage, but for now, it just looked like she was projecting her really embarrassing past onto her sister.

[Na-eun: Then I will!]

Anyway, Na-eun looked at Do-hee and, fueled by her support, finally shouted with one arm making a fighting gesture.

[Na-eun’s chosen number 0113 Debonaire debut day]

—Gab-dol and Gab-soon ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[Seo-yoon: Ah, this is definitely a song everyone knows.]

[Do-hee: This is something even Japanese people know.]

[Chiyo, suddenly becoming a stateless refugee]

[Chiyo: Huh…?]

—Chi-nammin ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[Woo-ah: I did this for my kindergarten talent show.]

[Do-hee: Really?]

[Woo-ah: Yeah, with a hanbok and yeonji-gonji. I think there’s a video too? I’ll find it and show you later.]

Is there a video of this? I’ll look for it later and show you.]

[Sharing it]

─ Please show us too!

─ Do-hee, don’t keep the good stuff to yourself!!!

And finally, Na-eun’s solo stage began.

[Our daughter’s talent showㅠㅠㅠㅠ]

[Who could this bride’s groom be?]

[I want to spend a hundred years with Lady Na-eun]

As the subtitles showed, a beautiful and graceful folk song unfolded.

[Na-eun: Gap-dori and Gap-soon lived in the same village~]

The reactions from the musicians and some audience members echoed with lively interjections.

[Do-hee: Eolssu (clinking utensils) Jihwaja, it’s so good~]

[Seo-yoon: It’s good, it’s good! Deung-gi-deok, kung-deureureo~]

─ Hahaha, what is this duo combo?

─ For real, the Ddangji-seu are true sisters, LOL.

But there was Chiyo, who refused to lose in moments like these.

Chiyo once again displayed her grandma vibe from earlier.

[Chiyo: Um-ma? Seakshi, isn’t it lovely~?]

[Chiyo Grandma]

─ What the heck, Chiyo Grandma—stop giving my baby weird nicknames!

─ The nickname Kimchi Sushi suits her more and more, LOL.

─ Jisoo is gonna lose it, for real, hahahaha.

─ Oh my gosh, where did she learn to talk like thatㅠㅠㅠ.

Woo-ah, who’s always sharp with her observations, wasn’t left out either.

[Woo-ah: I’m going to be Gap-dori~]

─ Woo-ah proposing to her sister, whoa!

─ Why am I feeling fluttery?

Naturally, Na-eun’s high score received rave reviews from all the members.


[Chiyo: Ayohyo…]

[Shopping Victory]

With Na-eun’s score announced, Chiyo was definitely facing a penalty, whether it was 4th or 5th place.

And after a sigh, the last contestant stepped onto the stage.

[An Expert in This Field]

─ Hahaha, Rahee Show!

─ But seriously, her walk really gives off an expert vibe.

└ That model aura from her distinct proportions and face, for real.

[Seo-yoon: Who are you and where did you come from?]

Now that viewers’ expectations were high.

As expected, instead of a plain introduction, Do-hee started a concept.

[Do-hee: Hello, I’m Jospehine from America.]

[Following Gap-soon, Jospehine takes the stage for the international debonaire shopping event]

─ LOL, is Josephine Do-hee her new character?

─ So cute, LOL.

Inevitably, the members began to interrupt her.

[Seo-yoon: Wasn’t it Rahee?]

[Woo-ah: Why Josephine of all names?]

[Chiyo: Anyone can see you are Do-hee.]

[Despite the withdrawal of the team owner, the prestigious Ddangji-seu continues its legacy]

─ Hahaha, the subtitles are going to burst!

─ By the way, Seo-yoon, LOL, RAHEE on the broadcast is just hilarious.

Even Na-eun, who hadn’t said a word until now, chimed in since she was done with her stage order.

[Na-eun: It looks like a bunny group~]

[The Ddangji-seu pursues a big fish Na-eun. The hidden dagger behind the sweet words is anticipated.]

Ddangji-seu, FA has recruited Na-eun. I can’t wait for the hidden daggers behind the sweet words!

But still, it’s a kind and lovely tone.

And this field expert wasn’t going to shrink in front of that.

[Yosephine (Do-hee): My family usually calls me Yosephina, so you can call me that too.]

[Your princess!]

Do-hee is moving forward bravely.

[Yosephina (Do-hee): Then, I, Yosephina…]

─I think the first-person speech is a bit self-loving, which is cute, hahaha!

[What is Princess Yosephine’s choice?]

[Do-hee: I’ll go with 8282.]

[A rather rustic choice of numbers by the princess]

─Ah, rustic for sure, hahaha!

The new Ddangji-seu (just the members) have started their work.

[Seo-yoon: What does that mean?]

[Woo-ah: Is it ‘hurry hurry’?]

[Na-eun: 8282? An American…?]

Of course, at this moment, there was a member who had become a perfect audience.

[Chiyo: Oh dear…]

[Realization of Jiwoo’s tragedy after figuring out they’re going grocery shopping anyway]

─Haha, Chiyo looks like she lost everything!

─What’s the big deal about grocery shopping, hahaha?

Anyway, Do-hee is talking back to avoid losing.

[Yosephine: Originally, people from our hometown like to do everything quickly.]

[Seo-yoon: Huh? Our hometown too…]

[The two discovering an amazing commonality]

─Well, you guys are both Korean, so that makes sense, right?

─What a shocking commonality, hahaha!

[Do-hee: Oh wow, you’re from America too…? (No way)]

[Seo-yoon: Ah, nice to meet you. I’m Britney.]

[Do-hee: AH, Britney! (Excited)]

[A compatriot found in a distant land]

─That’s awesome, hahaha!

─Yosephina and Britney, the ‘Yobduo,’ funny!

[Woo-ah: This is strange… Our hometown also does everything quickly.]

[Do-hee: No way… you too?]

[Endlessly producing American citizens]

─Jokes are flowing every 5 seconds, hahaha!

─What is this group doing, seriously?

[Woo-ah: Please call me G.Elegance.]

[Do-hee: Ooh, Ji-re-gance!]

─Jiwoo=G.Elegance, hahaha!

─Woo-ah responding half-heartedly because of laziness, hilarious!

─What kind of name is Ji-re-gance, seriously, Dorahee? Hahaha!

[Seo-yoon: Hey, this person seems to be from our hometown too.]

[Chiyo: Yes, I’m… Jiminy. Watashi Jiminy.]

[Mr. Jiminy who has lost his spirit]

[Do-hee: Oh! Jiminy!]

─Watashi Jiminy, hahaha!

─Are they Korean, Japanese, or American? Hahaha!

Anyway, the random skit and the members’ casual responses led to Na-eun as well.

[Do-hee: What? NA.silver…?]

─Na-eun, this is a bit much…

Finally, the karaoke machine had 8282 entered.

─Oh, Metallica?

[Do-hee: Heavy Metal…]

Do-hee quickly moves forward to enlarge the sheet music.

[The shameless princess breaking the rules casually]

─ Hahaha, so natural.

─ It’s even funnier that no one is stopping her, lol.

But the continuous interlude does not end.

About 30 seconds in.

Do-hee, standing blankly, feels puzzled as she looks at the sheet music.

[Do-hee: …No, when does this song start?]

[The crisis that greeted her from the start]

[Seo-yoon: Ah~ The judges are getting bored.]

[Woo-ah: When does it begin?]

[Infinite Interlude]

Do-hee looks around as if she needs to do something and spots a clothes rack nearby. She drags the long hanger over.

Then she leans the hanger at an angle and starts strumming the guitar calmly.

[Switching to guitarist mode]

A peaceful melody reminiscent of watching a sunset.

Neat (fake) accompaniment flows from her delicate fingers.

In that moment, Do-hee feels as if she’s the heroine in a movie, giving her heart to the fleeting, red sunset.

[The world in nostalgia, Josephine]

─ Why is it suddenly such a sentimental high teen vibe?

─ It’s hilarious with the hanger in this atmosphere.

─ The face and expression say it all, lol.

Finally, the notes marked on the sheet music appear.

Do-hee, who had been playing the guitar (hanger), sets it up and grabs the microphone.

[The lyrics that came out exactly 1 minute and 46 seconds in]

[I can’t remember anything Can’t tell if this is true or a dream]

[Pronunciation worthy of an American Josephine]

[Na-eun: Wow, you’re great!]

[Chiyo: Oh ho~]

[Seo-yoon: Josephine, do you know this song?]

─ Why is everything in tune and rhythm?

─ Seems like she didn’t know the song.

─ Truly a pianist who plays right off the sheet music, lol.

With her unexpected ability, just like the members on screen,

the audience couldn’t hide their admiration.


The song cuts off.

[Do-hee: that…?]

[Seo-yoon: Unfortunately, Josephine is done. Two minutes have already passed.]

[Do-hee: No, I didn’t even sing three lines!]

─ I want to hear more…

─ Hahaha, the interlude took up all the time.

[Josephine’s return concert will come back… someday]

Still, it was a satisfying stage for everyone.

Even Do-hee herself managed to escape shopping duties.

[Do-hee: Huh?]

[Woo-ah: Huh? Am I going shopping?]

[Just to remind you, we judges are very, very fair…]

As members going shopping next week and those cooking are previewed, Debonaire’s Self-Content episode 2 comes to a close.