Mollru, the streamer, was a total enigma of a human being.
From her origins alone, you could tell it was peculiar. What sparked her decision to start streaming?
Out of the blue, she was suspected of being a hacker. According to her own words, it made normal gameplay impossible.
Her teammates, worried about playing with a supposed hacker, kept dodging, which left her getting roasted by the opposing team even before the game started. Normal play? Yeah, good luck with that.
So, to sum it up, she was just playing a game, but since she couldn’t play anymore, she hit that broadcast button.
If you think about it, she could have filmed her gameplay and uploaded it to the community, or contacted the game company. But, hey, this was the quickest way. People generally believe only what they see, and even then, not entirely—which was the scary part about stereotypes.
That accidental broadcast turned into something more, and Mollru found it kind of fun from her first stream on. After that, she occasionally turned the stream back on. With every stream, her dedicated viewership grew, along with the pouring donations.
However, Mollru didn’t seem to care much about any of that. Unlike other streamers who stressed about numbers, she had a laid-back vibe about her streams. It felt like the broadcast itself wasn’t her priority.
Still, Mollru was stepping on the best paths available for a rookie streamer and expanding her broadcast scale.
She participated in EOW tournaments, made a name as an ultra-skilled female gamer—rare to see domestically—showing off her figure thanks to the tournament rules, and even led her team to victory…
By that time, it was hard to call Mollru a beginner anymore. The number of streamers beneath her was staggering.
Mollru, who brilliantly captured the hearts of newcomers, began to charm her audience in her own style.
Sometimes she’d whip out the booze and show some vulnerability on stream, or when people asked to see her face and chest, she’d hold up her hands as a substitute. Out of nowhere, she’d just take an unexpected break, showcasing a character that had never been seen in the streaming world before—no wonder her audience was bewildered!
Many events followed, mostly involving Mollru’s antics.
Discovering a Hidden Route in a specific game, promoting naengmyeon during a No Cam segment, crashing Switch parties while spreading rumors about her appearance, and randomly bringing a Virtual YouTuber plushie…
Mollru was a person with a solid center. She ran her broadcasts just as she pleased, never letting her viewers sway the control of her streams.
The height of her control came when she faced a debacle over her pro debut and revealed her face.
By the time that happened, viewers found themselves trapped in the alluring spell of this bizarre and beautiful streamer.
And that’s when the Switch’s biggest mischief-makers, the Molbu, came to life.
After revealing her face, it was as if Mollru had unleashed a limit that had her rampaging.
Suddenly she was commentating on the EOW Pro League, tossing herself into events against professionals. The scale had become so massive that her Molbu were left in a daze.
At least she had become more diligent to manage her schedule—though, that didn’t seem to last long.
Yep, Mollru was back to not streaming again. Since that infamous ‘controversy,’ her whereabouts had become a mystery.
Some speculated that she felt burdened by the forced sort-of coming out and had gone into hiding, while others thought she might be taking a leisurely break. Yet another posited that even at this moment, Mollru was likely expressing insidious desires targeting innocent women.
As always, it was impossible to know. Mollru was someone you simply couldn’t pin down.
[Galju, why are you in America?]
So, it wasn’t too surprising that Mollru, having disappeared from broadcasting for days without any notice, suddenly popped up in America.
“Hello! We have our field reporter, Jessie, on the line! I’m currently at the World in Switch event featuring streamers from around the globe! Wow, the excitement here is absolutely electric!”
A beautiful blonde woman held the microphone, beaming at the camera. The mic she was holding boldly displayed the Switch logo.
World in Switch. A special content gathering top-tier streamers handpicked from different countries. The category for this event was gaming.
A massive game center prepped by Switch was set up. Various games could be played on PCs and consoles in every booth. Here, streamers played games while Switch streamed their performances.
Among the games being played was an unreleased title and an unpublished version of a classic game.
Streamers chosen for this event had the chance to get hands-on with special games that regular gamers wouldn’t be able to touch.
“Alright, let’s go around and conduct interviews with everyone one by one! First, let’s head this way!”
The reporter, introducing herself as Jessie, strode purposefully. The camera followed her, live-streaming as she went.
The first famous streamer to appear on the Switch official channel was Ivan Nikolai Andreevich from Russia.
“Oh, I’ve found someone enjoying console gaming! Let’s interview him right away!”
A man of considerable size sat, oddly gripping a cute little controller while deeply engrossed in his game.
It was an exhilarating action game, surviving by mowing down hordes of zombies. However, perhaps due to the difficulty, Jessie got closer and he promptly experienced a game over.
“Hi there, can I take a moment for an interview?”
As she attempted to interview, it wasn’t a bad deal for Jessie.
“An interview? Sure, why not?”
“What game were you playing?”
“The game I was playing is…”
The language barrier was no issue at all. Jessie’s team had three interpreters fluent in multiple languages, making preparations meticulous for this international event.
“Great, Ivan. I hope you enjoy this event to the fullest!”
As Jessie left the gaming area behind, she moved on to interview several more.
A Taiwanese streamer playing a cute new game set to release later this year.
A German streamer playing an unpublished version of a vintage masterpiece that had been scrapped due to difficulty.
She was walking through the event, introducing the interior and conducting interviews simultaneously, but Jessie’s face turned oddly stiff.
‘Something feels off…’
Though she was portraying a field reporter for a news-like concept, Jessie was a staff member sent by Switch. Her role was to introduce the event to viewers and the streamers participating.
In her eyes, the broadcast felt rather dull. To put it bluntly, it was no-fun.
Being both a staff member and a viewer allowed her to see the situation in a more critical light.
As she wandered through the booths, searching for something that could capture viewers’ attention, someone caught her eye.
‘That person is…’
With tousled, dull blonde hair, dark eyebrows, and blue eyes. He had a neatly grown beard around his lip and jaw.
Seated in front of a rectangular arcade machine, he was intently maneuvering the joystick—this was someone Jessie recognized.
The number one streamer of American Switch. A walking corporation surpassing ten million followers.
Streamer George Victor. He was on-site at this event as well.
Jessie’s expression instantly brightened upon seeing Victor. Quite a bit of time had passed since they’d showcased the inside of the event.
The timing was perfect; if she interviewed Victor now, it would capture the interest of the bored viewers and draw some suitable agro.
With those calculations in mind, Jessie stealthily approached Victor. Being familiar with him as a Switch employee made her feel less pressure than when interviewing previous streamers.
“Victor. It’s me, Jessie. Is it alright if we have a quick interview?”
Before realizing Jessie had approached, Victor, engrossed in his game, blurted out an expletive and leapt from his seat.
Taken aback, Jessie flinched slightly and stepped back.
“Um… what’s going on, Victor? Is there a problem?”
She asked with a hint of concern, fearing something might have gone wrong with the event. Perhaps the arcade machine he was playing had broken or something?
However, Victor’s response exceeded her expectations.
“Oh, Jessie! Long time no see. Are you in the middle of an interview?”
“Yes… I am, but that just now—”
“Not a big deal. I just got a bit excited.”
Excited, huh? Jessie leaned forward to peek at the game Victor had been playing.
It was a fighting game—a classic 1v1 style where character selection led to intense psychological warfare and grappling maneuvers, a game entirely reliant on player control.
But what was there to be excited about? Victor’s earlier demeanor seemed too extreme to simply justify with being focused on the game.
Victor scratched his head, adding, “I met a player who really made my heart race.”
Jessie redirected her gaze to the arcade game Victor had been sitting at. A player, huh? Upon closer inspection, it appeared Victor was currently being thoroughly beaten.
Very badly, in fact. He was getting wrecked—like seriously, it wasn’t pretty.
A player that makes one’s heart race? Realizing the implications of that phrase, Jessie’s expression shifted.
‘There’s someone who beat Victor?’
America is vast. Like, really vast. And in that expansive land filled with talent, Victor had risen to prominence as the number one streamer on Switch due to many perfect factors.
His looks, charm, luck—many elements, skill included—were all in alignment.
However, he had grown bored easily, given that it was common for him to tire quickly of games.
But it didn’t mean he couldn’t competently master a game. In fact, he picked up proficiency in games far too quickly, leading to that boredom.
The devil’s talent. That was what they called George Victor’s gaming prowess.
Yet he had been overpowered by someone—someone who could easily bear the title of a player that makes his heart race.
‘The real scoop is right here.’
And that mysterious person was undoubtedly here too, right across from where Victor had been sitting.
The 1v1 fighting game had been designed for players to face one another across the arcade machine.
The identity of that opponent remained unseen, but it was clear they were present.
Who could it possibly be?
With a flutter of excitement in her heart, Jessie took hold of the mic and took a step forward.